Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 7 February 2013
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Nosworthy, Tame, Tempest & Wallace
In attendance: District Cllr Jeffery, PC Andy Dudley, Stephen Scoffin (DNPA)
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 5
The Chairman welcomed Mr Stephen Scoffin, Project Manager DNPA, to the meeting and invited him to speak to councillors about the ‘Moor than meets the eye project’ which he is co-ordinating.
Mr Scoffin gave a brief presentation stating that the DNPA has been awarded the first phase of funding, totalling £100,000, from the Heritage Lottery Fund from its Landscape Partnership programme. The project, ‘Moor than meets the eye’, has been developed in partnership with Dartmoor Farmers Association, Dartmoor Partnership, Dartmoor Preservation Association, Devon County Council, Duchy of Cornwall, English Heritage, Forestry Commission, Natural England, South West Lakes Trust and the Woodland Trust. It will also involve local people and will serve to benefit Dartmoor and Devon as a whole. The main aims of the project are:
• to help people learn about and learn from the past
• to help people understand, appreciate and enjoy the cultural and natural environment now
• to develop projects and skills to conserve and sustain the area’s heritage for future generations
• to sustain a living and working landscape through business opportunities that capture the value of the landscape
• to develop a well trained and co-ordinated volunteer workforce which will become the legacy of the project long after funding has ceased.
Mr Scoffin concluded by requesting that the Parish Council facilitate a meeting to bring all interested parties together. It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be a suitable forum to do this.
Margaret Rogers
Expressed concern about the problems caused by the volume of visitors to the moor during the snowy period in particular the fact that the road out of Widecombe was temporarily blocked at one stage due to an accident. The Chairman advised that he had been speaking with the Head Ranger, DNPA and the County Councillors, George Gribble, and the police are aware of the situation it caused.
Anthony Beard
Advised that there would a public Board meeting shortly with regard to the consultation about the future of the hospitals and that it was important to maintain the pressure.
• Cllr S Morley
• Cllr A Routley
• County Cllr G Gribble
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
• Cllr Lewis declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 9 (a) Grazing Licence 2013 as she had submitted a tender for the field.
• Cllr Wallce declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 9 (b) – Widecombe-in-the-Moor Post Office
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 3 January 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley reported that two crimes had been reported in the last month – theft of a handbag from a car at Newbridge and a domestic assault in Ponsworthy.
No report.
The Chairman reported that County Cllr Gribble had assured him that he is trying to do all he can in respect of the potholes in his parishes and representing parishioners’ views about the transfer of in-patient beds from the rural hospitals to Newton Abbot.
Cllr Jeffery reported that TDC car parking charges are likely to go up by 5%. Free Sunday parking, however, is likely to be extended beyond March 2013.
No reports.
(a) Grazing Licence 2013:
Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this item, Cllr Lewis left the meeting.
Members received two tenders for the Parish Field. On opening the bids, it was agreed to
award the tender to the highest bidder, Cllr Lewis, who had bid £400.
On conclusion of this item, Cllr Lewis returned to the meeting.
(b) Widecombe-in-the-Moor Post Office
Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this item, Cllr Wallace left the meeting.
Members received details of a consultation about the relocation of the Post Office from ‘The Cafe on the Green’ to ‘The Shop on the Green’. After a discussion, members agreed to support the relocation, however they had concerns about cars parking on the road and it was therefore agreed that a request be made to TDC for a longer ‘grace’ period for those parking in the TDC car park to allow for the further distance to walk. It was further agreed that an approach be made to Hilary Way, as the owner of the other village car park, to ask for her consideration in providing a similar ‘grace’ period. This would then avoid vehicles parking on the road and on a bend outside the ‘The Shop on the Green.
On conclusion of this item, Cllr Wallace returned to the meeting.
(c) Issues raised by Rev Geoffrey Fenton:
[The Chairman suspended standing orders during this item to allow Rev Fenton to participate in this part of the meeting]
(i) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ project
Rev’d Fenton stated that he was delighted that the Parish Council had agreed to allow the project to be highlighted at the Annual Parish Meeting. The PCC is considering what it can do in church to raise the profile.
(ii) Historical Analysis and Archaeological Assessment
Rev’d Fenton informed members that there are various weaknesses in the church’s fabric such as no disabled access, no toilets or kitchen, no meeting room etc. The PCC is therefore considering financial assistance in order to commission a “Historical Analysis and Archaeological Assessment” of the church and part of the churchyard. This is a document which is required by DNPA and EH before any plans for the church can be progressed. The likely cost of this assessment is £2,000 and the church may therefore need to request help with funding this.
