Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 5 April 2012
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley,Tempest & Wallace
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 1
Anthony Beard provided some history about the Rugglestone Friendly Society which was wound up in 1992. He advised that contained within the parish chest there are 25 copies of the Rules and Regulations of the Friendly Society and 25 membership cards. The History Group wish to present a copy of each to the Rugglestone Inn to display (and to remain as part of the fixtures of the Inn) and therefore seek the permission of the Parish Council as keepers of the chest. Cllr Nosworthy advised that he had kept the box with three keys which was brought to the meetings of the Friendly Society and which was referred to in the Rules and Regulations. It was agreed that Mr Beard would approach the Rugglestone Inn to establish whether they wished to receive a copy. It was further agreed that subject to their ability to store and display it, the History Group would look after the box with three keys. 3390 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
• Cllr Tame
• District Cllr Jeffery
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. There were no interests declared.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 1 March 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.3393 POLICE REPORT
No police report.3394 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT
Cllr Gribble apologised to the Chairman for not collecting the ‘road closed’ signs which had been left at Chittleford Farm and to Cllr Nosworthy for not dealing with issues he had raised at the last meeting which he would be dealing with this month. He also advised that he was finding out about a used classroom for a parishioner.
No report. The Chairman apologised for not reading Cllr Jeffrey’s report at the Annual Parish Meeting which Cllr Jeffrey had sent as he had been unable to attend the meeting.3396 DELEGATES REPORTS
No reports.
(a) The following cheques were approved for payment:
ï§ Cheque no 000760 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £242.12
ï§ Cheque no 000761 – HMRC – £53.40
ï§ Cheque no 000762 – Cllr Tempest (Refreshments for APM) – £10.08
(b) It was agreed to continue with the membership of the DALC and to note payment of £115.63 which will be deducted from the first instalment of the precept(c) The monthly bank reconciliation was noted.
(a) Parish Field – update on boundary repairs The Chairman advised that the repairs to the car park boundary wall had been completed. Further, the additional fencing repairs had also been completed at a cost of £750. The Chairman also advised that the water pipe is not reaching the water trough. A possible solution would be to move the trough to a lower spot. It was agreed to look at this on the walkabout next month.
(b) Walkabout inspection It was confirmed that the walkabout would take place on 3rd May at 6.45pm in advance of the Parish Council meeting.(c) Small grants scheme
It was agreed to run the small grants scheme offering local community organisations the opportunity to apply to the Parish Council for a small grant. The scheme would be advertised in the usual way and applications considered in June’s meeting.
(d) Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Cllr Tempest advised that a decision had not yet been made about the engraving of the Jubilee stone on Leusdon Green. Cllr Tempest confirmed that Leusdon would be displaying old photographs in Leusdon Hall as part of the Jubilee celebrations.
(a) New applications/appeals None
(b) Decisions
(i) 0111/12 – Insertion of dormer window and rooflights, plus general refurbishment (retrospective application), Rowbrook Farm, Poundsgate Members noted that DNPA have granted conditional planning permission.
(ii) 0119/12 – Silage barn (30m x 10m), Broadaford, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members noted that DNPA have approved the works described in the applicant’s Prior Notification (c) Old Inn car park – Landscpaing and gardening works
The clerk advised that DNPA’s Enforcement Officer’s visit had visited the Old Inn car park to look at the landscaping and gardening works which have been carried out who had reported that the works were permitted development(d) DNPA: The Development Management and Delivery Plan document Having read the document, members did not wish to make a formal response.
(a) Hastoe Housing re allocation of Brook Lane Cottages The clerk advised that a response had been received from Hastoe about the allocation of vacant properties and had been informed that Hastoe no longer deals with shortlists since the introduction of Devon Home Choice. The shortlist is compiled by Teignbridge District Council and once they find an applicant who fulfils the local connection criteria they then pass them through to Hastoe to interview etc. However, they only put through one nomination at a time. Hastoe has offered to contact the Parish Council in the future should it so wish to get feedback on the local connection of the applicant.
(b) Future structure of DNPA
The clerk advised members of changes to the management structure of DNPA which were noted and placed in the circulation folde.
(c) Devon Oil Collective
Members noted information received from the Community Council of Devon’s about the launch of the Devon Oil Collective. It was agreed to send the information to Gerald Smerdon who already co-ordinates such a scheme in Postbridge. All other correspondence was placed in the circulation folder for information.
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map
Cllr Nosworthy identified problems caused by surface water causing potholes to come up in Lower Town which was being caused by lack of maintenance and clearing of gullies etc. The lane from Chittleford to Dunstone also continued to be a problem.(b) There were no other highways issues reported.
Cllr Routley reported a problem of rubbish at Newbridge car park showing photographs of overflowing bins. Whilst the bins had now been emptied, they are not been emptied as frequently as they should. The clerk would contact DNPA and enclose the photographs to alert DNPA of the problem.
The Chairman reported the sad news that Brian Harrris had died.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm.Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 3rd MAY 2012 AND WILL BE PRECEDED BY THE ANNUAL WALKABOUT OF THE VILLAGE AT 6.45PM. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.