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Parish Council Minutes January 2011



                              Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 6th January 2011

in Widecombe-in-the-MoorPrimary School

Present:  Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest & Wallace.

Clerk:  Suzanna Hughes

In attendance: District Cllr Mike Jeffrey

Members of the Public: None


The Chairman again thanked the head teacher of the school, Kate Edwards, for allowing the Parish Council to hold the meeting in the school hall.  He also thanked Cllr Morley for putting the planning applications on a memory stick to enable them to be projected for easy viewing at the meeting.


Received from:

§  PC Andy Dudley


Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.

None declared.


The minutes of the meeting held on th November 2010 were approved and signed as a true and correct


Taken from December’s Ashburton Neighbourhood Report, four incidents were reported in Widecombe of which two related to vehicles becoming stuck in the icy conditions. Three crimes were recorded which included the theft of 22 Christmas trees from a farm at Cator on December 5th.  Colleagues from Plymouth have arrested a male from that area in relation to earlier burglaries and thefts from cars in the Poundsgate area.   PC Dudley also wished to warn residents that bogus water board officials have been recently calling at addresses throughout Devon (including Buckfastleigh).  He advises that residents should always ask for ID and if in any doubt refuse entry and contact the police. Police Surgeries will be held in Ashburton Information Centre from 10 -11 am on Wednesday 12th January and Wednesday 16th February.

PC Dudley can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the central number 08452 777444 or alternatively by e-mail at


No report.


            Nothing to report.


(a)        Boundary wall to Widecombe-in-the-Moor pay & display car park

            This item would be deferred until next month when it was hoped that quotes will have been received.

(b)        ‘Shop’ banner in National Trust shop

The DNPA’s Enforcement Planner has spoken with the National Trust and confirmed with them that Listed Building Consent would need to be submitted if they would like to retain the sign at the Church House and possibly Advertising Consent.   The Nation Trust has asked if it is the type of sign that would be approved should any application be made and the DNPA referred it back to the Historic Building Officer.  As a nationally important building she has her reservations about the suitability of the sign and sought the advice of English Heritage.  They too are not keen on the current sign.  The DNPA’s advice to the National Trust was therefore to think about a smaller sign either on the wall behind the building, on the corner of the building or even have a fingerpost with an appropriate arrow made out in the National Trust colours.  It was confirmed by members that the National Trust has now replaced the sign with the original black sign.  It was agreed that this is much more appropriate and in keeping with both the building and the village.  The Parish Council agreed therefore not to make any representation.

(c)        Elections May 2011

The clerk, following her attendance of the pre-election briefing organised by DALC, advised that she had been given an information pack about the forthcoming elections to encourage parishioners to both stand and vote in the elections.  Members were also given a timetable of important dates including the deadline for the submission of nomination papers etc.

(d)           Newbridge toilets – potential closure

At the last meeting concern was expressed about the possible closure of the toilets at Newbridge.  The clerk reported that she had spoken to Steve Kew at TDC and been advised that as part of a review that took place in 2004 it was decided at Executive that Newbridge toilets would be closed by TDC and the running taken over by the DNPA.  However, it now looks like the DNPA will not be completing this arrangement.  Steve Kew is speaking with the land owner and the DNPA to look at possible ways forward to allow the toilets to remain open.  Currently, opening has been secured for the 2011 summer period.  TDC informed the clerk that the toilets cost about £9000 a year to run and maintain and asked whether the parish would be interested in committing any funding to allow the toilets to remain open.  In response to this members agreed that the Parish Council is not in a position to commit any  funding.  It was also agreed that the clerk should contact the DNPA to establish its position.  Cllr Nosworthy also offered to contact the landowner to encourage him to write to the Parish Council.  

3223     PLANNING

(a)        New applications/appeals

(i)         0609/10 – Two storey side extension with single storey porch extension at Yonder Hayes, Widecombe-in-the-Moor           No objections.

(ii)         0541/10 – Convert redundant store barn to holiday let at Drywell Farm,, Widecombe-in-the-Moor               No objections.

(b)        Decisions

(i)         0462/10 – Installation of one new 8m telephone pole (6.1m above ground) at Lower Bonehill Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor             Approved.

