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Parish Council Minutes July 2006

Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th July 2006

Please note that these minutes have not yet been approved

PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Morley, Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.Pascoe, Mr.Tame and Mrs. Tempest.

APOLOGIES: Cllrs.Came, Jeffrey and Newbolt Young

IN ATTENDANCE:Cllr. Sally Morgan and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper



2804MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st June 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.


(a)O2 Airwave Coverage of Widecombe:the Clerk read out a letter from A.G.Neale of LCC in which he reiterated the request for a meeting not open to the public. He also said that he would collate ‘all the previous information on options and sites considered for an installation in the area and to make further enquires as to possible alternatives’. After discussion it was decided on no further action until LCC have supplied answers to previous questions about sites.
(b)Storage of Archives:Storage of Archives:Mrs.Tempest reported that the Church House Committee has agreed to the Council placing a two drawer filing cabinet in Church for the Parish council archives. The Clerk will see to the purchase and delivery.
(c)Affordable Housing:Affordable Housing:a second E-mail from Hastoe Housing Association has been received thanking WPC for keeping it informed of the Council’s views on future plans to build more Affordable Homes.
A letter from Martin Page of First Step Homes has been received – the Clerk summarized its contents. The letter began ‘Further to previous correspondence and conversations with Parish Council Members’. In fact FSH has at no time communicated with WPC about its Planning Application.
Cllr. Morgan informed the Council that the First Step Homes Planning Application to build 9 houses next to Brook Lane Cottages has been withdraw.
No further action.
(d)WDSG:a letter from Claire Partridge, Secretary to WDSG, has been received in which it was proposed to make some rationalisations to the Constitution. The Group proposed to meet with the WPC to discuss any changes prior to the AGM in 2007. This was agreed and the Clerk was asked to extend an invitation for representative from WDSG to attend a Council meeting some time in the autumn.


(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
(b)Grant of Planning for: New slurry store at Great Cator and various improvements at the Old Inn.
(c)0434/06Alteration to roof at Great Cator:Council decision to ‘Support’
(d)Name change at The Old Rectory:reply from TDC stating that ‘the information…sent to me by the owner, indicated that this was a brand new property which needed to be registered’. The Council decided to pass a copy of this letter to DNPA enforcement team.
(e)0329/06:Nine affordable homes at Brook Lane. Application withdrawn
(f)0438/06Construction of car parking area and two velux rooflights at the rear of both cottages at Hayloft and Pond Cottage.Decision of Council to have ‘No Objection’
(g)0459/06Proposed new access and driveway and formation of parking bay at The Goosehouse: the decision of the Council was to Object on grounds of several points
(h)0450/06Various new and replacement signs at The Old Inn:the decision of the Council was to Object on several grounds


(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes, tree warden scheme.
(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Releases, Press release, use of internet (rejected), community forum minutes and LDF: statement of community involvement.
(c)DCC:News Round-up, Devontalk, rural transport newsletter, Devon on the move, TALC and Local Government White Paper.
(d)DAPC:envelope of various items.
(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


(a)Maintenance:list of outstanding road repairs.
(b)Salt/grit bags: reply from TDC stating that DCC are responsible for their collection.
(c)The Splash: it was reported that, due to road subsidence, vehicles were being damaged.


a)Widecombe Fair Planning: it was unanimously agreed to
(i)order three portable toilets as on previous years
(ii)confirm the same arrangements for the Town Criers competition
(iii)one year’s trial to have a PA system in the Square and share the cost with the Fair Committee – the Clerk to confer with Ronnie Constant on various points.


(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,206.96
(b)Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for June£278.57
(c)Current AccountBalance at the end of June£1,080.07
(d)Annual Internal Audit successfully completed:fee£44.00
(e)Income from sale of Guides£9.00

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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