Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council  held on Thursday 1 September 2016 in Church House, Widecombe
Present:  Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Fenton, Morley, Routley, Southcombe, Tempest & Welby
Also present:  County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffrey
Members of the Public: There were no members of the public present.
Clerk:  Suzanna Hughes
•  Cllr R Whale
There were no members of the public present.
Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and to declare any disclosable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they have in any items to be considered at this meeting.  Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting.
• Cllr Tempest declared an interest in item 4036 (a)(ii)
• Cllr Fenton declared an interest in item 4035 (d)
• Cllr Southcombe declared an interest in item 4035 (d) 
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 July 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record. 
No report. 
Cllr Routley informed members that about three weeks ago, the collection box at Dartmeet had been broken in to.
Cllr Gribble had nothing to report but reminded members that Devon will be hosting a stage of the event on Friday 9 September finishing at Haytor.
Cllr Fenton reminded members that the period of consultation had opened with regard to the closure of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Community Hospital.  A series of public meetings have been arranged including one in Widecombe on 12 October in Church House.  There is a local campaign running and a leaflet produced which is hoped will be delivered to every household in the parish.    The Parish Council agreed to support this campaign and members agreed to help distribute the leaflets where possible.  Cllr Fenton advised that should the Ashburton hospital close, Widecombe residents would have to go to Totnes. 
Cllr Jeffery had nothing to report. 
No reports. 
(a) Annual Walkabout
The clerk advised that the work in the Parish Field which had been identified on the walkabout had now been completed.  This consisted of replacing the gate post, removing and clearing four fallen trees and renewing the damaged stock fencing, making it stockproof and replacing five rotten posts with chestnut stakes.  
Cllrs Southcombe and Welby had met with the Brian Beasley, DNPA, regarding the trees on the green and in the sportsfield.  With regard to the group of trees on the sportsfield, he advised that DNPA will trim the oak tree which is growing amongst the lights but they will not take down the sycamore.  They have also agreed to coppice the road hedge but no timescale was given.  With regard to the trees on the green, Mr Beasley advised that the Parish Council could raise the canopy by lightly trimming back the lower branches by up to half a metre to let more light in without requiring planning consent.  However, he feels that the trees are very much part of the green and would therefore not wish to see any of them removed.  He also advised that the youngest tree is a replacement for the large one with the seat round although this is perfectly healthy at the moment.
TDC has been contacted about the fence at the bottom of the car park which still needs repairing to prevent sheep are escaping from the adjacent field.  An officer has looked at it and quotations are now being sought.  No further action has appeared to have been taken and the clerk would follow this up. 
(b) Rural Skip
Members were happy with the proposed date of Saturday 8th October for the Rural Skip Service which would be sited in the coach park between 10am-4pm.
(c) Defibrillator 
  Following some further research into appropriate and affordable defibrillators, it was agreed to purchase a device and cabinet from Teign Heartbeat for £1,229 + VAT. There may be some additional accessories required such as a spare set of pads and information plaques which may increase this cost slightly.  These additional costs were agreed.  Cllr Gribble offered £500 from his locality budget and Cllr Jeffrey had already granted £300.  The shortfall would be made up from Parish Council funds.  Other matters to be arranged include formal permission from TDC to use the bus shelter to mount the cabinet and connection to an electricity supply from TDC’s toilets. 
(d) Grant application
Members received and considered a grant application from St Pancras PCC towards the cost of maintaining the churchyard which costs £850 per year.  It was agreed to grant a sum of £200 [s137 LGA 1972] - cheque no 929.  
(e) Widecombe Fair 
Cllr Welby informed members that after consideration Widecombe Fair Committee has agreed that it does not have the manpower to organise and run the Fair on the village green (currently undertaken by Raymond Amusements).   A discussion ensued about whether the opportunity to run this part of Widecombe Fair should go out to tender.  It was agreed that the clerk undertakes some research into other local fairs and how they operate for further discussion at the next meeting.
Straying Sheep
  Continued concern was raised about sheep straying off the common and into the churchyard.  It was agreed to write again to the Dartmoor Commoners Council to find out whether a meeting had been arranged yet, as previously suggested, to address the problem. 
