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Parish Council Minutes July 2000

Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 27th July2000


PRESENT : Mr.N.Smerdon (Chairman), Mr.S.Booty, Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.M.Pascoe, Mrs.M.Phipps, Mrs.N.Tempest, Mr.M.Yates.

APOLOGIES : Mr.R.Newbolt-Young, Mr.C.Whale.

IN ATTENDANCE : Cllr.Mr.H.Whitley, Cllr.Mrs.L.Whittaker and the ClerkMr.P.Roper.

2345 MINUTES : The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 22nd June 2000were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.


(i) Newbridge Roadside Parking : a letter of reply was received from the Chief Executive, DNPA, Dr.Nic.Atkinson. He explained the dilemma that existed inpredicting in advance when the DNPA traffic control warden would be needed, the weather being the critical factor with regard to numbers of visitors. Heconfirmed that staff at the information centre had been on the receiving end of abuse from the public who were parking illegally on the road side.

The Council could not see how a satisfactory solution could be found unless some land was made available for any extra parking at these peak periods.

(ii) Review of Free Car Parking (TDC) : the Clerk reported a telephone conversation from TDC requesting a meeting with a working party of the ParishCouncil to discuss the issues involved in charging for parking at Widecombe. The Council agreed to meet on Thursday 21st September but as many members aspossible should attend. Cllr.Whitley suggested that he would also be in attendance.

The Clerk provided copies of all the Minute Book entries relating to the transfer of ownership of the Car Park. The dates of these ranged from 2.80 to7.83. and seemed to imply that the ownership of the Car Park belonged to TDC. Mr.Nosworthy, who was Chairman of the Parish Council at that time, recalled thatit was the intention in 1983 that both the land which became the Car Park and the remainder of field on the eastern side of it be given to the WidecombeParish Council.

The Clerk was asked to write to the H.M. Land Registry asking for a search tobe made to clarify the situation.

(iii) Damage by straying cattle in the village : a letter of reply from theSecretary of the Commoners Council was read to the Council. This letter informed the WP Council that there had been set up recently a local branch of theCommoners Council in Widecombe village.

It also pointed out that in point of Law it is the responsibility of propertyowners to fence against the cattle.

The Council decided to write to the Widecombe Branch of the Commoners Councilto express their concern about the damage being done currently by straying cattle. It was also pointed out that other villages also experienced the sameproblem.

(iv) Hedge Cutting : the Clerk reported that he had received a letterinforming the Council that the hedge in question would be dealt with in the autumn. The same letter went on to complain that the Council had not resistedthe proposed extension at the rear of the Old Inn.

Cllr.Whitley informed the Council that the suggested pitched roof of thisproposed extension had been rejected by the Planning Authority. The matter now rested with the DNPA and the architect employed by the owner of The Old Inn.

(v) Local Needs Housing : a letter from Anne Harries of Hastoe Housing Association was received. In it she re-assured the Council that the status ofthe new houses was protected under a Government Housing Act from the Right to Buy scheme. She also confirmed that the Hastoe Committee were aware of theproblem of straying cattle.

The Council discussed the various suggestions put forward for naming the newhouses. It was decided to recommend the name : Brook Lane Cottages.

Hastoe Housing Association agreed to contribute something about the housesfor the Time Capsule and offered to be present on the day of the ceremony on Saturday 2nd September.

(vi) Lady Meadow Terrace Road : a letter from one of the residents of Lady Meadow Terrace was received. This letter asked the WPC to consider helpingfurther towards the solution of repairs to the approach road.

The Council decided that it had over the years done all it could. Thesolution now rested with the residents themselves.

(vii) Widecombe Fair : the Clerk reported that he had written three times toMr. Raymond in May, June and July asking for the deposit for hiring the Green on Fair day.

He had also left messages on Mr. Raymonds telephone. Until noon today (27th July) there had been no reply. The Council found this much too precipitousseeing that the Council does not meet again until after Fair Day.

Mr. Raymond reported that all was well and that he would send the £200deposit. The Clerk asked if he would give the balance of £1,500 to a Council representative on Fair day.

Mr.Nosworthy agreed to be responsible and requested a Fair Day car pass for said purpose.

This was agreed.

(viii) Millennium Project : The Project leader Chris Mayhead has reportedfavourably on the progress being made with the taking of photographs of Parishioners. He has completed approximately 150 and only had 2 refusals so far.