(iii) Formal role of the Parish Council in the annual Remembrance Day
Rev’d Fenton advised that the Royal British Legion seems to have disappeared from the village and suggested that in future years Parish Councillors became formally involved in the annual Remembrance Day service. This was supported by the Parish Council and it was suggested that this be raised again at the Annual Parish Meeting in order to raise its profile.
(iv) Sandbag storage in the church’s car park/garage
The Chairman advised that the Parish Council had received a letter from the Honorary Secretary of the PCC, Peter Dracup, advising that permission had been given by the PCC and its landlords for the sandbags to be stored in the dilapidated shed adjoining the Old Reading room on the basis of a gratuitous licence which can be withdrawn at any time. The letter and its contents were noted.
(d) Letter from Lustleigh Parish Council re workmanship relating to potholes
Correspondence had been received seeking the support of the Parish Council to make a joint representation to Devon County Council about the quality of the workmanship relating to repaired potholes. It was agreed that this Council would support Lustleigh Parish Council.
(e) Shaping Community Services for the Future
Members received correspondence from the Mayor of Ashburton regarding an alleged flawed consultation process relating to the options for care in Ashburton, Buckfastleigh ad Bovey Tracey communities. Members were reminded that a letter from the Parish Council had already been sent opposing the proposal, however a further letter could be sent to support the suggestion that the consultation process was allegedly flawed. This was agreed.
(f) Grants
(i) Elector Fund – members noted the receipt of £639.10 from the Elector Fund to refurbish the WDSG summer house.
(ii) Rural Aid – it was suggested that a suitable project might be the ‘Community Dig’ at North Hall Manor. It was agreed that Mrs Rogers of North Hall Manor, would provide the clerk with details of the project and in the meantime the clerk would make enquiries about whether this project would qualify.
(g) Annual Parish Meeting
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th March at 7.30pm. Mr Stephen Scoffin, DNPA, will be the speaker (as agreed above) and as in previous years, community groups in the parish would be invited to attend and give a short report.
(h) Teignbridge District Council budget proposals
Members declined to comment.
(i) Buckingham Palace Garden Parties
It was agreed to recommend the Chairman for nomination.
(a) Payments for approval
The following cheques were approved for payment:
• Cheque no 000794 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (Feb) – £221.90
• Cheque no 000795 – Widecombe Fair Committee – 25% contribution towards traffic and pedestrian management expenses – £494.40
(b) Widecombe Fair Balance Sheet
Members received and noted the Widecombe Fair balance sheet showing a profit to the Parish Council in 2012 of £977.
(a) New applications/appeals
(b) Decisions
(i) 0471/12 – Single storey dwelling to provide ancillary staff accommodation, replacing fire damaged caravan accommodation, The Old Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that permission has been refused.
(ii) 0637/12 – Erection of a brushwood fence along road frontage (retrospective), Jordan Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that permission has been refused.
Members received the following items of correspondence:
(i) Letter from Mel Stride, MP informing members that he was concerned about the protection of services at Ashburton and Buckfastleigh hospital and has been in very close discussions with the Torbay Care Trust and representatives from Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Town Councils, GP surgeries and the League of Friends.
He also advised that he was making enquiries on the Parish Council’s behalf to the Ambulance Service about the poor response time which had been reported to him recently.
(ii) Letter from Peter Dracup, St Pancras PCC – members received a request for a grant towards the upkeep of the grave yard. It was agreed that this would be included on March’s agenda.
Items for information were placed in the circulation folder.
(a) Members reported the following:
• The signpost to Sherill is still missing
• The signpost to Chittleford is still missing
• The gate to the common from Thornhill Lane is still missing
[The Clerk reminded members that at the last meeting it had been reported that Bill Allen, DNPA has advised that Jonathan Rowlands (DCC Public Rights of Way Officer) is looking into this].
• The track to Jay’s grave is blocked by a fallen tree
• The condition of Jordan Lane is very poor
[The Clerk reminded members that at the last meeting, it had been reported that Scott Riddell, DCC Highways had advised that that he will put this road on a scheme next year to get patched, although as it is a very low priority of maintenance category, he is not certain when it will be done]
• Flooding at Whitegate (at the cattlegrid by the Ashburton turn off)
(b) Members noted the temporary prohibition of through traffic to enable repairs to the cattle grid at Ullacombe from 11 February to 15 February.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.14pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.