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Parish Council Minutes February 2009

WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thurs. 5th Feb. 2009

PRESENTMr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr. Booty, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame, Mrs. Tempest & Mr. Wallace.



3004 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2009 were corrected and then approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting. It was decided that, in future, only approved minutes would be published ie. after the subsequent meeting one month later.


(a)TETRA Mast Appeal: 21st January: the Chairman gave a thorough report, attached. He thanked the Clerk and Members of the Council for their support during the long drawn out process, now almost complete. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Newbolt-Young for his efforts in supporting the wishes of the Community both in the period before the appeal and at the Appeal itself. The two parties are currently engaged in claiming costs against each other. A decision by the Inspectorate is expected some 5 – 6 weeks after the hearing – beginning of March. It remains the view of the Parish Council that Members have sought to represent the expressed views of the electorate at all times. However, should there be in future an incident requiring quick emergency services response, the Council did not wish to be responsible for there not being an adequate airwaves communications signal. But even if the mast is constructed and an adequate signal in Widecombe valley results there remains the un-answered question about similar situations in outlaying hamlets in the parish.

(b)Parish Field Grass Let 2009:The let, having been advertised, has received only one application from Lucinda Palmes at £220. This was accepted by the Council. It was reported that the boundary between the Council’s Field and the back of the public toilet has been eroded and no longer is effective as a stock proof fence. The Clerk is to write to TDC requesting remedial action be taken. In the mean time a gate will be fixed at the point behind the car park wall.

(c)Widecombe Fair 2009 Contract:this has been signed by Mrs. Raymond.

(d)Annual Parish Meeting:Wednesday 18th March at 7.30 pm. The Clerk reported that he has had confirmation from the Chairman of the South Devon Brach of the Judiciary of England, Lady Frere JP, that we will have a guest speaker to talk about HM Courts Service. Mrs. Tempest agreed to contact various community group leaders about giving a report. It was agreed that the evening will start with a wine and cheese reception.


(a)Weekly lists now available on line.

(b)Grant of Planning for: Retention of timber cabin for staff use at Foxworthy.

(c)0792/08 Retention of chair sculpture at Higher Natsworthy: the Chairman reported that both the Clerk and he have been in touch with DNPA about uncertainties to do with the WPC’s response to this application. The response form was correctly completed and returned to Parke, however the Case Officer does not seem to have received it – a copy will be sent immediately. The Council’s concern is about traffic congestion at Natsworthy. The application is likely to go to Committee.

(d)0023/09Insertion of oak-framed window at Tunhill: Council’s Decision is to ‘Support’

3007CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:


(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas.

(c)DCC:Devon in Touch x 2 & Commons Act 2006 invitation to event: taken by Chairman.


(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


(a)Mr. Morley presented several photographs of the very poor state of the road surface at Bonehill. The Clerk will send these to DCC Highways.

(b)Newbridge, Holne:DCC reply received from the Chief Engineer regarding the decision not to alter the bridge. The reason given being that English Heritage will not support the widening of the bridge. Members were disturbed by this attitude and asked the Clerk to invite a representative from English Heritage to a Council meeting to explain their decision publicly.




(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account4,280

(b)Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for January £318.12

(c)Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£1,379.33 IncomeDeposit from Raymond Amusements£260.00 Donation from Dartington Morris Men: give to St. Pancras PCC£50.00

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00 pm

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 5th March 2009 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 18th March at 7.30 pm Wine & Cheese Reception

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