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Parish Council Minutes February 2011

           WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL                                            

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd February 2011in Church House, Widecombe  

Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest & Wallace. 

Clerk: Suzanna Hughes

In attendance: County Councillor George Gribble

Members of the Public: Two

OPEN FORUM  Anthony Beard     The History Group has been in negotiation with the Diocese and the Widecombe Parochial Church Council, in an effort to renovate the Old Reading Room for the purpose of a Heritage and Educational Centre, without success. The problem is that after spending a great deal of money on renovating the building it would still not be the property of the Parish, and this was their aim. They feel that if they could create a Centre and Exhibition Display of local history at Widecombe, it would be of benefit to the whole community. As many schools seem to visit Widecombe as part of their education, they would also be in position to help promote local businesses. Their idea is therefore to have a purpose built environmentally friendly timber building of about 20feet x 40 feet. Their thinking is that if it could be built on land belonging already to the Parish, it would mean that all the time, money and effort put into creating the centre would benefit the Community. It would also immediately become the Parish’s asset and property being built on their land. In the worse case scenario, if after a few years, the History Group folded, the building and its contents would still be there for the Parish. They are keen to progress with this scheme without too much delay and are prepared to get the funding to facilitate this.  Their initial idea was to put it in the Parish Field with an entrance through from the car park.  This would not reduce the area of grazing by much as that part of the field does not appear very productive. They are, however, prepared to consider any other option that the Council may offer, such as the car park itself. Members supported the proposal and agreed to give some thought to where the construction would be best sited.  

Roger Claxton Update on the digitisation project – funding is now in place with a contribution from Cllr Jeffrey of £800 and Cllr Gribble also hoping to offer some money. The History Group are custodians of the Parish Chest the contents of which they plan to digitise along with other archives and memorabilia. The tithe map which was digitised by the Devon Records Office and the apportionment book which has been completed by Roger are now available to purchase on a memory stick. He is also happy to demonstrate this at a future meeting. The Chairman thanked Roger for his time and effort doing this.

3229   APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received.3230     DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.   Cllr Newbolt-Young declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 3236 (a)(i) and a personal interest in item 3236(a)(v). § Cllr Smerdon declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 3235 (b).


 The minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2011 were approved and signed as a true and correct


Taken from January’s Ashburton Neighbourhood Report in Widecombe two incidents were reported. One crime was reported which was the theft of a recycling box just outside the village. The next police surgeries will be held in Ashburton Information Centre from 10 -11am on Wednesday 16th February. PC Dudley can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the central number 08452 777444 or alternatively by e-mail at


Cllr Gribble reminded members of the budget cuts that DCC will have to make over the next four years. The budget will be agreed later in the month. He is supportive of the History Group’s proposal for the reading room. Cllr Gribble will also be offering financial support to the pre-school and to Widecombe Fair Committee.  


            No report.


(a)        Housing Needs Survey

            The Chairman welcomed Sue Hitchcock from the Community Council of Devon and invited her to talk to members about conducting a Housing Needs Survey in the parish. Sue outlined the process involved and advised members that after completion and analysis of the surveys, the Parish Council would receive a report which will evidence the level of housing need (if any) in the parish. The Parish Council will need to help with the distribution of the forms but when completed the forms are sent back direct to the Community Council of Devon in supplied stamped addressed envelope and the results analysed. Members supported the proposal. It was therefore agreed that the forms would be made available to distribute by the next PC meeting and a deadline set for 31st March for their return. 

(b)             Boundary wall to Widecombe-in-the-Moor pay & display car park

Having declared an interest, Cllr Smerdon left the room for this item.

Two quotations have been received and a third has been sought. Once all the quotes have been received, TDC have asked for them to be forwarded to them for consideration.

(c)        Military shell collection box

            The clerk reported that she had met with Gus Ferguson, Head Ranger for the National Trust, to discuss the options for a collection box. There are various issues including (i) who will handle the cash (the National Trust are not keen for one of their employees to do this) and (ii) where will the box be located. A planning application would be required if the box was fixed to Church House or if a box was attached to the shell itself there may be issues of security. On reflection, because of the various difficulties, members agreed that it would not be practical to pursue this idea any further.

(d)             Potential closure of Newbridge toilets

The Chairman that there was a meeting between Patrick Simpson (landowner) and Ally Kohler at DNPA to discuss the future of Newbridge toilets. TDC have installed honesty boxes and Mr Simpson has agreed to match what TDC contribute. Cllr Booty commented that DNPA should be funding this. It was agreed that the clerk should write to DNPA and TDC to express the Parish Council’s concerns about the future of these toilets. Should also ask the view of the Environmental Health about the impact of closure on the environment.

(e)        Parish Field Grass Let 2011

The Chairman had received a letter from the current lessee of the Parish Field, who has made an offer to lease the field in 2011. It was agreed that before the offer could be discussed, the lease for the field would need to be advertised.   The clerk would put up notices around the parish and request that applications are made before the next meeting in March. In the meantime, Cllrs Newbolt-Young and Tame agreed to inspect the condition of the fence. There had also been a problem with the water last summer when the brook dried up possibly linked to the pipe not syphoning. Cllrs Newbolt-Young and Tame would also look at this.

(f)         DNPA Governance Consultation

Members did not express any particular view but concurred with the view of Holne Parish Council which had concerns about the number of DNPA members being too high.

