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Parish Council Minutes February 2008

Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 7th Feb. 2008

PRESENT:Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame & Mrs. Tempest


IN ATTENDANCE:Mr. John Draisey from Devon Records Office, Cllr. Sally Morgan, PC Andy Dudley, six members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.


PC Andy Dudley gave a police report for the period 4th January – 6th February: no crimes were committed and there were only two incidents reports received from the public

2923MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd January 2008 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.


  1. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Draisey who gave a presentation of the history of Devon’s Tithe Maps and an opinion on the state of the Widecombe Map. He made recommendations on the future restoration and storage of the map which he asked the Parish Council to consider. He also suggested that a digital record of the map be made onto a CD from which other copies could be made. The cost of which would be £850 + VAT.
  2. After discussion it was decided that the Parish Council should hand over the Tithe Map to the Devon Records Office at Exeter for restoration and safe keeping on the understanding that the Council retains ownership and the right to ‘borrow’ it back for any special occasion. It was also agreed that the Council will pay for the cost of making the CD and hold the copy write for same.
  3. Mr. Beard retrieved the original Apportionment Register, which accompanies the Tithe Map, from the Parish Chest for inspection. The chairman thanked Mr. Beard for all the time he has dedicated to the History Group and in particular the management of the Tithe Map.
  4. Parish Field Let:Mr. Booty has acquired a copy of a NFU draft Grass Let agreement which the Clerk edited for use with the let of the Parish Field. The meeting agreed to use this amended NFU agreement which the Chairman agreed to take to the prospective tenant for signing and payment of £200.
  5. Parish Field:the Chairman reported on a site meeting at which four Councillors had inspected the Field. It was recommended that a number of items were in need of attention: supply of water and trough, hedge and fence repair and negotiation with the adjoining landowner for permission to attend to the work. Mr. Smerdon agreed to do the work for a charge of £350. This was agreed unanimously in the hope that the work could be completed without delay so that the tenant could begin use of the field. The same group of Councillors also inspected the state of the village and reported on several items in need of attention. Robert Steemson of DNPA has agreed to look at ownership of certain boundaries to clarify who is responsible for over hanging hedge growth. It was noted that Geoff Partridge has made a very good job of laying the North Hall Field hedge.
  6. Mr. Nosworthy made point that other parts of the parish should be inspected.
  7. Mr. Tame reported that he was arranging for an inspection of the trees on The Green = £245
  8. DNPA Chief Executive:it was agreed that the Council will invite Kevin Bishop to attend a meeting of the Council in either June or July to speak on the DNPA Management Plan 2007 – 2012 and take questions from Members.
  9. Annual Parish Meeting:it was agreed that the APM should begin with a wine and cheese reception and that group leaders be invited to give reports. Members were asked to advertise the meeting as widely as possible to improve attendance.


  1. Weekly Lists placed for circulation.
  2. Grant of Planning for:None
  3. 0591/05:Two-storey extension at No. 2 Fernhill Ctt. Ponsworthy: ‘No Objection’
  4. 0041/08:Revision of permission 0623/07 at South Lake Farm. ‘No Objection’
  5. 0020/08:Agricultural Dwelling at Great Cator Farm. Object on grounds of over size.
  6. 0072/08:External window at The Green Café. ‘No Objection’
  7. 0740/07:Amendments to Barn conversion at Higher Venton Farm. ‘No Objection’

2926CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:

  1. TDC:Agendas and Minutes, Planning Charter, Rural skip Service, Revised Code of Conduct.
  2. DNPA:Minutes and Agendas
  3. DCC:Devon in Touch & Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
  4. DAPC/CCD:envelope of information
  5. Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


  1. Maintenance: map completed for repairs and maintenance
  2. New Bridge Damage:copies of correspondence between Miles Furzdon, our MP and DCC were introduced by the Chairman for discussion. There was particular anxiety about the suggestion that delivery Lorries to the local community would only have access via Plymouth if concrete width restrictors were placed near New Bridge. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Chorlton of DCC to ask for an up date on negotiations regarding the best solution to continued vehicle damage to the bridge.




  1. Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,628
  2. Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for Jan. £288.60
  3. Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£657.05
  4. Hire of Hall 12months£66.00
  5. Mr. Partridge:North Hall Hedge Laying£220.00
  6. Mr.Rupert Baker:Tree Safety Inspection£245.00
  7. Leusdon Parish Church request for financial assistance: decision postponed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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