Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 1st April 2010
in the Church House, Widecombe Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Tame and Wallace.
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes Present: 2 members of the public.
- Prior to the start of the meeting, it was noted that the Grazing Licence for the Parish Field was signed by the tenant Lu Curnock and the Chairman, Rod Newbolt-Young, and witnessed by the clerk. A cheque for £200 was received, as agreed.
- Charles Godfrey, owner of Blackdown Piper Farm, spoke about his actions is relation to water from his land running-off into the road which was raised in the previous meeting. He has spoken to Highways about flushing it all through but the ultimate solution is to divert the water completely into the Oxbow thus avoiding the road altogether.
- Tim Jarvis (neighbour of Bagpark) expressed concern that there has been a lot of development at Bagpark over the last 2 years and is particularly worried about the latest planning application for a replacement single storey outbuilding. He has written to the DNPA about it and has tried to speak with the applicants. He is also concerned about future applications. Having listened to his concerns, the Chairman advised him that the Parish Council would give careful consideration to future applications.
§ Deposit account – £4834.38
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.07 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.
Site at Proposed Airwave TETRA Mast Land At
Widecombe Parish Council
Public Inquiry 24th March 2010.
1. I am Rod Newbolt-Young, Chairman Widecombe Parish Council, and this Council was elected by the community in May 2007. This planning application was started in June 2007 with many within the community (consisting of some 470 individuals on the latest electoral role), objecting to it and there was no recorded support. I look upon my role here as a democratic voice and I would like to thank the Inspector for the effort and patience he has made in ensuring that the third parties have been fairly represented in this appeal. 2. It is obvious that our blue light services must have proper and effective communication and this Parish Council would not object to any application of this nature as long as it is correctly sited and presented. In fact this Council is concerned as there are certain areas of this Parish that are not effectively covered by this new system, as can be seen by the coverage map presented by the Appellant. However there are now reports that the blue light services do have some hand held communication within the Parish, (even in the Rugglestone Inn, which we all know).
3. I have questioned the reason why an expensive public inquiry was chosen for this appeal considering the reported urgency surrounding the application and I believe the Planning Inspectorate recommended the appeal to be heard by written submission. I have been informed that the reason is because of public concern over the matter. As I remember it the public concern over the Blackslade Farm mast appeal within this Parish, in November 2003, was greater yet this appeal was considered speedily by written submissions. I draw notice to the fact that the LPA has sited one of the reasons for their withdrawal was for ‘a genuine desire to save unnecessary expense at the Inquiry’, (item 8 of The DNPA application of costs dated 15th March 2010). 4. I find it incomprehensible that in this day of modern digital technology I believe that the Planning Inspectorate still insists of sending out hard copies of evidence despite repeated requests for digital copies. Not only has this put The Inspectorate administration under what would appear to be pressure, which is not surprising considering the volume of documentation submitted by the appellant, but it has in my view hindered communication. Furthermore due to late deliverance of evidence by The Planning Inspectorate in October 2009 an adjournment to this inquiry was caused. Furthermore it appears that the Appellant was receiving ‘special treatment’ by being served by Mr Simon Bliss, a line manager, whereas the third parties were being dealt with by ‘The Case Officer’. I would appreciate the Inspector’s assurance that all documentation/evidence has now been been correctly circulated and on time by The Planning Inspectorate throughout this Inquiry and that there have been no omissions or delayed submissions. (apart from the known omissions and delays).
5. There is no doubt in my mind that the driving issue in connection with the residents resisting this appeal is that of fear of the unknown in connection with health. This fear has been further exacerbated by evidence submitted by an objector in the form of a newspaper report in connection with The Lancashire Constabulary. This report has been discounted by the Appellant who has produced late evidence accordingly. I have urged that this should all be verified and the third parties have not had time to do this. 6. The Inspector has declared that he will be deciding for the present. It should be noted that this community are concerned about the future. I urge the Secretary Of State to take note of this and this is how it will remain. I look forward to any comments The Inspector may have in response to this address.
Rod Newbolt-Young,(Chairman Widecombe Parish Council). 24th March 2010.