Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held in Church House, Widecombeon Thursday 2 December 2021Members present: Councillor Hassell (Chairman), Edwards, Fenton, Jones and Partridge
Members of the Public: Two
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members received apologies from:
- Cllr Butcher
- Cllr Elliott
- Cllr Whiteside
- County Cllr Gribble
- District Cllr Nutley
- District Cllr Cox
A member of the public asked how she can access the (locked) Poundsgate noticeboard to put up a notice. Cllr Partridge offered to put the notice up on this occasion but it was agreed that a system should beintroduced to make access easier.
Members were also asked whether they would like to hold the next Parish Council meeting in LeusdonMemorial Hall. It was provisionally agreed to hold the meetings in Leusdon every other month starting in February.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests andinvited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting.
Cllr Fenton declared an interest in item 4760 (a)(i).
Members received the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 November 2021 which were approved as a true and correct record.
(a) County Councillor
Cllr Gribble was not present at the meeting.
(b) District Councillors
There were no District Councillors present at the meeting.
It was noted that Cllr Nutley has been appointed to TDC’s Executive as Portfolio Holder for Sport,Recreation and Culture.
(c) DNPA Representative
Rob Steemson was not present at the meeting.
(d) Police
No report.
(e) Delegate Reports
None.4758 PROJECTS
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Partridge & Fenton)
(a) Members received details of the Wildlife Warden Scheme and considered the appointment of a warden forthis parish. It was agreed to defer this item until Spring.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Edwards & Elliott
No items.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Clare & Elliott)
(a) New planning applications/appeals
(i) 0641/21 & 0642/21 – East Shallowford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Change of use of land to site polytunnel and for growing crops; amendments to previously approved Shippon and dining room and change of roofing materials
Members agreed to support these applications. It was agreed that the applications are primarily amending the existing approved scheme by altering the roofing material and internalstructure and usage of the barns with minor alterations to the edifice, with the obvious exception of the addition of a polytunnel. The Parish Council has previously supported boththe original application and subsequent alterations so it would seem right to remain consistent and it will also ensure that a local business remains sustainably viable and it has the addedbonus of providing disabled access toilets. The applications are also in accordance with the DNP local development framework core strategy development plan 2016-2026.
(b) Planning Decisions/Withdrawals
(i) 0540/21 – Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Change of use from agricultural to a camping area
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission.
(ii) 0524/21 – Newbridge Hill Cottage, Poundsgate
Replacement outbuilding for use as ancillary accommodation
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Butcher & Whiteside)
(a) Payments
Members received and approved the following payments:
- Cheque no 001090 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (Dec & Jan) – £474.44
- Cheque no 001091 – HMRC (PAYE 3rd quarter) – £162
(b) Budget and Precept 2022-23
Members received budget proposals for 2022-23. It was noted that last year, TDC had to give greater consideration to the council tax base numbers due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Whist growth andcollection rates are below pre-pandemic levels, there has been a general increase in numbers across the District in the last 12 months. Next year’s estimated tax base in Widecombe will increase from289.3 to 294.7. Members were reminded that last year they had not increased the precept as it had been a difficult year. However, inflation is running high and it was agreed that the Parish Council has aresponsibility not to have a deficit budget. It was therefore agreed to demand a sum of £6237 representing a 3% increase.
(a) Members received a statutory notice of intention to apply to Stop-Up the highway known as LandAdjacent to Hayloft, Widecombe-in-the-Moor. The effect of the Order, if made, will be to stop all public rights of passage over the area of highway in question. Members had no objections to the proposal.
(c) It was noted that the damaged grit bin at Dunstone has been reported to DCC. A request for a new grit bin on Blackaton Hill has been made, however DCC is trying not to accumulate more assets whichthey have to maintain and fill. DCC has suggested moving a grit bin which is not being used to this location, however having contacted Miles Fursdon (Snow Warden) he has advised that all the existingbins are required in their current locations. This has been fed back to the Highways Officer and County Cllr Gribble. In the meantime, it was agreed that Cllr Jones would look into how manyaccidents have occurred on Blackaton Hill to support the request for a new bin.
(d) Members noted that DCC’s Highways Officer has confirmed that there are sufficient drivers to maintain the same gritting service as usual.
(e) It was noted that the newly painted yellow lines at Deeper Marsh are very slippery. This has been reported to DCC by a parishioner and a response is awaited.
Potholes and other highways maintenance issues can be reported direct to DCC:
Online: https://www.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/report-a-problem/
Telephone: 0345 155 1004
Email: customer@devon.gov.uk
(a) Members received an email from TDC’s Parking Services Manager advising that the Parish Council’s objection to the introduction of winter parking charges in the car park has been noted.
(b) Member received an email from TDC’s Planning Support Manager in response to the Parish Council’s request that TDC takes steps to reinstate the Dartmeet telephone kiosk advising that there is nothingfurther TDC can do. It was also noted that Cllr Nutley has expressed his dissatisfaction about TDC’s response and it was agreed to continue to push for reinstatement through Cllr Nutley.
Members are reminded that they have not received the statutory notice of this business to be transacted and should therefore recognise that any decision made may be taken to be unlawful if challenged in the future
Cllr Fenton advised that the Coffee Morning in Church House on Saturday morning (4 December) in aid of the Handbells, has been cancelled.
Cllr Edwards queried the email received from Post Office Services a few weeks ago advising of the temporary closure of the post office in Widecombe until suitable opportunities to re-establish the service can be found.She advised that Widecombe Stores has expressed an interest in hosting a service but have received no further communication from Post Office Services. After discussion it was agreed that the Projects team will tryand find out some more information about it and come back to the next meeting.
It was agreed that the next meeting will be held in Leusdon Memorial Hall on 3 February 2022 at 7.30pm in Church House.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….