Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 4th February 2010
in the Church House, WidecombePresent: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest and Wallace.
Clerk: Suzanna HughesPresent: No members of public
OPEN FORUMNo comments.
3098 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCEReceived from County Cllr Gribble.
3099 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTMembers were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.
Cllr Tempest declared an interest in item 3105 (b) (iv). The clerk explained that this was listed on the agenda to report as a decision and not for discussion.3100 RATIFICATION OF MINUTES
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 5th November 2010 were approved all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.3101 POLICE REPORT
(a) Widecombe Fair – future arrangements and contract for 2010After brief discussion, Cllr Nosworthy proposed that the contract for 2010 is offered to Raymond Amusements. This was seconded by Cllr Tame, with all in agreement. It was also agreed that the fee would remain the same as 2009 at £2,600.
Cllr Smerdon proposed that the contract should go out to tender in future years as, in his opinion, there is scope for making the Fair even better. Other councillors reminded members of the potential pitfalls in doing this with the possibility of putting the Fair at risk. It was agreed that this would be discussed in more depth at the next meeting.(b) Parish Planning – to further discuss process and benefits
The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting at Lustleigh Village Hall arranged by Community Council of Devon. As well as himself, the meeting was attended by the Chairman of North Bovey Parish Council, Martin Rich (CCD), Jo Rumble (DNPA) and Gary Powell (TDC). He had learnt that there were 52 parishes in the Dartmoor National Park – 2 have drawn up a plan and 3-4 are interested. The Chairman reported that as the Parish Council represents the community, he came away with the opinion that a survey ought to be carried out. In order to pursue the project further, the Parish Council would need to find someone to head up and steer the project. Financing it would also need to be addressed although the Chairman clarified that money is available from the DNPA (£300) and DCC (£1000). (c) Parish Field Grass Let 2010
The Chairman had received a letter from Lucinda Curnock (formerly Palmes), the current lessee of the Parish Field, who has made an offer to lease the field in 2010. It as agreed that before the offer could be discussed, the lease for the field would need to be advertised. The clerk would put up notices around the parish and request that applications are made before the next meeting in March.(d) Parish Council Field as a potential site for affordable housing
Members first debated whether there was a need for additional affordable housing in the parish. It was agreed that in order to help establish this, the clerk would need to contact Devon Home Choice to find out how many people were currently registered.The second issue is the will of Mr van Straubenzee and whether it contains any restrictions on how the land can be used. It was agreed that the clerk should seek the deeds/will.
Cllr Nosworthy also observed that if there was a demand for affordable housing, this is not the only site in the parish which could be considered. (e) Serving notice of meetings by email – To pass a resolution and amend standing orders to allow the service of notice of meeting and supporting documents by email.
It was resolved that service of notice of meetings and supporting documents could be emailed if councillors so chose. The clerk proposed the following wording to be added to the council’s standing orders:1. (c) Notice of all meetings of the Council must be given at least three clear working days prior to the meeting, not including the day of publication or the day of the meeting
(d) Notices of such meetings are to be affixed to the various Parish Council notice boards in the Parish and a summons to attend delivered to every Member of the Council. Councillors who have email facilities may receive notice of meetings and agendas by that method if they choose.This was agreed.
(f) Annual Parish Meeting 2010 – to confirm date and arrangements including suggestions for a speaker. It was agreed that this year’s Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Wednesday 17th March 2010 starting at 7.30pm. It was suggested that the clerk invite Martin Rich from CCD to encourage interest from parishioners to become involved with the conducting of a parish survey. This was agreed by all. It was agreed that the clerk would advertise the meeting in the Parish Link. The meeting will take a similar format as last year with wine and cheese, which Cllr Tempest agreed to organise, and local groups invited to make a short report on their activities.
3105 PLANNING(a) New applications/appeals
(i) East Shallowford Farm, WidecombeTimber conservatory
Members agreed to support the application.(ii) St Pancras Church, Widecombe
Remediation/re-building of adversely leaning/bulging length of western boundary retaining wall located to south of lych-gate at St Pancras Church, WidecombeMembers agreed to support the application.
(iii) Tunhill Farm, WidecombeAppeal against the refusal of listed building consent for removal of an existing window, deepening of opening and installation of a new single glazed window.