The Chairman informed the Council that he had given the inscription details to the Engravers who were now in possession of the stone.

It had been suggested by many of those taking part that it would be an improvement on the original idea if the inscription invited our descendants toopen the capsule every 100 years through to the next millennium. In this way interest would be ongoing and human memory would span the whole period in someform. Also the contents could be up-dated and checked.

The Clerk suggested that the Council should have their collective photographtaken for inclusion in the Capsule. This was agreed and arranged for the start of the next extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting to be held on Thursday 17thAugust at 7.30 pm. It was also agreed to hold a final planning meeting of the Millennium Sub-committee at Mr.Smerdon’s house on Thursday 3rd August at 7.30pm.


(i) Moor Care Travel Road Show : a letter from TDC informing the Parish Council of the Road Show in the Coach park on 23rd July had been received only afew days before the event. No notice to the public could therefore be given.

(ii) Beating of the Bounds : a letter of thanks from the History Group wasreceived regarding the interest shown in this event.

A further request was also received to allow the Group to inspect and possiblyrepair the Parish Tithe Map. If appropriate this map could then be made available for the public to view. It was decided to agree with and support thisinitiative.

(iii) Rural Aid Tour : 4th August – no takers.

(iv) Best Value Audit Report from Teignbridge District Council : noted and placed for circulation.

(v) Street Cleansing Consultation from TDC : a street plan of the village had been sent and the Council asked to note any ‘black spots’ or over cleaned areas.The Council responded by informing the TDC that the person who did the street cleansing worked conscientiously and that he should be the person to respond.The Council felt a good job was now being done.

(vi) Amended Electoral Register : two names have been added to the register.

(vii) North Hall Playing Field : a Charity Commission report was included for circulation

(viii) TDC Conference Invitation : no takers for this conference on 5th Sept 2000.


(i) 0307/00 Badgers Holt Removal of Condition : permission granted on 12thJuly

(ii) 0414/00 Erection of Garage, loose boxes and store, Green Acres, Leusdon

Recommended for approval provided the original buildings are completely removed

(iii) 0403/00 Single story conservatory at Ravenswood, Leusdon.

Recommended for approval

(iv) 0058/00 Dining room extension The Old Inn Widecombe. The Council was informed that this amended plan had been made at the recommendation of thePlanning Officer but that it had been turned down by the Planning Committee.

(v) 0015/00 Sweaton Farm, Ponsworthy : The Chairman withdrew for this item.

Mr.Pascoe took the chair in his absence.

It was reported that complaints had been received by a Councillor that earthwas being moved to form a drive from the road adjacent to Sweaton Farm down to the River Webburn. It was felt that planning consent should have been obtainedfor the widening of this drive way by the moving of sub-soil. The Clerk was asked to write to the Senior Planning Officer, Mr.Graham Wall informing him ofthe situation.


(i) Cattle Grid at Buckland Bridge : a letter from DCC Highways Dept was received. It thanked the WPC for information regarding the cheaper costs ofinstallation of a Cattle Grid. This would be investigated. The letter also acknowledged that there was now a strong case for the said Cattle Grid since thepolice reported a break-out of cattle.

However, the letter suggested that the Parish Council should find ways ofsupporting the bid financially. It was agreed to let Mr. Jones know that letters were being sent to all interested parties informing them of this situation.

The Parish Council would consider its position when the actual estimates were known.

(ii) Mr.Nosworthy reported again on the low standards achieved by the Lengthman Team when working on the roads in the Parish. Several repairs weresited as being below a satisfactory standard. Mr.Nosworthy had reported this to Roy Wills who responded by stating that he was working within the system ascurrently operated. Cllr. Whittaker informed the Council that Graham Heath was next in line management.


(i) The Chairman had received an anonymous note of complaint about workneeded to be done to a seat on the Green.

(ii) A further mains water leak was reported outside Stonon House, Widecombe.

(iii) A report that the repair by DNPA to a pedestrian gate to the footpath between Spitchwick and Lower Town had made it impossible to open. This is to bereported to Bob Steemson.

2351 DELEGATES REPORTS None given.


Current Account £3634.56

Deposit Account £7901.01

Grants not spent £4000.00

Current Balance £7,535.57

Expected income remaining approx. £2,000

Expenditure July Clerk Salary £106.80

Disbursements £24.96

Water Bill £7.38

The Chairman Closed the Meeting at 10.00pm

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