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Parish Council Minutes January 2013

                                                WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 3 January 2013
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley & Tempest.
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffery,
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 3
Trevor Eveleigh made the following observations:
• The steps opposite the Wayside Cafe are still a problem. People are still using them yet they are still very slippery and suggested that they ought to be fenced off whilst the handrail was being made. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Bill Allen and suggest this.
• Sandbags are stored in the church car park for parishioners to use when required. Parishioners seem unaware that they are stored here for their use and it was therefore agreed that an article be inserted into the Parish Link.
• Can the Parish Council do anything about the sports group car park the entrance to which is extremely muddy. He advised that he could obtain some planings but would have to pay for them to be transported to Widecombe.
Bill Allen was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following report:
‘Wishing you all seasons greetings and good health and happiness into 2013!
It goes without saying that the weather has taken its toll on the Moor, highways and not least the public rights of way. We are currently working to clear fallen trees, blocked cross drains and damaged surfaces but as quickly as we identify and rectify these we get yet another onslaught! We are also identifying larger flood damaged routes with a view to carrying out more major repairs when the ground finally dries out…I have also been in touch with Jonathan Rowlands, DCC Rights of Way Officer regarding the condition of a number of Unclassified County Roads in the Parish and he is in the process of dealing with these matters as well as the Thorn Hill gate mentioned in the minutes of your last meeting.  Additionally, I have re contacted Ashburton Steel Works regarding the fabrication and installation of the steel hand rail up the flight of stone steps opposite the Wayside (As discussed previously and following our site meeting with your Chairman) and Mr Chew assures me that this work will be carried out at his earliest opportunity! I have also spoken with Mr Trevor Eveleigh regarding his idea of surfacing the section of the path at the top of the steps along the wall towards the Churchyard kissing gate. I agree with him and pending necessary permissions etc would be happy to work with him and any Villages or other volunteers to carry out the work. If anyone has or knows of a supply of growan I think this would be more appropriate than aggregate. We will discuss in more detail and hopefully carry out the work at some point when the ground has dries out…   Regarding litter, BBQs and general behaviour, particularly in the Deeper Marsh area, a colleague of mine, Ian Durrant has been working on a litter campaign and he and I recently met on site with Mr Patrick Simpson to share these ideas and he was very supportive of us implementing them to try and influence some of the anti social behaviour down there…Watch this space!!’
Anthony Beard
• Also expressed concern about the steps opposite the Wayside Cafe particularly as people could potentially slip into the road at the bottom of the steps.
• Expressed concern about the potential closure of the local hospitals and advised that there was a meeting in Ashburton Town Hall on 15 January. Cllr Tempest agreed to attend on behalf of the Parish Council.
• Advised that the condition of Southcombe Hill was very poor with some potholes measuring 6 inches depth. Jordan Lane also a problem.
Advised members that the sandbags in the car park were rotting because they were not covered and were exposed to the rain and sun. He had therefore obtained a quotation to erect a small temporary shelter over the sandbags at a cost of £100. Members agreed that the shelter should be made and approved the cost of £100 subject to the agreement of the PCC on whose land it would be sited.
Wished to hear the views of the Parish Council in relation to the planning application at Jordan Manor for the erection of brushwood fence along road frontage (retrospective) – 0637/12. She has particular concerns on the impact it has on surrounding listed buildings.
• Cllr M Lewis
• Bill Allen, DNPA
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
Cllrs R Newbolt-Young, S Booty, S Morley, M Nosworthy, A Routley & N Tempest requested a dispensation to discuss and vote on, at this meeting and future meetings during Haccombe-with-Combe Parish Council, the budget and setting of the precept as council tax payers in this parish. It was further stated that without the dispensation the number of persons unable to participate in the transaction of business would be so great as to impede the transaction of the business and the granting of a dispensation was in the interests of persons living in the authority’s area.
It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that dispensations, as requested, should be granted to Cllrs R Newbolt-Young, S Booty, S Morley, M Nosworthy, A Routley & N Tempest.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 1 November 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
There was no police report.
Cllr Gribble noted the comments of councillors and members of the public re highways issues and concerns. He had nothing further to report other than to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
No report.
Cllr Morley reported that he has attended a meeting of the Widecombe and District Sports Group at which a proposal to site the Heritage Centre in the car park was discussed. Members agreed in principle to the proposal but would need more details before a decision could be made.
(a) Grant applications:
(i) Elector Fund: the clerk advised that Buckland-in-the-Moor Parish Meeting has agreed to support Widecombe-in-the-Moor’s application to the Elector Fund for funding to refurbish the summer house at the Sports Group and that Pat Watson had volunteered to attend this evening’s meeting and will act on their behalf in this matter. [Pat Watson was not in attendance however]. It was therefore agreed that the clerk proceed with the application.
(ii) Rural Aid: members were asked to give thought to possible applications for Rural Aid which will need to be submitted around the end of March.
(b) Celebrate your community grant 2013 (DNPA)
Members noted that a grant of £400 has been awarded to Leusdon Memorial Hall in order to purchase some new card tables.
(c) Standing Orders
Members agreed to adopt the proposed amendment to standing orders adding a section relating to how this council handles requests for dispensations.
(d) General Power of Competence
Member’s present received a report relating to the General Power of Competence and considered whether this Council wishes to adopt the General Power of Competence in accordance with s.1(1), Localism Act 2011.
After a discussion it was unanimously agreed that Haccombe-with-Combe Parish Council, having satisfied the criteria to be able to adopt the General Power of Competence at this point in time, formally adopt the General Power of Competence in accordance with s.1(1), Localism Act 2011. Councillors have had the benefit of a briefing regarding the restrictions and risks which may influence the decision making when using this power of first resort.
