The Old Inn is under new management and has organised a number of events for Christmas 2024. Details are shown below.
You can email us with any news or other items that you would like included in this listing. Sandbags The Widecombe Sandbag store is in the coach park, behind the Recycling Station. If you require sandbags, please help yourself and ring 01364 621242 so we can monitor their use. The store is not locked but…
The theme for the Christmas Tree Festival this year was: Christmas Around the World and the results are as follows: Adults Children Pictures supplied by Aileen Carrett
Welcome to the home page of the Moorland Team Parish Link which is the Church and Community Magazine of the Moorland Team and covers various Dartmoor Moorland parishes: Holne, Huccaby, Leusdon, Postbridge, Widecombe & Buckland. The Link is published here each month in PDF format for you to view online and/or download and keep. It…
The Widecombe Parish Communications Email Service is a service provided by the Parish Council to keep interested parishioners informed by email about the Parish Council and what they are doing and to provide a means of easily communicating other notices to subscribers. You need to subscribe to the mailing list in order to receive the…
This page tells you some of the things that are going on in and around Widecombe Parish and some slightly further afield. We are totally dependent on being told about the events, so if you have an activity that you would like published here, please contact us by email. It’s really easy, just Contact Us…