Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 2 April 2015
in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest and Whale
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble
Members of the Public: 1
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Further to previous concerns raised about the bus service to and from Widecombe, Anthony Beard suggested that DCC might consider a taxi service for parishioners if the bus service is not cost effective – as used to transport some pupils to and from the school. He also suggested that 2-3 seats of the school bus could be used for parishioners. County Cllr Gribble offered to explore the idea. Cllr Tempest informed those present that she had been approached by Radio Devon at a recent coffee morning in Leusdon asking about the bus service and she had given her personal view. Members were advised that the PCC has not yet discussed the matter of the Roll of Honour.
• Cllr Fenton
• District Cllr Jeffery
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no interests declared.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 5 March 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
Cllr Gribble advised that he was still looking into the issue of parking outside the school and would be continuing to ask questions about the bus service and will do whatever he can to support Widecombe’s need. He also stated that he would be happy to give financial support towards the purchase of a defibrillator for the parish. Cllr Nosworthy informed Cllr Gribble that the road through Lower Town and Deeper March is deteriorating, with numerous potholes emerging, and needs attention. Cllr Routley informed the meeting that the stones are loose on Newbridge which have been tied together with blue rope and appears unsafe. Following queries raised at the last meeting, the clerk advised that if any vehicle is parked behind double yellow lines, they will be ticketed. These restrictions apply to the public highway i.e. carriageway, pavement and some verges. Members were also advised that DCC Highways Officer, Lisa Edmonds, has inspected the location from Holne to Newbridge and could see no issues with the double yellow markings fading.
No report.
The Chairman informed members that he had been asked by Cllr Jeffery to provide a paragraph about Cllr Jeffery’s contribution to the parish during his tenure as District Councillor for inclusion in his election leaflet. This was agreed by members.
Cllr Tempest advised that she had attended the meeting of the Church House Committee on 9 March. She informed members that a new coin meter was needed which will cost approximately £300. The Saturday craft market has ended as there is no-one to run it. The National Trust shop is to be put on the list of key holders in case there is a fire. The pre-school is seeking funding towards the cost of refurbishing the cloakroom on 17th April at 7.30pm. The AGM will be held on 18th June.
(a) Defibrillators
Members received some information and advice from the British Heart Foundation about the provision of a defibrillator in the parish. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to invite the Ambulance Service to a future meeting who would be able to give some advice on how the Parish Council should proceed.
(b) Vodafone Open Femto Trials
Members received further information about the Vodafone Open Femto Trials including the application process for taking part. After discussion, it was agreed not to participate.
(c) Grant request – St Pancras
Members received a request for a grant from St Pancras PCC towards the upkeep of the churchyard. After discussion, it was agreed to award a grant of £200.
(d) Grant request – Widecombe Pre-School
Members received a request for a grant from Widecombe Pre-School towards the cost of refurbishing the toilets in Church House, the total cost of which is believed to be around £3,000. Members were informed that funding was being sought from various sources but the National Trust had declined to offer any financial support. After a discussion and before a decision could be made, members requested copies of the quotations obtained. Members also considered that the National Trust had an obligation to assist as the owners of the building and asked that the clerk writes to the National Trust to express this view.
(e) ‘Welcome to Widecombe’
Members discussed the Parish Councils role in this project. It was noted that some of the local businesses have met to discuss this. It was believed that the Parish Council had been criticised. The Chairman offered to make contact with Penny Whale of The Wayside Cafe to find out why.
(f) Roll of Honour
The PCC has not yet discussed this and therefore this item was deferred until next month.
(g) Parish Field
Following the withdrawal of the application to lease the field which had been accepted in February’s meeting, members considered a new bid of £280 from Margret Rogers and Roger Lamb which was accepted by members. It was reported that the fencing behind the recycling skips needed repair and it was agreed that the clerk would contact TDC as it is their responsibility.
(h) Annual Walkabout
It was agreed that this would take place on Thursday 4th June at 6.45pm.
(a) The following payments were approved:
ï§ï Cheque no 000878 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (March) – £248.10
ï§ï Cheque no 000879 – HMRC (PAYE) – £151.40
ï§ï Cheque no 000880 – R Newbolt-Young (refreshments for APM) – £29.30
ï§ï Cheque no 000881 – N Tempest (refreshments for APM) – £9.00
(b) DALC membership – members agreed to continue with the DALC membership and approved the annual subscription for 2015/16 of £118.45
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0102/15 – Retention of mobile home for twelve month temporary period, installation of roof lights, provision of air source heat pump and flue on cafe at Cafe on the Green, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 0107/15 – New livestock shed (252 sqm) adjoining existing shed at Great Cator Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members agreed to support this application.
(iii) 0334/14 – Appeal against the refusal of full planning permission for construction of a new stock manager’s dwellinghouse [the appeal will be dealt with by informal hearing – date to be advised]
Members had no additional comments to those already made previously.
(iv) Mobile infrastructure project – pre-application consultation request – Proposed installation of 22.5m High Lattice Tower Mobile Phone Base at Land 290 metres north-west of Drywell Farm, Ponsworthy, Widecombe-in-the-Moor, TQ13 7PN Members considered this pre-application consultation with the additional information supplied and agreed that they were unsupportive of what is being proposed. In its previous responses, the Parish Council has always stressed that it is, in particular, the village centre which requires mobile phone coverage in order to benefit both residents and visitors. As the proposed mast does not extend to the village, the benefits it would provide would not outweigh the detrimental impact that the mast would have on the landscape. Members were also disappointed that the mast would not cover Ponsworthy and surrounds either. Whilst the applicant refers to a second mast which would provide coverage to the village, members agreed that they have insufficient details to comment on that at this stage. Finally, members were concerned that proposals are being put forward for two masts and worry that even more might be proposed in the future. Widecombe is a beautiful, rural parish and members would be very concerned if unsightly masts were to be erected to serve different areas of the parish. Members are hopeful that in time there will be a more appropriate way of providing mobile communication to the parish, such as satellite.
(v) 0143/15 – Closure of a field entrance and alterations to a field entrance/gateway at Road from Southcombe Cross to Lower Dunstone Cross, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members agreed to support this application.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0033/15 – External alterations to the site and buildings, including restoration of the barn to provide interpretations space in association with programmed heritage visits, Higher Uppacott, Poundsgate Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning consent.
(ii) 0070/15 – Extension to the existing car park at The Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning consent.
(c) Providing Self Building plots for local people
Members received correspondence from Teignbridge District Council asking for suggestions for sites to enable the provision of self-build plots for local people. Members agreed that the clerk should seek confirmation from DNPA as to whether this was relevant to Widecombe as TDC is not its planning authority.
(a) Members reported the very poor condition of the road surface on the entrance to the village near The Wayside Cafe and requested that DCC Highways is informed.
To report a pothole: Telephone: 0345 155 1004 Email: customer@devon.gov.uk Online: www.devon.gov.uk/road_maintenance.htm
There were no items of correspondence.
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder or emailed direct to members.
Cllr Tame advised that due to personal circumstances, he regretfully will not be standing again as a Parish Councillor in the forthcoming elections. The Chairman and members expressed their disappointment and thanked Cllr Tame for his contribution over the years.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.13pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
THURSDAY 21 MAY 2015 AT 7.30pm
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.