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Widecombe Parish Council Minutes
These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council
PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.S.Booty, Mrs.Came, Mr.S.Morley, Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.Pascoe, Mr. Tame and Mrs Tempest.
IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr Jeffrey and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
2859 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st March 2007 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.
- Use of The Green for a Farmer’s Market: it was decided by a sub-committee meeting with Mr Holmes to put the idea for the time being on hold – no further action.
- Tree Inspection: completed and grant from DNPA received.
- May 2007 Local Elections: nominations now complete at 10. So unless there are any withdrawn there will be a WPC election on 3rd May 2007. Mr.Jeffrey pointed out that 36/58 (62%) Parish Councils in the Ward did not have enough members of the public standing for them to have an election. Widecombe has not had a Parish Council election for 16 years.
- Hastoe Housing Association: plan on building three more houses at Brook Lane: 2 x3bd room for rent and I x 2bd room for part-ownership. Members were invited to a meeting to view the plans at 12.30 pm on 10th April 2007.
- Rural Skip Service: it was agreed that TDC place a skip at the coach park on 7th July 2007 between 10.00 – 16.00 hrs.
- Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
- Grant of Planning for: Revised siting of agricultural dwelling at Great Cator Farm, Creation of new opening & track at The Goosehouse, Chair sculpture at Higher Natsworthy, Replacement of slating at Higher Tor Farm.
- 0227/07 Replacement slate roofing and window at Tor Cottage: No Objection
- 0161/07 Retention of timber cabin for use as staff accommodation at Foxworthy Decision of Council: No Comment.
- Enforcement Notice for low walls & raised flower bed at Lake Farm: Support DNPA’s notice of breach of planning.
- Enforcement Officer: to be contacted about other alleged breaches of planning in the Parish.
- TDC: Agendas and Minutes, LDF – core strategy Plan submission stage.
- DNPA: Minutes and Agendas, biodiversity newsletter
- DCC: Rural transport partnership
- DAPC: envelope of various items by E-mail and post, Grave Yard Safety: taken for PCC’s
- Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
- Highway Maintenance: map highlighted to show pot holes for DCC.
2864 DELEGATES REPORTS: the following reports were made
- Mrs. Tempest attended the Church House Management Committee
- Also attended the AGM of the Education Foundation Trust Meeting
- Mr. Newbolt-Young , together with three other Parish Councillors, attended a children’s presentation of the future of Widecombe at the Primary School .
- Mr.Tame reported on the completion of the tree works on The Green
- The Clerk presented the contents of a newspaper article on the Appeal Courts decision to up hold centuries old traditions of use of village greens against a claim for damages of £150,000. This was good for use of The Green at Widecombe.
- Mr.Nosworthy reported on too much litter across the moors. Mr.Jeffrey agreed to raise this with the DNPA.
- Mrs.Came, having attended a Dartmoor Access Forum meeting asked that the Council write to the Military to support the good work done with training on the moors.
- It was agreed to do a Village Walk-about before the next WPC meeting in May
- Balance Carried forward deposit account £5,392.84
- Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for March £280.01
- Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £459.97
- DAPC annual subs 2007/8 £90.00
- Insurance Renewal schedule approved by Council £212.50
- Income: DNPA Tree Inspection grant £301.13
- Income: Western Power Distribution Wayleave £3.48
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.
The information on this page was last modified on May 30 2024 10:03:58.