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Parish Council Minutes April 2011

                                                  WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL

                                              Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 7th April 2011  in Church House, Widecombe

Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Seale, Tame, Tempest & Wallace.

Clerk: Suzanna Hughes

In attendance: County Councillor George Gribble, District Councillor Jeffrey, PC Dudley, Bill Allen

Members of the Public:


Before the start of the meeting, the Chairman wished to acknowledge Cllr Seale’s and Cllr Smerdon’s decision not to stand for election and thanked them for all their support and efforts during their term as parish councillors.


§ No apologies


Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.

None declared.


The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2011 were approved and signed as a true and correct


PC Dudley reported two crimes. One was theft from an unattended motor vehicle and the other was arson at Manor Barn, Poundsgate. Matters are ongoing. He also made parishioners aware of a white transit van – index WF54 ESU – which is connected to burglaries in other parts of Devon. The Chairman advised that he had received a letter from the owner of Manor Barn, Miles Fursdon, also present at the meeting, asking for clarification on a number of matters relating to how the crime has been dealt with by the police. PC Dudley advised that he had already spoken to Mr Fursdon about the points he had raised and would be happy to continue these discussions privately. However, as far as the crime itself is concerned, PC Dudley is investigating this and will continue to do so as efficiently as he can. Any further concerns should be addressed to Sup’t Mayhew. DNPA Ranger, Bill Allen referred to a previous incident which he reported involving four-wheel drive vehicles on the common. He reported that a parishioner as come across the same driver and sent a vehicle index and description to the police. The vehicle is a green Cherokee Jeep, index XJI 6191. PC Dudley can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the central number 08452 777444 or alternatively by e-mail at   


Cllr Gribble did not have anything to report. However, he had been helping the Chairman to resolve a planning matter and urged the Parish Council to invite the DNPA’s Director of Planning, Stephen Belli, to talk about the planning process.


            Nothing to report.


(a)             Cllr Morley wished to raise two issues following last month’s meeting:

(i)         Since the March meeting, Cllr Morley heard that he has been accused of collusion with one of the tender submissions for the parish field.  During the meeting, he was supposedly winking at Lou Curnock, indicating that her tender would win.  This is utter nonsense and Cllr Morley expressed that he is particularly annoyed about it.  It is a potentially serious issue and he insisted that it is minuted in case it comes up again in the future.  

(ii)              At the March meeting the tender sub-committee was decided as the Chairman and Cllrs Nosworthy and Morley. It was agreed that this sub-committee would decide on which applicant would be awarded the tender for the field. Cllr Morley wished that it be minuted that the tender selection was subsequently made without his involvement. The Chairman apologised for the confusion blaming himself for the mix-up. Instead of the agreed sub-committee, he had contacted Cllrs Booty and Tame and had jointly agreed to offer the tender to the highest bidder which was Michaela Lewis. The licence has now been signed by both parties.

(b)        Walk-about inspection

            The following items were either noted or require action:

Points raised Action
The current tenant of the Parish Field advised that the fence had been damaged and that broken glass and rocks had been found in the field around her pony’s water bowl, thought to have been deliberate. The fence had been repaired. The tenant was advised to take some photos and report the broken glass and rocks to the police. The situation would also be monitored by the Parish Council.
Fence at the bottom of the Parish Field had become damaged The stallion in the adjacent field has now been removed. Double fencing also a possibility as boundary ownership is uncertain. Bill Allen suggested that if the Parish Council could purchase around 80 whips he could plant them in the Autumn with the help of the school. 

Suggested that the Parish Council contact Mike Lamb about laying his side of the boundary and the Parish Council lays its side.

The Chairman identified the proposed site for the Heritage Centre To measure 20x40ft with access through the car park wall. DNPA are supportive. The Parish Council must consider how this would affect alternative uses of the land such as grazing and affordable homes.
Trees planted to screen the car park Now not necessary. Some are dead.
Hedge at the entrance of the field between the two gates need laying. To discuss further at next Parish Council meeting.
Old tree guards around the trees at the bottom of the hill. Bill Allen advised that these have now been removed. No further action required.
Cattle were seen grazing on the green. Farmer herded them back on to the common. No further action required.
Are Brook Lane Cottages due for repainting? Clerk to enquire.
A new ‘Foxley on the Green’ sign has been erected and considered rather large. Clerk to contact DNPA to find out whether planning permission is required.
Bridge and gate to the tennis courts has been repaired. The Chairman thanked Bill Allen. No further action required.
Trees have been planted at the entrance to Brook Lane Cottages. These were supplied by Hastoe Housing Association. No action required.
Yellow lines need repainting outside Brook Lane Cottages and six clearway signs missing at Deeper Marsh. Noted by Cllr Gribble and Bill Allen
It was questioned who owns the land opposite Brook Lane Cottages? Clerk to establish through at Land Registry search.

(c)        Parish Field – to formally note arrangements for 2011

            Dealt with above.

(d)        Rural Aid – to discuss projects requiring funding

            Cllr Tempest requested that she made an application on behalf of Leusdon Memorial Hall for a new kitchen. This was agreed.   The Chairman took this opportunity to thank Cllr Tempest for all she did in the community.

