These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 3rd April 2008
PRESENT:Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Tame & Mrs. Tempest
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Jeffrey.
IN ATTENDANCE:County Cllr. Sally Morgan, six members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper
- No police report.
- Liz Reddaway spoke about the needs of the Widecombe Pre School and Toddlers groups in Widecombe and Leusdon following a recent Ofsted inspection. The Council agreed to pay for £150 worth of equipment for Widecombe and suggested that a further claim be made later for Leusdon. There are 18 children on role at the moments but this number will drop when the rising 5Âs go to school in September. There is a need to boost the attractiveness to potential clients.
2939 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th March 2008 were corrected, approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.
- Parish Tithe Map: the Clerk reported that he has received an invoice for £940 and a letter that indicated that the CD Rom will be available shortly. Various suggestions were made about how to make the CD available to parishioners and tourists. It was decided to postpone a decision until the next meeting when the CD, hopefully, will have arrived.
- Hastoe Housing Association: letter of thanks to the WPC for all the support given to bring this final stage of Brook Lane Cottages to a conclusion. Builders will start this month and current residents have been informed.
- Ashburton Hospital: the Clerk summarised the two letters he had been given by Mr.Beard at the APM. County Cllr. Morgan informed the meeting that there was no immediate threat to the hospital and that threats of closure were only roomers. She agreed to speak with our MP about the matter. Mrs Tempest confirmed that from her work at the League of Friends at the Hospital there certainly a lot of different roomers circulated.
- Donations towards the cost of producing the Tithe Map CD now amounted to £350. The Clerk has asked the treasurer of the History Group, Jenny Pascoe, for this sum to be transferred to the WPC. The cost, therefore to the Council, after VAT reclaim, will be £450.
- Register of Parish Organisations:the Chairman suggested that a list of groups/group leaders should be compiled and made available to the public. He kindly offered to start work on the compilation.
- Parish Church Finances:following the plea from John Moseley at the APM for community financial support there followed a discussion on the various issues involved. The Clerk has checked with DAPC regarding the Parish Councils responsibilities towards the Church.
- S137 support for the provision of a Parish Clock:the Church Tower
- S137 grant towards a specific project
- Tourist Powers:a visible item that can be justified to the auditors
- It is forbidden to pay towards the ongoing running costs of the building.
- Non-financial help towards fund raising activities: personnel support/ideas.
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment by DNPA:the Parish Council has been asked to consider the availability of any land that might be available for consideration for an Exception Site for the building of Affordable Housing for local people in the parish. Councillors put different perspectives on the matter. To be deferred until the next meeting.
- Weekly Lists placed for circulation.
- Grant of Planning for:External Door at The Green Café, New bathroom etc at South Lake Cottage and Two affordable homes + parking at Brook Lane.
- Refusal of Planning for:Conversion of stone barn at Higher Venton Farm
- 0205/08Erection of garden room at Langworthy Farm:Decision ÂNo ObjectionÂ
- 0178/08Erection of two storey farm dwelling at Great Cator Farm:ÂSupportÂ
2942CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:
- TDC:Agendas and Minutes, 2nd Edition of ÂParish MattersÂ
- DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, Management Plan 2007 – 2012
- DCC:Devon in Touch, Devon Talk
- DAPC:Envelope of Information and Newsletter.
- Boundary Review:various items to be read by and discussed at the next meeting.
- Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
- Maintenance: the usual map showing pot holes and blocked gullies was completed.
- School Transport:Mr.Booty reported that there is a new contract in operation. He pointed out that some buses came from Holsworthy thus increasing costs, pollution and the safety of children with drivers unfamiliar with the narrow lanes. The Chairman offered to speak to the school about this.
- Annual Walk-about:members were reminded that this will take place at 7.00pm before the AGM and that the TDCÂs Chief Executive will be in attendance.
- Balance Carried forward deposit account£4,690
- ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for March £316.27
- Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£412.24
- DAPC Subs.£13.50
- Digitization of Tithe Map:DCC£940.00
- Refreshments for APM£27.95
- Widecombe Pre School and Toddlers: agreed to pay invoice of£150.00
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.