Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 5th Jan. 2006
PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.Newbolt-Young, Mr.S.Booty, Mr.S.Morley, Mr.M.Nosworthy , Mr.Pascoe, Mr.S.Tame and Mrs.Tempest.
IN ATTENDANCE:Cllr.Mrs.Sally Morgan seven members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
(a) Police Patrol in the Parish: Mr.Newbolt-Young reported that as a consequence of a request to the police by a parishioner to deal with a problem of alleged public nuisance, they have refused on grounds that there is no radio coverage. This matter was considered to be of the gravest consequence and that there was need for the Police Authority to make clear their policy on matters of policing in Widecombe.After discussion it was agreed that the County Councillor would speak with the Chief Constable and the local MP about this serious matter. Mr. Newbolt-Young has already written to our MP about this matter.
2756MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd November 2005 were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.
(a)History Society Fire Safe:Mr.Beard reported that he has researched this matter and been in touch with Debbie Griffiths of the County Records Office. She congratulated the group on its care of documents that, in the event of a loss due to fire, could never be replaced.
However, any solution to more secure storage is complex and a metal fire proof safe is probably not the best solution.
It is likely that a permanent solution will involve a Risk Assessment by the National Trust and help and advice from the Fire Service.
The Church House Management committee is currently looking at possible alternative ways forward in this matter. The Parish council will be kept informed of progress made.
(b)ANNUAL PARISH MEETINGit was agreed that this should be held on: WEDNESDAY 22nd MARCH at 7.30 pm at CHURCH HOUSE
(c)Common Registration of The Green:Mr.Nosworthy produced documents obtained from County Hall that indicate that the Green was registered in the ownership of the Widecombe Parish Council in 1972. Documents were also produced to show that Minute books dating back to 1894 were deposited at the Devon Record Office in 1990 by Mr.Price the WPC Clerk at the time.
(d)Register of Electors 2006: this new register is now in the position of the Clerk available for public inspection on request.
(e)Parish Field Grass Keep Renewal: the present tenant Mrs. Anna Geikie has requested a renewal of the let of the Parish field. After discussion it was agreed that this should be for 11 months of 2006 starting on 1st Feb and renewable at the January meeting of 2007. Interest registered by Mr.Pascoe.
(f)Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Policing Costs of Widecombe Fair 2006: a letter of replay has been received from Insp. Nott indicating that the costs are likely to be £2,060 in total  to be divided between the Fair Committee and the Parish Council.
The letter also suggested a meeting of interested parties to discuss details. The councilÂs representatives at this meeting shall be Mr.Newbolt-Young and Mr.Tame with Mr.Nosworthy to be reserve.
(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
(b)Grant of Planning for:Little Cresson Hayes, Rugglestone Inn, Hannaford House and Widecombe Manor Cottage (Certificate of Lawful Use).
(c)Refusal of Planning for: Lake farm raised flower beds and 10m timber mono-pole at the verge at rear of The Old Inn.
(d)Notice of objection sent to both WPC and DNPA regarding residential use of a caravan in the carpark of the Old Inn. An acknowledgement has been received from DNPA.
(e)Appeal Decision: Barn at Middle Cator Farm  the appeal is dismissed and the enforcement noticeis upheld.
The following applications: the Council registered No Objections:
(f)0163/02 Replacement of existing bungalow by new two-storey dwelling at RoguesÂs Roost.
(g)0848/05Opening of hedgerow at Rugglestone Inn.
(h)0961/05Conversion of barn at Southcombe Barn
(i)0893/05Erection of part-sunken domestic swimming pool at Uphill House. (Listed0
(j)0941/05Extension to pond at Langworthy Farm.
(k)0872/05Site a temporary classroom block at Widecombe Primary School: the Council wished to support the school but made a request that an alternative siting of the classroom block be found at the rear of the school if possible. Interest expressed by Mr.Newbolt-Young and Mrs.Tempest.
(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes, Street Naming, Car Parking Strategy, Local Development Scheme Â04-09, Strategic Partnership newsletter and Tools Project.
(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Releases, Conservation Area Appraisal, Dartmoor Visitor.
(c)DCC:Monthly News Round-up, Waste Local Plan, Devon Talk and Social ServicesConsultation:This consultation is about Kenwyn a nursing home in Ashburton. After discussion and detailed information from the County Councillor it was decided that each Member should send in their own reply sheet and that the Council should also send in views separately.
(d)DAPC:envelope of various items.
(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
(a)The monthly map for attention of the Highway Dept. was highlighted for return.
(b)Maintenance Correspondence: the Clerk read two replies to his complaint about the sate of the roads in the Parish: one from the Chief Executive of DNPA which supported the CouncilÂs concerns and the other from DCC which indicated that there was little hope of any immediate improvement.
The letter from DCC suggested that the problem of unkept and poorly drained roads has largely due to the debris left when hedges were trimmed and the arisings left on the roadside.
Mr.Nosworthy again informed the meeting that roads that should be swept at least once a year were, in some cases, unswept in four years.
(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,102.12
(b)ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for November £265.00 & December 251.44
(c)Current AccountBalance at 31.10.05£1,626.92
(d)2006/07 Precept request: after discussion it was unanimously decided to keep the Precept at its current level of £3,550
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.