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Parish Council Minutes February 2001

Minutes of the Meeting held at Leusdon Memorial Hall on Thursday 1stFebruary 2001

PRESENT : Mr.N.Smerdon (Chairman), Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.S.Booty,Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mrs.M.Phipps, Mrs.N.Tempest, Mr.C.Whale.

APOLOGIES : Mr.M.Pascoe and Mr.M.Yates.

IN ATTENDANCE : Cllr.Mr.H.Whitley, and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.

2388 MINUTES : The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th January 2001were not signed by the Chairman as all the records were currently held at the Annual Audit, however they were agreed as being an accurate record of themeeting.


(i) Local Needs Housing inspection report : a number of Councillors have seen over the new houses which are nearing completion. All concerned gave afavourable report. It was decided at the Site meeting to postpone the external decorating of the houses until the Spring. The colour chosen was Magnolia.Judith Dearlove from Hastoe H.A. informed the Council that the hand-over date would be 7th February 2001 and that tenants would be able to move in on 12thFebruary. She also indicated that the Housing Asociation would be involving both the new tenants and the Parish Council in a celebratory official opening of theHouses in the Spring.

The question of the front fences and the landscaping has been raised by theCouncillors. As with the two items above; this will be dealt with in the Spring involving the Council and the tenants.

It was agreed that if and when any further houses were built on the remaining land, single accommodation for the elderly should be given priority.

(ii) Bridle (Right-of-way) Path Map : Mr. Newbolt-Young reported that he had examined the file on this matter and found that there has not been any entriesfor five years. After discussion it was agreed that the responsibility for the paths rested with the County Council and that the DNPA kept a check on thecondition of such paths. The role of the Parish Council seemed to be one of monitoring the condition and reporting any need of repair/maintenance.

The Chairman reported that the path between Ponsworthy and Jordan has been washed away.

He agreed to report this to the DNPA.

(iii) Deeper Marsh Car parks : the Clerk reported that he had not received areply to his correspondence on the closure of both of these car parks. In future the Clerk was asked to send similar letters to Mr. Steemson, the Head Ranger atthe DNPA.

(iv) Road Chaos During Snow-falls : Cllr Whitley has raised the matter withthe DNPA who would be setting up a partnership meeting to examine the need for a contingency plan for future such occasions.

The Clerk read a letter of reply from WPC Evans on the matter. She had been around to help stranded drivers during the snow-falls. On the matter oftemporary road closure, she had forwarded the Clerk’s letter to Inspector Taylor.

(v) Introduction of Car Park Charges (TDC) : the Clerk read the letter of reply from Mr.B.Gray (TDC) . He had said that the points raised would beconsidered by the Executive Committee of TDC and that the Clerk’s letter had been forwarded to the Chairman of the District Council Mr. Frost.

The Council wished for further pressure to be applied to Mr. Frost by another letter pointing out the problem of illegal parking on road-sides by visitors tothe Moors. It was also noted that the official policy of the DNPA was to encourage visitors to use public transport. Should TDC charge coaches to parkthis would be against the spirit of such policy.

(vi) Donations to Widecombe and Leusdon Churches : a letter and telephonecall from both PCC’s has been received asking for further donations towards the up-keep of the two church yards. It was agreed to give £72 to each of the PCC’s.

After discussion it was agreed to refer the request for further support of the Church Tower Appeal to the District Audit which was due on the 6th February.

(vii) ANNUAL PARISH MEETING ; the date for the meeting was agreed for Wednesday 28th March at Church House starting at 7.30 pm. It was agreed thatCllr Frost; the leader of TDC would be invited to discuss the question of Car Park Charges.

It was also agreed to invite Mr. Chorlton, County Environment Director to discuss the state of Minor Roads in the Parish.

(viii) It was agreed to grant the PCC of Widecombe Church permission to hold the annual Church Fete on the Green on 28th May 2001.

(ix) Sand Bags Storage : Mr.Pascoe informed the Council that 100 sand bags were now stored in a Church building opposite the Post Office in Widecombe foruse in the case of a flood emergency. Keys to the store are held by the Post Office and a Church Warden, Mrs. M.Mousley of Norleigh House, Widecombe.