(e) Shaping Community Services for the Future
Members received details of a consultation launched by Torbay and Southern Devon Health Care NHS Trust to engage local communities about options for care in Ashburton, Buckfastleigh ad Bovey Tracey communities.
The clerk advised that having contacted Mel Stride MP last month, he had responded by saying that he does not think that closure is on the agenda although the issue of the retention or otherwise of inpatient beds is under consideration. If the Parish Council wishes him to make any formal representations to me on this then he would be very glad to receive this and to pass this into the consultation.
After a discussion, members agreed to object to the relocation of inpatient beds from each community hospital to the community hospital in Newton Abbot. Members felt that the Ashburton, Buckfastleigh and Bovey Tracey Community Hospitals offer local people a unique service particularly to those who are convalescing. These small, local hospitals provide care which avoids long journeys for patients and visiting relatives and offer a more personal service than the larger hospitals. It was further felt that the no consideration has been given to the age of the population in these communities and the obvious importance of local hospitals to those ageing residents who desire local care close to home.
(f) Review of Enforcement Service (DNPA)
Members received a letter from the Director of Planning informing them that the DNPA were reviewing its planning enforcement service. Members were invited to complete a questionnaire to aid the process.
(g) Grazing Licence 2013
Members agreed that applications for tenders should be invited and these will be considered during the meeting on 7 February 2013.
Cllr Morley advised that he had been asked by a parishioner whether the Parish Council might consider a longer term let/tenancy. It was agreed that this would not be possible this year but that the Chairman would look into the legalities and implications of a longer tenancy. Some members felt, however, that the field should be let on an annual basis.
(a) Payments for approval
The following cheques were approved for payment:
• Cheque no 000790 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (Jan) – £221.90
• Cheque no 000791 – HMRC – £29.40
• Cheque no 000792 – Teignbridge District Council – £236.88 (additional opening and supplies for toilets for Widecombe Fair)
Members asked that the clerk obtained a detailed breakdown of these costs.
(b) Precept 2013/14
Members received and considered budget proposals for 2013/14 together with information relating to the localised council tax support schemes which will replace council tax benefit from April 2013. Members were also apprised that in the Local Government Finance Settlement which was was announced on 19th December, with final figures to Local Government late on 21st December, there was no order issued for excessive local council precepts, so town and parish councils are not being capped this year. That may not be the case in future years as the Secretary of State retains the power to issue a limit in Council tax increase that would trigger a referendum. In view of this and after a discussion, it was agreed that the budget proposals as drafted be approved and that the precept to be demanded is £6,120 which represents a 2% increase.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0637/12 – Erection of brushwood fence along road frontage (retrospective) at Jordan Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members sought clarification on whether this property is a listed building and if so whether it required listed building consent. In the meantime, having heard the concerns of neighbours and having inspected the plans themselves, members wished to visit the site prior to commenting on the application and asked that the clerk seek a 7 day extension.
(ii) 0614/12 – Agricultural polytunnel (8.5m x 7.4m) at West Shallowford, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to object to this application on the grounds of detrimental visual impact.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0467/12 – Alterations to roof to provide dormers, Merrypark, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that permission has been refused.
(ii) 0457/12 & 0458/12 – Extensions and alterations to provide an additional bedroom, Hannaford Manor, Poundsgate
Members noted that conditional planning permission has been granted.
(iii) 0529/12 – Installation of new sewage treatment plant, field opposite Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that conditional planning permission has been granted.
(iv) Tree Preservation Order – Watergate, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that conditional consent has been granted to fell trees at Watergate
(iv) 0590/12 – Two-storey side extension at Bonehill House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that this application has been withdrawn.
There were no items of correspondence requiring attention.
Items for information were placed in the circulation folder.
(a) The clerk gave the following report as provided by Scott Riddell, DCC:
• Missing signpost to Sherill – spoke to Cllr Booty to confirm location and has created an order with the contractor. Waiting on utility stats and then it will get done in the New Year.
• Missing signpost to Chittleford – has spoken to Mrs Newbolt-Young. This will also get done in the New Year.
• Pothole at Oldsbrim needs to be reported through the call centre on 0845 155 1004 or thorugh the DCC website. It goes straight through to our contractor and as you know the exact location and can plot this on the map function it is far more immediate than Scott is able to do.
• Condition of the road from Chittleford to Lower Dunstone Scott has driven this road and short of some patching that will need doing in the future, it is in good order. There are no saefty defects at the present time.
• Poor condition of Jordan Lane. There are potholes along the length of this road which have been reported to the contractor to fill. Scott advises that he will put this road on a scheme next year to get patched, although as it is a very low priority of maintenance category, he is not certain when it will be done. However, safety defects can always be reported.
• Poor condition of the road running through Lower Town and Deeper Marsh including a blocked drain under the road causing potholes to form. Scott has driven this road (11 December) and the worst section of it, at the bottom of the lane on the steep hill running up to Lower Town, is due to get patched.
• The gate to the common from Thornhill Lane has disintegrated and stock are entering the highway and becoming a hazard. Bill Allen has advised that Jonathan Rowlands (DCC Public Rights of Way Officer) is looking into this
(b) New matters to report: • Condition of Southcombe Hill
• Park Lane Head – the white lines have not been repainted
• Dartmeet Hill – it would appear that the road has been resurfaced in order to cover the white writing from a recent cycling event. The clerk was asked to establish whether this was the case,
• Bonehill Road – there have been markings on the road indicating repair work for several months but no works have been carried out. The markings are now wearing off.
Cllr Booty proposed that a donation be made to the Parish Link. It was agreed that a donation of £60 should be made.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.32pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.



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