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Parish Council Minutes April 2009

                                                                    WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL

Un-adopted Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thurs. 5th Mar 2009 

PRESENT Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr. Booty, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame, & Mr. Wallace.

APOLOGIES: Mrs. Tempest

IN ATTENDANCE: No members of the public and the Clerk Peter Roper Tel. 01548 854478


3011 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th February 2009 were corrected and then approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting. It was decided that, in future, only approved minutes would be published i.e. after the subsequent meeting one month later.

3012 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a) Commons Registration: land at Higher Venton & Chittleford Farms: noted (b) Parish Field Grass Let 2009: Contract now signed and fee of £220 paid. It was decided that Members should hold a site meeting to assess the necessary work to be done on the field. (c) Annual Parish Meeting: final preparations were discussed and agreed. The Guest Speaker will be Mrs. Barbara MacEachern from The Judiciary for England and Wales who will talk about the work of the Judiciary in Devon. (d) Leusdon Church Annual Funday: 11th August ’09 on The Green; request agreed. (e) Rural Skip Service: booked for 11th July ’09 10.00 – 16.00hrs – usual restrictions

3013 PLANNING (a) Weekly lists now available on line. (b) Grant of Planning for: None (c) 0080/09 Garden shed at Shortcross Cottage: No Objection (d) Michelmore Hughes: a letter explaining that The Exeter Diocesan Board will be attending to work on two matters: (i) Sycamore Tree adj. the B3387 – removal of dead wood. (ii) Wall adj. The Old Reading Room – to be rebuilt

3014 CORRESPONDENCE placed for circulation: (a) TDC: Agendas and Minutes, budget plans. (b) DNPA: Minutes and Agendas, Management Plan 2007 – 2012 (c) DCC: Devon in Touch x 4, Boundary Review decision postponed to 13th July 2009. (d) DAPC: Newsletter. (e) Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.

3015 HIGHWAYS (a) Highways Maintenance: the usual map of the parish was returned to DCC highlighting the worst of the pot holes. Two letters requesting help have been received about the condition of the road surface and drains at Bonehill. Although this matter was referred to DCC last month, with photographs, it was felt necessary to send copied of these two letters to DCC. The Chairman agreed to speak to the landowner about the leaning trees while the Clerk is to contact the Police about the state of the road surface. (b) Newbridge, Holne: a letter of reply from DCC has been received suggesting the matter be referred back to English Heritage. The Clerk is to write to explain the view point of the local community.

3016 DELEGATES REPORTS (a) Simon Tame reported on the state of the large chestnut tree on The Green which is suffering from an untreatable canker. Any unstable branches have been removed and it is predicted that the tree has left only 10 years of life. After discussion of various courses of action, it was decided to raise the matter at the Annual Parish Meeting to measure public response. Brian Beasley DNPA is aware of the serious problem.

3017 MATTERS AT DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN (a) Parking for shoppers at the Post Office (Café on the Green): Mr. Wallace reported that he has been in touch with TDC about this matter. He has been assured that no Parking Tickets will be issued and that a 10 minute parking zone for customers will eventually be introduced. The Clerk was asked to write to TDC about the matter. (b) Mr.Morley said that there was interest in use of the Tithe Map CD – the digitalisation of the apportionment book is still to be completed. (c) Proof of Identity: the Post Office facility can arrange for this. (d) Chairman informed Members that the Clerk has offered his resignation after over 10 years of service. After discussion it was decided that an advert for a new Clerk should be posted locally and in the Parish Link. Thanks were offered to the Clerk for his efforts.

3018 FINANCE (a) Balance Carried forward deposit account £4,832.01 (b) Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for February £292.28 (c) Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £940.71 (d) Work on chestnut tree on The Green by Rupert Baker £470.00 Income Parish Field Let 2009 £220.00

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….     


                                                    PROCEEDED BY A WALK-ABOUT AT 7 .00 pm 

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 2nd April 2009 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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