(e)        Small Grants Scheme – to agree whether to run the scheme this year Cllr Nosworthy advised that a couple of parishioners had complained about the increased precept. It was confirmed that the increase was necessary to pay for the potential cost of an election and also the, as yet, unknown cost of repairs to the car park boundary wall. After brief discussion, Cllr Tame suggested that a decision about the small grants scheme be deferred until later in the year. This will allow the Parish Council to assess what work was necessary in the Parish Field as highlighted on the walkabout and after the work to the boundary wall had been completed and paid for. This was seconded by Cllr Nosworthy and agreed by all.   

(f)         Newbridge toilets – letter from DNPA

The clerk reported that she had received a letter from DNPA confirming that the future of Newbridge toilets was not yet confirmed, contradicting the letter from Steve Kew at TDC received last month. The situation will be reviewed in about June after an assessment of the success of the honesty boxes in generating revenue to support their maintenance.

3262     PLANNING(a)        New applications/appeals

(i)         0121/11 – Replacement agricultural building – Old Walls Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor

            No objections.

(ii)        0122/11 – Extension to existing agricultural building – Old Walls Farm, Widecombe-in-the Moor                        No objections.

(iii)       0140/11 – Raise roof of bungalow to create first floor, replace flat roof with pitch roof and associated alterations – Hatchwell Bungalow, Widecombe-in-the-Moor  No objections. 

(b)        Decisions

(i)         0037/11 – Refurbishment of washroom and extension to barn to form carport  (retrospective application) at Blackslade Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor             Granted unconditionally.

(ii)              0032/11 – Construction of single-pitch roof over existing walls of gear house, Cordonford Farm, Poundsgate Granted conditionally.                             

(iii)       0069/11 – Erection of a single storey extension, formation of rooms in roof and new patio, Bonehill Bungalow, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Granted conditionally

(c)             Other planning matters

(i)               DNPA Design Guide consultation:

It was agreed that this was a very good idea and an essential planning tool.

(ii)              Letter from Stephen Belli, Director of Planning, DNPA, re various issues:

This had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. The issues raised included:

§ Parish Council Planning Survey and next Parish Council Planning Workshop which is planned for July

§ Local Government Ombudsman report regarding a complaint made against DNPA

§ Draft DNPA Design Guide

§ Ordnance Survey Mapping Services

All points were noted.

(iii)            It has been confirmed that on 1 October 2010, DNPA agreed to designate boundary alterations and extensions for Widecombe-in-the-Moor Conservation Area which has been the subject of various public consultations with some amendments over a number of years. A map has been provided showing details of the new designated boundary which has now been notified to Land Registry.

(iv)       The Director of Planning at DNPA sent an update about the latest situation regarding the TETRA mast development for Airwave. Mr Belli is aware that the mast has now been installed together with a satellite dish and temporary generator equipment. He is also aware of the fencing surrounding the site. His colleague planning and enforcement officers have been on site to visually inspect the works carried out to date. He is currently in discussions with Airwave regarding these matters. The satellite dish and generator were not part of the original planning permission. Airwave is telling the Authority they are required temporarily for emergency purposes. The Authority’s legal team is advising regarding this. The DNPA is also in receipt of a number of letters/emails from local residents raising concerns regarding the satellite dish, generator and other matters. All these letters are being considered.                      

(v)        For information, the Chairman explained that a decision by DNPA regarding his recent planning application had been delayed by five weeks. Whilst he had been pursuing this with the DNPA, and the application has now been approved, it had highlighted some issues regarding the planning process and he therefore suggested that the Parish Council invite Mr Belli to a future meeting to talk about his priorities for the future and give members an opportunity to ask questions about the planning system. It was agreed that the clerk would invite him to the June meeting.



(a)        Nominations of Parish Members to DNPA – Clerk to send details to Cllr Booty for his consideration.

(b)        Community Council of Devon Members Forum – invitation to participate – details placed in the circulation folder.

(c)        Teddy Bear’s Picnic – to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of DNPA. This will be held on 11th June from 11am-1pm meeting at Venford Reservoir. 

(d)        TDC Standards Committee                     (e)        NHS Twentyfourseven             (f)         Village Green 3264     HIGHWAYS                 

(a)        Maintenance/pothole map:

Members marked potholes etc on the map to be sent to DCC Highways. Issues raised included Ponsworthy Splash, Deeper Marsh (impassable) and opposite Leusdon Chapel. The warning signs are also considered inadequate at Ponsworthy Splash. Clerk also to notify Highways that a finger post at Chittleford Cross has not been replaced yet.

(b)         Other highways issues:

None.             3265     DELEGATES REPORTS

(a)        Cllr Booty had seen an advert in the Parish Link seeking volunteer snow wardens in Holne to help clear the roads next winter.  It was agreed that Widecombe should also try and seek volunteers ready for next winter to help spread salt/grit and clear snow from small roads which are not treated by gritter lorries. The clerk advised that someone would be needed to co-ordinate the scheme and receive the necessary training from DCC. This would mean that volunteers would be covered by DCC’s insurance.

(b)        Bill Allen advised the meeting of the Haytor Hoppa bus service 271 which will run on Satrudays from 23 April until 29 October.



3267     FINANCE

(a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:

§ Cheque no 000728 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for March – £278.99

§ Cheque no 000729 – Norma Tempest – £12.44

(b)        Membership of DALC – £112.15 (to be paid directly out of precept by TDC)

(c)        HMRC – employment status of clerks and operation of PAYE – Having looked further into this, the clerk advised that she would endeavour to set up and operate this herself.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.

Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….


The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 12th May 2011 at 7.30pm

in Widecombe Primary School.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment

at the start of the meeting.

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