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Widecombe Parish Council Minutes
These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 7th June 2007
PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Searle, Mr.Smerdon & Mr.Tame (Vice Chair) & Mrs. Tempest
IN ATTENDANCE: Three members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
2875 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th May 2007 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.
- Proposed Airwave Installation at Copse – Coombe: the Clerk read the letter of reply from LCC that claimed, with supportive documentation from the World Health Organisation, that there were no health risks to the public and children at the school. The Council has shown concern about the fact that the proposed mast site is only 500 metres from both the school and the pre-school. After discussion it was decided that when the Planning Application was made to DNPA, the public should be made aware, through the Parish Link, that they have a right to either support or oppose the Planning application. The Clerk was asked to place this information, together with the Application Number and address in the next months Link and encourage the public to attend the July meeting of the Council.
- Model Code of Conduct: the Clerk distributed the documents concerning the Government Act 2007 Model Code of Conduct and explained how it effects Parish Councils and what the Members have to do before 1st October. It was decided that Members should be given one month to read the papers and that a decision to adopt the Model Code would be taken at the next meeting.
- Raymond Amusements: the Clerk has received a copy of their insurance cover for Fair Day 2007.
- Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
- Grant of Planning for: minor amendments at Shortcross and Replacement roofin and window at Tor Cottage.
- Appeal Decision: for satellite dishes at Lower Cator Farm (Listed) – Appeal Dismissed
- Short Cross: To fell a mature Lawson Cypress Decision to support.
- 0400/07 Replacement garage, extension and alteration of house at Dipleigh: No Objection.
- 0391/07 Hard tennis court and fence at Cator Court. Decision of Council: ditto
- TDC: Agendas and Minutes, TALC rep, Rural Aid Scheme 07/08, LDF timetable.
- DNPA: Minutes and Agendas, Parish Members Voting slip and toilet cleaning grants.
- DCC: Care Services external provisions, rural transport partnership news letter.
- DAPC: None
- Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
- Highway Maintenance: map highlighted to show pot holes and various items identified by Members in the walk-about for DCC.
- Grit Bags need collecting: DCC to be informed.
- Request to add ‘Please drive slowly through the Village’ on the two ‘Welcome to Widecombe’ signs.
- Concern over illegal car parking on the green on market days. No further action
- Trevor Eveleigh (Post Office): agreed to be main communication officer for members of the public wishing to convey a message to the Parish Council meeting.
- Inconsistency in Planning Decisions: a member informed the meeting that at certain times it seems impossible to satisfy the demands of Planning Officers. It was suggested that the Chief Planning Officer be contacted.
- Balance Carried forward deposit account £5,437.84
- Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for May £287.94
- Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £1,363.18
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.
The information on this page was last modified on May 30 2024 10:03:58.