PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.S.Booty, Mrs.A.Came, Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.S.Tame and Mrs. Tempest.
APOLOGIES: Mr.Morley and Mr.Pascoe.
IN ATTENDANCE: Cllrs. Morgan & Jeffrey, five members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
- A request from a member of the public to use the Village Green for a fortnightly market was received. The suggestion was to continue the existing fortnightly market, currently held in The Church House but from Easter also hold another on the Green. After discussion about types and number of stalls, insurance, health and safety and costs were completed it was agreed to take forward the suggestion by asking the proponent to submit a formal written application giving details of the request. The Council will then consider this request at its next meeting and make a decision accordingly  including the charges and the issuing of a contract.
2835MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd November 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.
- Refurbishment of The Old Inn:the Clerk reported that he had not had a reply from DNPA regarding the internal changes at the Inn. He also reported that he had received a complaint from a member of the public about the changes.
- Tree Inspection:Cllr Tame reported that the DNPA has given consent to the work being done and that they would pay half of the costs. He produced an invoice for £190 for the tree inspection fee.
- Parish Field Grass Let:after receiving a request it was agreed to continue the existing let with the same conditions and fee of £320.
- LCC Pre-application for an O2 mast in the village: the Clerk reported that he had informed LCC of the views of the Council following the last meeting and that he had received a reply. Also received since the last meeting was a further Pre-Application giving details of the proposed siting of an O2 Tetra Mast.Mr.Newbolt-Young informed the Council of the views of the Board of Governors of the school and the views of the owners of the two sites identified by LCC as being potential sites for a Planning Application. Neither of these owners has signed an agreement to allow the building of a mast. After a full discussion it was decided unanimously to continue with the opposition to any siting of a Tetra Mast in the village of Widecombe.
- May 2007 Local Elections:the Clerk underlined the need to consider ways of approaching the forth coming elections. DAPC has produced a folder that contained ideas of raising public awareness of the importance of standing for and voting at the Local Elections. It was agreed that Members would read through this folder before the next meeting and then make decisions accordingly.Mr.Newbolt-Young said that he had spoken with the Head Teacher of the Village school about ways of involving the children in understanding the importance of democratic elections.
- Annual Parish Meeting:the date was fixed for 21st March 2007. It was also agreed to have the usual format and invite a guess speaker. The Clerk is to invite Ruth Taylor  Rural Projects Development Officer for Teignbridge Council for Voluntary Service at Newton Abbot.
- Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
- Grant of Planning for: Shortcross Cottage, Re-roofing of Higher Bonehill Farm, Widecombe Post Office and conversion of stable barn to holiday cottages at Lower Venton Farm.
- Refusal of Planning Permission for six affordable homes at Brook Lane.
- 0824/06Re-roofing & internal alterÂns at Higher Bonehill Farm: 06.11.06 by sub-committee.
- 0187/06Timber Structure at Land adjacent to Higher Natsworthy SX7237 7996 Â decision of Council to support the application.
- 0960/06Erection of two small village houses at land adjacent to Shortcross Cottagedecision of Council to objected on grounds of it being inside the Conservation area of the village with poor access and further sewage overload.
- Appeal E/06/2033285 Siting of a minidish on a listed building at Lower Cator Farm. The Council supports the applicant against the DNPA refusing permission for the satellite dish.
- TDC:Agendas and Minutes, plus 10 further items.
- DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, Management Plan, LDF Parish Involvement, Forum.
- DCC:Achievements 2005, Commons Registration and Rural Transport.
- DAPC:envelope of various items,
- Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
- Highway Maintenance: Communications from DCC and Highway Management arrangements 2007.
- Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,312.73
- ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for November£251.38
- ditto December£270.33
- Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£1,188.85
- Audit Commission Completed  Fee£141.00
- Tree Inspection Fee£190.00
- TDC 2007/08 Precept: increased by £200 to £3,750
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10 pm.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.