Unadopted minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 2nd July 2009
in the Church House, WidecombePresent: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Tempest and Wallace.
In attendance: County Councillor Gribble, District Councillor Jeffrey Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Present: Ken Purchase (Town Crier) OPEN FORUM
The town crier, Ken Purchase, outlined his proposals for the town crier’s competition at the Widecombe Fair. Cllr Morely advised that he would relay the information back to the Widecombe Fair Committee. 3046 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Received from: Cllr Tame due to work commitments. PC Dudley due to work commitments 3047 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. None received.
3048 RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThe minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 2nd June 2009 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.
3049 POLICE REPORTWhilst not present at the meeting, Beat Manager PC Dudley sent a report covering the period 1st May to 1st July. He reported that twelve incident reports have been made including walkers lost on the moor and a report of a damage only collision in the village car park. Six crimes have been recorded – two of them were domestic burglaries to isolated properties. A suspect has been arrested and is currently on police bail. Whilst Widecombe is a very safe place to live, crimes such as this act a gentle reminder to residents to be security conscious and report any suspicious persons or vehicles. Three thefts from motor vehicles have been reported – two at Spitchwick and one at Bonehill Rocks. Thankfully, the last two years has seen a big drop in this type of crime on the moor and the police hope to maintain this over the summer by mounting a ‘Moorwatch’ operation, working with DNPA and the Fire Service to prevent and detect car crime.
Following a number of complaints about the ‘Night Navigation Event’ arranged by Exmouth Motor Club, PC Dudley assured parishioners that it is unlikely that such an event will take place again. Concerns were raised in June’s meeting about parking problems, particularly on Newbridge Hill and Natsworthy Gate. Parking enforcement is now the duty of Teignbridge District Council unless an obstruction is being caused in which case it becomes a police matter. TDC has been patrolling the area and has recently issued between 40 and 50 tickets to vehicles parked on single yellow lines.
3050 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCllr Gribble thanked parishioners for their support in the recent County Council elections and for their demonstration of confidence in him.
3051 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Jeffrey had nothing to report.
3052 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a) Widecombe Fair Committee 2009
The clerk read out correspondence from the Widecombe Fair Committee which stated that they were glad that the Parish Council had decided not to proceed further with their request for a percentage of the revenue from the coach park. They felt this was very much in keeping with the financial support that the Parish Council had given over the last few years and which has been an invaluable and much appreciated contribution to the substantial costs of mounting The Fair. The Committee however did not think that the appointment of “an impartial Parish Council delegate” to attend their meetings would be the best means “to help it to fully understand what is involved in organising such an event”. They propose instead that, once this years Fair is over, there should be a full, joint meeting of the Parish Council and the Widecombe Fair Committee to discuss the way forward, to develop further our working relationship and to consider matters which could be to our long term mutual benefit. The Committee felt sure that the Parish Council would also come away from such a meeting with a much clearer understanding of what is involved in organising Widecombe Fair both in the main Committee but especially in the sub-committees where a great deal of the preparation takes place. Such knowledge could never be acquired by a delegate to a main meeting who would probably find it extremely difficult to interpret, digest and understand correctly much of the policy and plans that had been formulated elsewhere. It was suggested that the Committee would contact the clerk again nearer the time to agree a date and venue for such a meeting. The Chairman commented that in his opinion it would be incorrect to have a combined meeting. This was supported by Cllr Tempest who commented that the boundaries between the groups sometimes become clouded which is wrong. It was agreed by all that good relationships between the groups was important and suggested that a meeting with two or three representatives from both groups would be preferable.
(b) Apportionment map Cllr Morely explained that the tithe map has been digitalised and can now be sold on CDs to the public. After enquiries were made at the Devon Records Office, there will be a small licence fee on the programme to allow one to view the map on a PC. Roger Claxton has transcribed the apportionment book and both will be available to buy. However, it now transpires that the Devon Records Office is also putting the maps on the DCC website for free. So it begs the question why the Parish Council have spent money digitalising the map. The Chairman reported that he had spoken to John Draisey at the Devon Records Office who had written back in response and stating that he understood the point of view of the Parish Council. The public will not be able to download the whole map, only sections of it and the apportionment book will not be available. Mr Draisey has offered to digitalise some 18th and 19th century maps of Widecombe which are in their collection at no cost to the parish. Councillors AGREED that they would like to accept this offer and perhaps make a visit to the Records Office some time in the autumn.
