Minutes of the Meeting held at ChurchHouse, Widecombe on Thursday 7th July 2005
PRESENT:Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.R.Newbolt-Young (Vice), Mr.S.Booty, Mrs. A.Came Mr.S.Morley,Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.M.Pascoe and Mrs.N.Tempest.
APOLOGIES: Mr.S.Tame andMr.S.Morley
IN ATTENDANCE: County Cllr.Mrs.Sally Morgan, District Cllr.Mr.M.Jeffrey and The Clerk Mr.P.Roper (Tel. 01548 854478)
2724 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd June 2005 were signed by the Chairmanasbeing an accurate record of the meeting.
(a) The Clerk presented the Conclusive Map of Registered Common Land printed by the Countryside Agency. It was agreed that this map should first be placedfor circulation to all Councillors than held by the Chairman for public inquiry.
(b) RiskManagement: Mr.Newbolt-Young presented the final version of the Assessment which he has kindly completed. It was agreed that the Clerk should print copies forall Councillors before submitting same to the Councils Insurance Company. He asked that the Council signed to agree that he held no personal responsibilityfor volunteering to produce the recommendations on the Assessment.
The question of an Advice Notice regarding the dangers of feeding ponies in the village was discussed. It was decided to accept the advice of the DNPAÂslegal department and thus request that such a notice be placed on the Authorities Notice Board by the public toilets by DNPA itself.
c) Widecombe Fair Planning:the following topics wereraised (i) Town Criers (ii) load speaker system across both the field and the village (iii) hiring the car park for traderÂs vehicles (iv) the ordering ofthree mobile toilets (v) police charges and method/timing of payment and (vi) Raymond Amusements Insurance Certificate.
It was suggested that the work of the police on duty during Fair Day bemonitors in order to assess the needs for policing the Fair Day in 2006.
(d) DartmoorSociety: an E-mail stating that the Society is still pursuing English Heritage and DCC in order to have discussions about the problems associated with repeateddamage to Newbridge has been received.
(a) Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
(b) Grant of Planning for: Corndonford Farm  removal of Condition 3, Grendon Lodge  rearextension and Uphill House  extension to agricultural building.
(c) Refusal of Planning for: Langworthy Farm  single storey conservatory and minor alterations.
(d) Appeal Decision for: Holwell Farm is allowed for a new house to be built to replace existing.
(e) Old Langworthy Farm: amendments to existing approved plans  for information only
(f) 0469/05 Lower Cator Farm  Listed: Create a shower room.CouncilÂs Decision to Support.
(g) 0476/05 Uphill House  replacement extensions & alterations. Ditto No Objection.
(h) 0426/05 Bramblemoor  replacement of detached studio/store. Ditto Support
(i) 0441.05 Lake Farm  amendments to 0168.04 for leaded windows. Objection on grounds thatthe windowsshould be conserved as they were when the Listing occurred.
(a) TDC: Agendas and Minutes and various other papers
(b) DNPA: Minutes and Agendas  01.07.05, Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund and newsrelease.
(c) DCC: MonthlyNews Round-up.
(d) Defra: Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
(e) Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to councillors.
(a) Various items wereplaced on the monthly map for attention of the Highway Dept.
(b) Salt/Grit Bags: the problems associated with split salt bags on roads sides across the moors wereraised. Animals congregated around these bags which then became unsitely and a source of litter.
The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Charlton to request that said bags beremoved annually once the winter need is over.
(c) Saxon Well at Widecombe:it wasreported that the Well had become overgrown through neglect. The Clerk is to ask that DCC Highways Department clean it up.
(d) Weeds in the village:it wassuggested that the village conservation area be tidied up before Widecombe Fair Day. It was greed to seek for a tender for the same work as last year.
(e) Map of the Greens: Mr. Newbolt-Young reminded the meeting that he did nothave an authentic map of the two Greens owned by the Parish Council for use with the Risk Assessment.The Clerk was asked to write to The Land Registry to acquire copies of same forthis purpose and also for future maintenance purposes.
(a) Mrs.Tempest reported that she had attended the Adult Education partnership meeting. There were only three persons present who reported thatAdult Education was currently under review with avery uncertain future. It appeared that only courses leading to formal qualificationwould be supported by DCC. There was apparently very low morale amongst those involved.
(b) Church House AGM: reported – no changes in officers elected
(a) The Chairman reported that Mr Morley has received an E-mail from ManatonPC suggesting thateach Council send an observer to each others meetings to improve best practice.
Steve Morley is asked to pursue the matter with the CouncilÂsagreement.
(a) Balance Carried forward deposit account £5,068.87
(b) ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for June £277.62
(c) Current Account Balance at 30.06.05 £2,088.40
(d) Agreed to transfer £500 from deposit a/c for payment of Fair DayPolicing
(e) Dartington Rural Archive Annual Subs. £10.00
(f) Annual Return Papers Internal Audit complete with no problems raised
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm