Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Thursday 12th May 2011
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young, Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley and Tempest.
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffrey
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: One
The Chairman welcomed the new councillors, Cllr Lewis and Cllr Routley.
Received from:
- Cllr Wallace
- Simon Tame
(a) Chairman
Cllr Morley proposed that Cllr Newbolt-Young be re-elected as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Booty with all in agreement.
(b) Vice-Chairman
Cllr Nosworthy proposed that Cllr Booty is elected as Vice Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Tempest with all in agreement.
(c) Other delegates
Cllr Newbolt-Young proposed that Cllr Wallace continue as Communications Officer. This was agreed by all provided Cllr Wallace is prepared to accept the position. As Cllr Wallace was not present this would be confirmed at the next meeting Cllr Booty had given consideration to being nominated as a parish member to DNPA but feels unable to commit the time required to serve the position and has therefore decided not to stand.
The Declarations of Acceptance of Office were signed by all councillors and received and duly witnessed by the clerk. The Chairman thanked the two outgoing councillors, Cllr Seale and Cllr Smerdon for their previous commitment to the Parish Council.
The clerk advised that there is one vacancy on the Parish Council which will now be advertised. The closing date for applications will be 8th June and members should agree co-option at the next meeting. This was agreed. The Chairman advised that Simon Tame wishes to be considered.
The Chairman’s allowance of £100 was agreed.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.
Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in item 3278 (c).
Cllr Lewis declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 3278 (a)(i).
An amendment was made to 3261 after which the minutes of the meeting held on 12th May were approved and signed as a true and correct record.
No crime report.
Cllr Gribble reported that changes have been made to the Highways department. Scott Riddell will now be our Highways Superintendent. Miles Partridge asked about the ongoing issues with parking around Spitchwick and the amount of rubbish which is left. Cllr Gribble advised that he has asked Highways to reline the roads so that the restrictions can be enforced. With reference to the planned road closure at Ponsworthy from 4th July, Cllr Nosworthy questioned why the closure has at Dunstone Cross. Cllr Gribble offered to make enquiries and arrange for Scott Riddell to meet with Cllr Nosworthy. Cllr Booty asked for better signposting at Loxgate Cross. Vehicles should have been advised that the road is closed. A fire engine went down and then couldn’t turn around. Cllr Lewis asked whether anything can be done to change the 40 mph speed limit outside the school. The ‘school’ sign is barely visible in the hedge. Members advised that a number of efforts had been made in the past to reduce the speed limit but without success. Parking outside the school acts as a natural slowdown. The Chairman asked that this be discussed further in June’s meeting. Cllr Nosworthy commented that the visibility splays have not been cleared in this parish for years. Cllr Gribble also agreed to look into this.
Cllr Jeffrey was pleased to report of his success in the recent District Council elections. 12 out of 46 councillors are new and the Conservatives now have the majority. The AGM is on 16th May.
(a) Walk-about-inspection
(i) Parish Field fencing and hedge laying
The Chairman agreed to send a map to the clerk identifying where fencing/hedge laying is required. The clerk will then seek three quotations for the required work.
- Heritage Centre – views of the Parish Council
Cllr Nosworthy thinks that the proposed location is away from the village centre. Other considerations include the Grazing Licence and the potential site for Affordable Homes. It was agreed that the Chairman would air the concerns of the Parish Council to the History Group and ask them to formally contact the Parish Council about their plans.
- Trees screening the car park
It was agreed to ask Brian Beasley’s advice (DNPA).
- ‘Foxley on the Green’ sign
The clerk reported that the DNPA’s Enforcement Officer, Nick Savin, has looked at the sign and advised that it falls outside ‘deemed consent’ and therefore needs an appropriate application. He has therefore written to the owners/occupiers.
- Ownership of land opposite Brook Lane Cottages
The clerk is still to carry out a Land Registry search and would report on this next month.
(b) Car park boundary wall and hedge
The clerk has contacted Andy Lumgair and TDC and is still awaiting a response.
- Request from Leusdon Church to use the Green –
A request has been made by Leusdon Church to use the Green for their annual Funday on
Tuesday 9th August. This was agreed by all.
(d) Standing Orders
Cllr Morley proposed an amendment to the standing orders asking that a register of attendance be signed at the meeting by members and the public so that the Parish Council has an official record of those present. This was agreed by all.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0212/11 – Erection of an agricultural building (210sqm) including the installation of 84 solar panels on the south facing roof slope at Lower Aish, Poundsgate
The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow the applicant to give an outline of his plans. He advised members that the location of the shed has been chosen as it cannot be seen by any public place. He is desperate for a shed as he needs more storage for tractors and hay. He is trying to make the property as renewable as possible and intends to make it 100% renewable. The DNPA are happy with his plans. Members supported the application.
0218/11 – Renewal of extant permission ref 0357/08 for replacement of profiled metal sheets with natural slate on roof and clad gable ends with sawn plank timber, plus installation of additional supporting timbers at barn at Corndonford Farm, Poundsgate. Members supported the application.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0541/10 – Convert redundant stone barn into holiday let, Drywell Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Granted conditionally
0121/11 Replacement agricultural building (23mx12m), Old Walls Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Granted.
0122/11 – Extension of existing agricultural building, Old Walls Farm, Widecombe-in-the- Moor Granted.
- 0012/11 – Installation of ground mounted PV panel array for domestic use involving a change of use of agricultural land, Chittleford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Granted conditionally
- Commons Act 2006 Register
The following entries have been made in the registers and were noted:
Middle Bonehill Farm
- Land at Drywell Farm
(a) CCD – Community of the Year competition. This was noted but it was agreed not to enter.
(b) Letter from Stephen Belli in respect of the following:
- Parish Planning Workshop – scheduled for Thursday 14th July. Cllrs Lewis, Booty, Tempest and Nosworthy would like to attend.
- Electronic information on the planning web site – from 19th April, all neighbour letters and other letters from third parties in relation to planning applications together with consultation replies from statutory bodies are now fully available to view on line.
- Development Plan update – on 3rd June a detailed report will be placed before the DNPA setting out detailed policies and site allocation for all the major settlements in the National Park. A number of community events will run during the summer to publicise the new plan and explain the consultation process.
- National Park Draft Design Guide – it is intended to put a report to the 3 August National Park Authority meeting to seek adoption of the final document having first taken into account any comments received and changes needed.
- Marley Head Traveller Site – the National Park Authority has not agreed to prosecute any landowners of the land in question. The issues relating to non-compliance with the enforcement notice will be fully debated by members later in the summer.
- News Releases – councillors can receive an email notification about Authority news releases by subscribing to DNPA news.
(c) TDC – Minutes of Standards Committee – for circulation
(d) Teignbridge CVS – The Flyer – for circulation
(e) Stephen Belli has confirmed his attendance at June’s meeting and has asked whether members have any ‘burning issues’ they would like to raise with him. Members wished to raise the following:
- Enforcement: In particular, why aren’t developments checked upon completion to ensure they have complied with conditions imposed by the planning authority.
- Delays in decisions: If there is an unjustifiable delay in a decision being made, can the applicant apply to have his fee refunded?
Listed Buildings: There is a feeling that there are different rules for richer applicants than the less rich applicants??
TETRA: Members would appreciate an update. Is operational etc.
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map
Members marked the map with issues requiring attention.
(b) Notification of road closure between Lizwell Farm and Ponsworthy Cross from 4th – 18th July inclusive to carry out essential works on the water main. This was noted.
(c) Other highways issues.
There are concerns that vehicles are sticking out into the road whilst parked in the temporary car park at Ponsworthy Bridge. It also seems that some cars are permanently parked there.
No further matters.
Having spoken to him at a recent event, the Chairman suggested inviting Don Diston from Devon & Cornwall Fire Service to a future meeting. This was agreed.
A member asked whether the TETRA mast was operating now. The Chairman did not know and suggested speaking to Stephen Belli about it when he attends the meeting in June,
(a) Payments for approval:
- Cheque no 000731 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for April – £240.40
- Cheque no 000732 – DNPA – Rent of North Hall Field – £15.00
- Cheque no 000733 – Community First – Renewal of Insurance – £176.40
The clerk advised that the insurance renewal had decreased this year due to changes that Zurich has made to the scheme and premiums. Many small parish councils with little or no assets have made savings on last year. In addition, public liability has increased to £6 million, fidelity guarantee has been increased to £25 million and libel, slander and money have been added within the core package instead of being extensions to the cover.
(b) Income received:
- First instalment of precept (£3,000) less DALC subscription (£112.15) – £2,887.85
(c) The clerk summarised the end of year financial position of the Parish Council and invited members to approve the accounts for year ending 31 March 2011 and to agree and sign sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Return. This was agreed.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.