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The Widecombe-in-the-Moor Website

Welcome to Widecombe-in-the-Moor

Parish Council Home

Home » Parish Council Home

This section of the website is devoted to the Parish Council. It is used to publish information for the use of the local community, such as the regular publication of the Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

You are encouraged to send in any views or other information relating to the material published here. Please send an email to the Parish Council using the following link:

Send an email to the Widecombe Parish Council

 or write to:

The Clerk to the Widecombe-in-the-Moor Parish Council

Suzanna Hughes
16 Westwood Cleave
Newton Abbot
TQ12 6YE

Telephone 01626 330311

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

Parish Communications Mailing List Sign-Up

Click here if you would like to sign-up to receive regular updates on parish news, minutes etc, tailored to your preferences

Parish Council Minutes & Agendas

The minutes and agendas of each Parish Council Meeting are published on this site. The most recent are shown on the right.

You can search all of the meeting and agenda posts here.

You can browse through the meeting and agenda posts here.

Please note the following abbreviations used in the minutes:

    • DAPC: Devon Association of Parish Councils
    • DCC: Devon County Council
    • DNP: Dartmoor National Park
    • DNPA: Dartmoor National Park Authority
    • TALC: Teignbridge Association of Local Councils
    • TDC: Teignbridge District Council
    • WPC: Widecombe Parish Council, also sometimes Woman Police Constable (!)

Audit and Transparency Code

You can view our end of year accounts and audit information by clicking here

Governance, Policies and Privacy Notices

You can view our Governance, Policies and Privacy Procedures by clicking here