Members agreed to support the appeal and had no additional comments to make. (iv) Arqiva Transmitting Station, Blackslade Farm, Widecombe
Installation of one 0.75m VSAT dish antenna and associated feeder cables on the existing tower for the digital switchover (DSO)Members agreed to support the application.
(b) Decisions(i) Blackslade Manor, Widecombe
Alterations and extensions. Granted, subject to conditions.
(ii) Jordan Manor, WidecombeNew doorway through an existing studwork wall
Granted, subject to conditions.(iii) Tavistock Inn, Poundsgate
New ground floor window in north gable Granted, subject to conditions.
(iv) Beacon Cottage, PoundsgateAlterations and improvements to existing garage to improve off road parking. Also a visual/practical improvement by adding a pitch roof with natural slate
Granted, subject to conditions.(v) Bowden Barn, Widecombe
Erection of stables and hay store Permission refused.
3106 CORRESPONDENCE(a) Correspondence re mobile phone mast
The clerk reported that she had received a letter from a parishioner who had asked the Parish Council to debate the need for a mobile phone mast which would cater for all parishioners and not just the emergency services (as the TETRA mast would). After brief discussion, members, whilst appreciating the comments made, agreed that mobile phone masts are usually erected where there is significant demand and that the mobile phone companies are unlikely to install a mast in the Widecombe area due to the relatively low usage. Members, therefore, felt unable to pursue this matter further on his behalf.(b) Devon’s Mobile Library Service – survey
DCC has requested feedback from the Parish Council about the mobile library service. Cllr Tempest commented that the van parked at the top of the road in Leusdon thus making it difficult/impossible for some to use. It also agreed that the service required more promotion to make more parishioners aware of it.(c) Annual Parish Council Conference, Parke – 10th February – date noted.
(d) Street Collection at Widecombe Fair and Village – 14 September – Royal National Lifeboat Institution – noted. For circulation:
(e) DNPA – Public Participation at Meetings of the Authority(f) Delivering for Dartmoor 2010 – DNPA
(g) Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund Annual Report 2008/9 (h) Village Green – December 2009
(i) TDC – Minutes of Council Meeting 14 December 2009 (j) DNPA – Minutes and Agenda
(k) Teignbridge Life – Winter 2009 (l) DCC – Devon Talk – Winter 2009
(m) RD& Express – November 2009 (n) DNPA – National Park Forum & Bulletin
(o) The Flyer (p) DAPC Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2010
(q) DCC leaflet – Emergency Planning advice 3107 HIGHWAYS
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map:Potholes considered to be a particular danger were marked on the map. The clerk was also asked to contact DCC about a yellow grit bin which has been installed at Bonehill but has never had any grit delivered to it. The Chairman also commented on the problem with vehicles attempting to drive up/down Chittleford Hill during the bad weather and the absence of appropriately sited grit bags/bins. It was agreed that a map would be circulated for members to mark potential sites for grit bins which could then be forwarded to DCC. Cllr Tempest also reported a possible hole in a drain the Widecombe side of Ponsworthy Bridge, opposite the old Post Office. It is believed that when BT put up a new pole, they put it through a drain. This has caused water to leak and then freeze in the cold weather and has therefore been very dangerous for vehicles.
Other highways issues: Cllr Booty reported the closure of Dartmeet Bridge for 5 days at the beginning of March.
Members also agreed to record their thanks to parishioners and farmers who had helped with the gritting of the roads during the extreme weather.3108 DELEGATES REPORTS
The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from the Church Council requesting financial support from the Parish Council towards the upkeep of the churchyard. After debate, it was proposed that before this could be considered further, the clerk would contact the PCC for a copy of their latest accounts.3109 MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN
3110 FINANCE (a) The following payments were approved::
§ Cheque no 000689 – C Mayhead (Photographs) £ 36.00§ Cheque no 000690 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for November
& December £463.15§ Cheque no 000691 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for January £217.00
§ Cheque no 000692 – Widecombe Church House Fund – hire of Church House for 10 months (June 2009-March 2010) £ 70.00
(b) Account balances were noted.§ Current account £2889.23 (excluding payments above)
§ Deposit account £4834.38(c) Precept for 2010/2011
The clerk presented a financial summary in order for members to discuss the precept request for 2010/11. Cllr Nosworthy proposed that the precept be increased by 10%, this was seconded by Cllr Morely and agreed by the majority.The clerk was asked to find out how many households there are in the parish of Widecombe. She agreed to report at the next meeting.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.28 pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.
All welcome.