(ii)         0516/10 – Addition of solar panels on roof of existing barn, Langworthy Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor   Granted conditionally.

(iii)           0540/10 – Change of use of agricultural land in association with the provision of ground mounted PV panel array for domestic use at Park Cottage, Widecombe-in-the-Moor. 

Granted conditionally.

(iv)        0499/10 – Change of use of the land for the siting of a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling with associated levelling works at Blackdown Piper Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor      Permission refused.

(c)           Other planning matters

(i)         The clerk had received letters from LG – the lawyers acting for Airwave Soutions Ltd – one copy for the Parish Council and copies for Mr Newbolt-Young and Mr Hanson respectively.  The letter explained that a wayleave agreement would be sent in due course.  The Chairman advised members that it would seem that they have got the wrong people on the wrong side of the valley.  The have therefore agreed not to do anything at this stage

(ii)         The Parish Council has been asked by DNPA to completed a Planning Survey.  The clerk                         offered to do this on behalf of members and circulate for comment prior to returning it.

(iii)        The clerk advised members that the DNPA are consulting on governance and whilst Parish Councils are not consultees, it is an important issue upon which the Parish Council may wish to express a view.  Members agreed to look at the document prior to the next meeting and comment accordingly.

(iv)        The Chairman advised that he has met with Steve Belli, the DNPA’s new Director of Planning, who is keen to attend some Parish Council meetings.  It was agreed to invite him to the Annual Parish Meeting in March.         



(a)        South Dartmoor Community College – proposed federation Ashburton, Buckfastleigh, Ilsington & WidecombePrimary Schools and SouthDartmoorCommunity College governing bodies.  The Chairman advised that a decision is likely to be made in the next 2-3 weeks.

(b)        Best Kept Village in Devon Competition.  It was agreed that Cllr Morley would give this information to Trevor Eveleigh who had expressed an interest in Widecombe being involved in such a competition.

(c)        Free Seminar – Planning and Localism in the South West-26th January 2011, 1-30 – , University of Plymouth

(d)        Mobile Library Service – now operating out of The Café on the Green.  The Chairman thanked Cllr Wallace for offering this service to parishioners.

(e)        Email from Tim Whitton requesting that the Parish Council supports parishioners in their efforts to obtain superfast broadband.  It was agreed thatan article should be written for the Parish Link to encourage people to register.  The same notice could also be placed on noticeboards. 

(f)         DCC – Emergency Planning Newsletter

(g)        TDC – Standards Committee minutes/agenda

(h)        TDC – Council Meeting

(i)         DALC Newsletter – Nov/Dec 2010

(j)         Village Green – December 2010

(k)         DCC Devon Talk

3225     HIGHWAYS                 

(a)        Maintenance/pothole map:

Following the freeze, potholes have now formed.  These were marked on the map to be sent to Highways for their attention.

(b)        Other highways issues:

Members wished to commend local farmers for their help in clearing the roads during the snowy/icy period before Christmas and DCC should be reminded of what the farmers have done.  The Chairman advised that HMRC have confirmed that farmers can use red diesel in their vehicles if engaged in snow clearance.

Cllr Tame queried why the road from Bovey Tracey to Widecombe was only partly gritted.  It was suspected that if the lorry loses it mobile phone signal it loses its tracking service.  If this happens it is under instruction to ease gritting and turn around to regain sits signal.  The clerk was asked to confirm this with DCC.




The Chairman advised that the headteacher of the school, Kate Edwards, is keen to become involved in the Parish Plan.  Members agreed that the Chairman should pursue this with her.    

3228     FINANCE

            (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:

§  Cheque no 000723 –  Hire of school hall – £10.00

§  Cheque no 000724 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for December – £275.69

(b)        The clerk presented a financial summary in order for members to discuss the precept request for 2011/12.  The clerk reminded members that the parish may potentially have to finance the cost of a contested election.  There will also be the cost of rebuilding and repairing the car park boundary wall the cost of which is yet unknown.  Five members were in favour of an increase and two were against.  It was agreed that the precept be increased by £500 (9%), to £6,000.  This was agreed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.

Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….



Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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