(a)  New applications:
(i) 0456/15 - Replace roof with slate to outbuildings, extension to garage and store; timber   cladding to store at The Old School House, Lower Dunstone, Widecombe-in-the-Moor  Members had no objections to this application. 
(ii) 0440/16 - Installation of external boiler flue and internal alterations at Little Cresson Hayes,
Lower Town, Poundsgate
   Members agreed to support this application. 
(iii) 0436/16 - First floor extension over single storey section of property and single storey rear  extension at Bridge View, Ponsworthy, Ashburton 
   Members had no objections to this application.
0407/16 - Erection of agricultural building (18.3m x 12.2m) with hardstanding at Hele Farm,
North Bovey 
   No comments were made as this is outside the parish. 
(iv) 0374/16 - Erection of garden room to provide ancillary accommodation at Grendon Lodge, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
   It was noted that this application has been withdrawn, 
(v) 0386/16 - To install a CCTV unit and associated utility services to allow number plate recognition of offending large vehicles crossing Newbridge at Newbridge Holne car park, Holne  Members agreed to support this application. 
(vi) 0412/16 – Erection of single storey side extension at Jordan Barn, Widecombe-in-t-Moor 
   It was noted that this application has been withdrawn.   
(vii) Appeal against the refusal of full planning permission for siting of a mobile home for temporary agricultural dwelling  at Blackdown Piper Farm, Widecombe (Appeal ref:  J9497/W/16/3154083 
The clerk advised that a copy of any representations which this Council has already made have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.  Members did not wish to make any additional comments. 
10.2  Decisions:
(i) 0288/16 - Change of use to residential dwelling at Coach House, Pitt Park, Widecombe
Members noted that DNPA has issued a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development
(ii) 0349/16 – Two-storey glazed bay extension, Wind Tor, Lady Meadow Terrace, Widecombein-the-Moor
  Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission.            
(iii) 0341/16 – Decking to south elevation of house, Rogues Roost Cottage, Poundsgate   
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission. 
(b)  Decisions:
(I)  0229/16 - Single-storey garden room extension at Drywell Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has refused to grant planning permission 
   (a)  Payments for approval:
    The following payments were approved:  
 Cheque no 000925 - Clerk’s salary and disbursements (September) - £224.37
 Cheque no 000926 - Matt Storrs ( Work in Parish Field) - £325
 Cheque no 000927 - Information Commissioner’s Office (Data Protection Licence renewal) - £35.00
 Cheque no 000928 - G Partridge (strimming around the village) - £300.00 
Cllr Fenton advised that the stone wall abutting Century Hill is in a poor condition and is in need of repair. Thought to be the responsibility of the landowner, it was agreed to DCC so this could be pursued. 
Cllr Routley expressed concern about the increasing number of car parking at Dartmeet Hill.  She believes that the double yellow lines at Deeper Marsh have forced vehicles to park elsewhere.  It was agreed that the Council should keep an eye on the situation particularly if it started to prevent emergency vehicles from passing. 
(i) Cllr Morley informed members that he had been passed a £50 donation for the Parish Council in connection with the Devon Classic bike ride. 
(ii) Cllr Fenton commented that on reading the DNPA Forum notes which had been circulated by email,               he was shocked to note that all DNPA members are appointed rather than elected.  After a brief  discussion, it was agreed that he writes to DNPA, on behalf of the Parish Council, to express concern about the process of appointing members rather than them being elected.
Cllr Fenton gave a brief update about the ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ project.  He advised that an invitation to tender had been put together to create a scheme for the village to provide information for visitors (leaflets, information boards etc).  However, DNPA is not happy about information boards being erected in the village so alternative ways of sharing information would also have to be considered. 
The Chairman advised that Widecombe Fair field has been identified as a potential site for the Devon Air Ambulance to use a landing spot at night.  This was currently being discussed with the Chair of the Widecombe Fair Committee.   
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.57pm.
Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….

                                     The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 6 October 2016 at 7.30pm