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Parish Council Minutes April 2016

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 7 April 2016
in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Routley, Southcombe, Welby & Whale
Members of the Public: There were five members of the public present.
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
• Cllr N Tempest
• Cllr G Fenton
• District Cllr M Jeffery
• County Cllr G Gribble
A parishioner wished to comment on the planning application to be considered at item 10.1.1. Concerns were raised that DNPA has ceased sending letters out to neighbouring properties and that site notices seemed not to have been posted. Having communicated with the DNPA, the Director of Planning, Stephen Belli had informed them that the informal arrangement of sending letters to neighbours had been stopped. The question over site notices remained unanswered, however, and it was therefore agreed that the Parish Council would seek clarification as to whether site notices had been posted for this and previous applications for the required statutory period. Members were also informed that the application had not appeared in the local press.
A parishioner raised objections to the planning application to be considered at item 10.1.1. The parishioner objected to the mobile home being sited on the same side of the hill as the shed as to have further development on that side of the hill would be visually unacceptable. If permission for this temporary mobile home in this location is granted, it would give the impression that this location would be acceptable for any future permanent structure.
Representatives of the Widecombe Social and Entertainment Social Group requested that the Parish Council consider a grant to help with the costs of this year’s fireworks event. Members of the Parish Council were informed that poor weather during the last two years’ events has meant that this year’s event can not be held without financial assistance.
A request was made on behalf of the Tug of War Club to use the Village Green for an event on 3 June. Following the success of previous events, members agreed to allow this event to take place subject to the following conditions: (i) that they carry out a risk assessment prior to the event and supply a copy for the Parish Council’s records; (ii) that a copy of their insurance policy is provided for the Parish Council’s records; (iii) that they repair all damage to the green immediately after the event.
Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and to declare any disclosable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
(a) The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 3 March 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
(b) The minutes of the meeting of the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 March 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
No report.
No report.
There were no reports.
(a) Grant request
Members received and considered an application for funding from Widecombe Social and Entertainment Club to assist with the costs associated with organising the 2016 Fireworks event.
After a discussion about the costs and shortfall, it was felt that the Parish Council does not have available the level of funds required by the Social Club. However, it was suggested and agreed that if the Social Club came close to the event and still had a small shortfall then it should approach the Parish Council again at that point.
(b) Defibrillator
Cllr Southcombe informed members that she had sought some advice from St John Ambulance which recommends a device which costs £1,065 + VAT plus discounted training. They also advise that the following is purchased: a heated cabinet (£510 + VAT), child pads (£50) and training and installation (costs to be confirmed). The clerk advised that District Cllr Jeffery has kindly granted £300 from his community budget and it was also agreed to follow up Cllr Gribble’s offer to contribute to the project. The clerk advised that she was waiting for the formal letter from TDC approving the use of the bus shelter to mount the device on. It was thought that an electrical connection (for the heated cabinet) would have to come from the toilets in the car park. Approval from TDC would also have to be sought for this.
(c) New Village Hall proposal
Members received a proposal that a meeting is held on 19th May to pursue the idea for a new village hall. Members were concerned that the date clashes with the first date of the Devon County Show and suggested that an alternative date be considered.
(d) Annual Walkabout
It was agreed that this would take place on 2nd June 2016 at 6.45pm ahead of the Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm.
(a) New applications:
(i) 0140/16 – Siting of a mobile home for temporary agricultural dwelling at Blackdown Piper, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
After discussion, members agreed to object to this application for the following reasons:
• The location is inappropriate and would have an unacceptable impact on this historically and visually significant field and therefore on the character and appearance of the Dartmoor landscape.
• There is no valid agricultural reason for siting the mobile home on this side of the hill where it will be so visible. It would be much more appropriate to site it on the other side of the hill, a brown field site, alongside existing buildings and within only half a mile of this site.
• The mobile home is unnecessarily large.
• If permission for this temporary dwelling in this location is accepted it will make a case for a permanent dwelling, an application for which the Parish Council believes is inevitable, which would have a permanent negative impact on this vulnerable landscape.

(ii) 0154/16 – Installation of mobile telecommunications and ancillary equipment involving the erection of a 12m high telegraph pole with eight consumer antennas and four backhaul radio antennas at Primms Cottage, Poundsgate
Members had no objections to this application.
(iii) 0127/16 – Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use in respect of non compliance with agricultural condition in excess of 10 years at Littlecott, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support the application.
(iv) 0124/16 – Extensions and alterations to provide an additional bedroom at Hannaford Manor, Poundsgate
Members had no objections to this application.
(b) Decisions:
(i) 0591/15 & 0592/15 – Change of use, conversion and extension to existing barns to form accommodation for holiday/educational use including staff accommodation and office facilities and the erection of new agricultural barns, East Shallowford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has refused to grant planning permission.
(a) Payments for approval:
The following payments were approved:
Cheque no 000912 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £240.27
Cheque no 000913 – HMRC (PAYE) – £147.80
(b) Members agreed to continue its membership of DALC at an annual cost of £120.89 (to be taken from the first instalment of the precept).
Cllr Whale presented a list of missing finger posts on the footpaths. It was agreed that the clerk would report
these to DCC.
Members received a letter of thanks from Widecombe Pre-school for the Parish Council’s grant of £500
towards the refurbishment of the toilets in Church House.
The Chairman informed members that the Devon Air Ambulance Trust is looking for potential sites around the County which can be used as community helipads for night flying. It was agreed to invite a representative to the annual walkabout to identify possible sites.
Cllr Morley advised that four wheel drive vehicles have been seen at the top of Bowden Lane. It was agreed to report this to DNPA. He also advised that the stile at the bottom of Widecombe Hill has not yet been repaired.  
Cllr Southcombe informed members that as Chair of Widecombe & District Sports Group, she had received the ROSPA report for the play equipment and that some repairs may be needed. It was clarified that the equipment and therefore the repairs were the responsibility of the Sports Group.
Cllr Booty asked whether the clerk could find out whether a planning application had been submitted for the installation of the CCTV camera at Newbridge.
Cllr Routley suggested that a reminder is sent to DCC about the cleaning of the double yellow lines at Spitchwick.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 5 May 2016 at 7.30pm.

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