(i) Widecombe Primary School : a letter from Mrs.A.Whale of Wild Goose hasbeen received in response to the Clerk’s request in the January Parish Link for details of Parish organisations. She gave details of the Widecombe Pre-Schooland Toddler Groups.

The Clerk pointed out that this was the only communication he has receivedfrom that item in the Council Meeting Report. He was therefore still unable to construct a comprehensive list of Parish organisations and their Secretaries.

(ii) Badger’s Holt, Dartmeet : Application for On Licence at the Cafe has been received. There were no objections.

(iii) Devon CC request for information on the Parish Appraisal : this questionnaire was taken by Mrs.M.Phipps who was one of the original AppraisalCommittee for completion.

(iv) Exeter University : WPC information seeking questionnaire, referred backto sender.

(v) Dartmoor Visitor 2001 Events Publicity : it was decided to return thisform with details of the Widecombe Fair and the Church Fete.


(i) 0038/01 Small extension to provide disabled toilet at The Old Inn, Widecombe; recommended for approval provided that it in no way impedes theneighbouring property.

(ii) Grant of Conditional Planning Permission for : Old Glebe House andFoxworthy, Poundsgate.

(iii) Amended plans ref 0403/00 for Ravenswood , Leusdon ( conservatory).

(iv) Merrypark, Widecombe : it was noted that a barbed wire fence had been placed across the uncompleted site. Mr.Whale declared an interest and informedthe Council that he had placed this fence on site within the request of the DCC Highways. It was therefore decided not to pursue the matter further.

(v) Sweaton Farm Site Inspection Report: two Councillors attended the site meeting on 26th January. They reported to the Council. The Clerk read theminutes of the DNPA on the same topic. It was decided not to pursue the matter further.


(i) Highways Maintenance on Minor Roads : the Chairman reported on themeeting of TALC which he attended in January. He said that the concerns of Widecombe PC on the poor state of the minor roads within the Parish were sharedby many other Parish Councils.

The Clerk read the reply from Environment Director on the same matter.According to the DCC Director Mr. Chorlton there was currently a shortfall of £16.2 millions or 38% in real terms in resources over the past ten years. TheCounty Council’s Scrutiny Committe has made available £1 million in 2000/2001 through the “Street Recovery Programme” to make a start to address theproblem. He said that it might take ten years to correct the present state of Devon’s roads. The Highways Maintenance Department were over stretched and underresourced.

After discussion it was decided to write to Mr. Chorlton again. In theCouncil’s reply the Clerk was to point out that the standards of road repairs were very poor and that resources were wasted on over manning and inefficiency.Mr.Chorlton is to be invited to address the Annual Parish Meeting on this topic.


(i) School Transport : the Chairman reported that he had received a number of complaints about the poor quality of service of school transport. Several otherCouncillors also reported on the matter.

It was decided to write to Mr. Geoff Thomas , Community Development Officerat County Hall illustrating the very poor quality of service.

(ii) Millennium Commemoration Photograph Album : the Chairman reported thatthis album was now in his care. He would bring it to the next meeting for Councillors to view.


(i) Income Interest on Deposit £35.33

(ii) Expenditure Hire of Halls £24.00

Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements £152.29

(iii) District Audit

The Clerk reported that all the books, papers, records etc had been taken toForde House on 1st February for the Annual Audit. The Clerk would attend the Audit on 6th February.

(iv) Review of Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements : the Clerk reported that he had been in touch with Lesley Smith at DAPC to inquire about the correct rate ofpay and travelling expenses for Parish Clerks. These were respectively £6.47 per hour (minimum) and 48.5 p/mile.

The Clerk withdrew from the meeting. In his absence it was agreed to pay these rates to the Clerk immediately. This would be for 18 hours each monthmaking an annual salary of £1,397.52 which would in future follow the NAPC’s recommended annual indexing. It was also agreed to pay the Clerk for histraveling expenses to meetings.

The Clerk thanked the meeting for its decision.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 p.m.

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