(c) Litter – particularly at Deeper MarshThe clerk reported that the DNPA are working closely with the landowner at Spitchwick and BIFFA re emptying the bins to try and improve the problems with litter. The Rangers are also trying to educate visitors about their responsibility to take litter home. They are fully aware of the issue and are working hard to try and resolve it.
(d) Newbridge, Holne – correspondence from English Heritage The clerk read correspondence from English Heritage which included details of the costs incurred by Devon County Council for repairs to the bridge. The information stated that much of the costs were recovered from the insurers of the vehicles causing the damage. The actual costs to DCC were therefore relatively small. It also did not think that widening the bridge would prevent damage from occurring as it was more the angle rather than the width which was the problem.
(e) Request for a village flag pole The Chairman reported that he had received a request from the vicar, Graham Sawyer, for a village flag pole. After brief discussion, it was agreed that the preferable location for such a flag pole would be on top of the church tower. However, planning permission would more than likely be required. It was AGREED that the clerk would speak to the DNPA.
(f) Registration of new properties – legal significanceFollowing notification last month of the registration of two new properties in Widecombe, the clerk reported that this had no legal significance. It is simply a system being used by TDC to streamline the changing of addresses so that all bodies are notified through one database.
(g) Planings for the sports field gatewayCllr Tempest declared an interest in this item Due to the cost of the planings, it was AGREED that the clerk would order 20 tons which would be used to improve the sports field gateway. The clerk would liaise with Claire Partridge re delivery etc.
(h) Strimming around the villageIt was AGREED that the clerk would contact Geoff Partridge and ask if you would do some strimming around the village (2 cuts). It was AGREED that the clerk would arrange for him and the chairman to walk around the village to confirm exactly where to strim and, for our records, a price would be required in writing.
3053 PLANNING(a) New applications
(i) WestHayes and Glebe Farm, Widecombe Change of use of part agricultural field to create domestic turning bay and access drive, replace single garage and outbuildings with double garage and extend existing single garage/store to create double garage Members agreed to support this application. (b) Decisions
(ii) Tunhill, Widecombe Removal of an existing window, deepening of opening and installation of a new single glazed window. The clerk reported that permission had been refused.
(iii) East Shallowford Farm, Widecombe Change of use of attached outbuilding to toilet block and refurbishment The clerk reported that permission had been granted subject to a number of conditions.
(c) Other planning matters(i) The Chair, Higher Natsworthy
To clerk reported that DNPA members had authorised legal action (should it be necessary) to secure the removal of the chair. However, the DNPA were liaising with its owner with regard to relocating the chair elsewhere. (ii) The clerk notified members of correspondence from Martin Rich at the Community Council of Devon about Parish Planning. It was AGREED that the clerk would invite him to the October meeting in order to discuss the advantages of putting together a parish plan.
3054 CORRESPONDENCE The following items were placed in the briefcase for circulation:
(a) TDC – Reminder about the Rural Skip service on 11th July (10am-4pm)(b) TDC – Minutes of full Council Meeting
(c) DNPA – Minutes of Annual Meeting; Agenda and Minutes of Development Management Committee(d) DNPA – Dartmoor Visitor ‘What’s on Guide’ Winter 2009/10
(e) CCD – Village Green(f) Dartmoor Access Forum – Annual Report 2008
3055 HIGHWAYS (a) Meeting with Gerry King, Highways Engineer
The clerk confirmed that Gerry King would be happy to meet with members and look at highways ssues in the parish. Cllrs Morely and Nosworthy volunteered to meet with him and the clerk agreed to make the arrangements.
(b) Other highways issuesNone.
3056 DELEGATES REPORTS None received.
3057 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN (a) The Chairman informed members that the TETRA enquiry will re-open on 28th October at 10.00am at Parke
(b) The Chairman reminded members that the clerk would need a contract of employment. The clerk AGREED to send the chairman the standard NALC contract which she would amend in accordance with her agreed term 3058 FINANCE
(a) The following payments were AGREED and cheques were signed:§ Cheque no 000672 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for June – £237.83
§ Cheque no 000673 – DAPC membership – £107.50 (b) Current account balance – an up to date statement had not been received by the clerk.
(c) Deposit account balance – an up to date statement had not been received by the clerk There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER 2009 Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.