(g         Standing Orders and Finance Regulations – it was agreed to defer this until the next meeting.

(h)        Future meeting dates              With the elections on 5th May, the clerk presented a schedule or proposed meeting dates. It was agreed that there would be no meeting on 5th May and the Annual General Meeting would be held instead on 12th May. The Annual Parish Meeting would be held on 16th March and the Annual Walkabout would precede the usual monthly meeting on 7th April. The proposed dates were agreed. The schedule would be posted on the noticeboards. It was agreed to invite the Principal of South Dartmoor Community College, Hugo Bellamy, to the Annual Parish Meeting.                    3236     PLANNING (a)        New applications/appeals

(i)         0012/11 – Installation of ground mounted PV panel array for domestic involving a change of use on agricultural land at Chittleford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor           

            Having declared an interest, Cllr Newbolt-Young left the room for this item.

No objections.

(ii)        0032/11 – Construction of single-pitch roof over existing walls of gear house at Corndonford Farm, Pondsgate

            No objections.  

(iii)            0034/11 – Replacement of seven windows on both floors, one new internal door and minor external re-pointing at Middle Bonehill, Widecombe-in-theMoor

No objections.

(iv)       0011/11 – Extension to roof including dormer windows and alterations, new natural stone external cladding, new patio and re-position oil storage tank at Bonehill Bungalow, Widecombe-in-the-Moor

            Members objected to this application on the grounds of over-development, its visual impact and the fact that it is out of keeping with surrounding properties.

0037/11 – Refurbishment of washroom and extension to barn to form carport (retrospective application) at Blackslade Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor

No objections. (b)        Decisions

0609/10 – Two storey side extension with single storey porch extension at Yonder Hayes, Widecombe-in-the-Moor. 

Granted conditionally.

(c)             Other planning matters



(a)        Email from DNPA Ranger, Bill Allen asking the clerk to report that on 19th January 2011, it was brought to his attention that 4×4 vehicles had been driving off road in the Southcombe Hill area. Bill went up and found severe and widespread damage caused by a number of different vehicles over a wide area and for a prelonged period of time. Bill informed Mr Clyde Coaker as landowner and Ashburton Police (Log: 460 of 19/01/11) as well as Eamon Crowe at Natural England as he was concerned that the Commoners would be blamed for this damage to the common. He has photographed the main damage and did contact The Mid Devon Advertiser though they haven’t got back to him yet. He understands that three ‘typical off roading type vehicles’ were seen together in and around the Parish during the snow and since, so if anyone sees or knows of any likely characters, the Police can be contacted quoting the above log number. Alternatively, contact Bill via the Ranger office at Parke. The DNPA Ranger Service has been through a review and change to its structure. As a result Bill’s area has changed significantly. Bill will still cover Buckland-in-the-Moor and Widecombe.   In addition, his new sector now includes Spitchwick, Ashburton, Holne and West Buckfastleigh.

(b)        A television production company, Maya Vision International, based in central London, has approached the Parish Council to support an idea for a new series. They have just finished a history series on BBC 4: Michael Wood’s Story of England and are currently developing a new history series for BBC 2 to be aired in early 2012, tracing a social history of the UK from its origins to the present day and seeing how British identity/identities crystallised over the course of time. The premise is to take Story of England as a model and expand it to include the whole of the UK, telling history from the bottom up – to take regional, local, even individual stories about normal people (as opposed to Kings and Queens) from across the UK and piece them together to tell a national narrative. A key part of this is getting local communities involved in researching or digging up their own past.  The reason the Parish Council has been contacted is that they are hoping to use Widecombe as a location over the coming year, through which to tell the story of the South West of England. They have been in touch with the archaeologist Andy Crabb, with the local history group and with some residents, all of whom seem to keen to be involved. Members very much supported the proposal.

(c)        Talk Teignbridge Residents Panel – invitations to join the panel. Details to be circulated.                   

(d)        Devon Active Villages –

(e)        Royal Garden Party – the Chairman would consider the invitation.

(f)         TDC – Adoption of Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

(g)        DALC Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2011

(h)        Clerk and Councils Direct

(i)         Teignbridge CVS – The Flyer   

3238     HIGHWAYS                 

(a)        Maintenance/pothole map:

Members marked potholes etc on the map to be sent to DCC Highways. 

(b)         Other highways issues:

Cllr Wallace reported that the streetlamp in the centre of the village was not working. The Chairman also advised that the telephone kiosk had been vandalised in the car park but BT will not repair it because it is not used enough.                            


Cllr Tempest reported that she had attended the AGM of the Educational Trust. The Trust had been asked for funding for drummers and a storyteller to support an African theme.

Cllr Morley reported that he had spoken to Trevor Eveleigh about the Best Kept Village Competition who now feels unable to commit to it. The clerk advised that she would do it if members wished to enter. This was agreed.


The Chairman reported that he had attended a Service of Licensing of Rev’d David Sherwood and he

has also been invited to a Civic Reception in Ashburton Town Hall.       

3241     FINANCE

            (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:

§ Cheque no 000725 – Hire of school hall – £10.00

§ Cheque no 000726 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for December – £258.60                                                            

(b)             The bank reconciliation was noted.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.  

Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ………………………………………. 



Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start

of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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