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Parish Council Minutes July 2010


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 1st July 2010
in the Church House, WidecombePresent: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Tempest and Wallace. In attendance: District Cllr Mike JeffreyClerk: Suzanna Hughes Members of the Public: NoneOPEN FORUM None.3164     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from:§ Cllr Seale § Cllr Morley§ Cllr Tame § County Cllr Gribble3165     DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.§ Cllr Nosworthy declared a personal interest in item 3171 (a). § Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in item 3171 (a).3166     RATIFICATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting dated 6th June 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.3167     POLICE REPORT No crime report.3168     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT No report.3169     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Jeffrey had nothing to report.3170     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a)        Walk-about-inspection            The following outstanding items were discussed and reviewed:

Points raised Action
Metal seats around trees on the Village Green The decision last month to repaint the metal seats was reconsidered and it was agreed to defer any repainting until at least next year when it would be reviewed again.
Conservation Area – has this been extended to include Kings Head? The clerk reported that the member/staff working group reviewed all proposed boundary changes to conservation areas on 11th June and sought to minimise the extent of extensions to existing boundaries, especially where linear extensions connecting small areas with historic interest outside the main historic area had been identified for inclusion, and where landscape settings had also been included. The overall view about extending the conservation area to Kings Head was that this type of extension went beyond the main purpose of conservation area designation and protection of historic centres. Historic features like the old mill leat will be recorded on DNPA’s Historic Environment Record (HER) and will therefore be protected through other means. The clerk showed on the conservation area map that the proposed extension did not go as far as Kings Head. The DNPA advised that extensions would be only be considered in the context of architectural or historical interest. Cllr Nosworthy expressed that it was historical by virtue that it is an old mill leat. It was agreed that the clerk should feedback to the DNPA for their consideration. 
Building work at Foxley – check whether permission is required/granted The clerk had now received written confirmation from DNPA that this work is permitted development and therefore does not require planning permission. Any concern regarding the right of access to the rear of the property is a civil matter and cannot be determined by the Planning Authority.
Lamp outside the Shop on the Green – still not working and in need of cleaning The clerk reported the bulb should now have been replaced and the lamp cleaned. It has also been switched over to part-night lighting.
Parking signs on the low wall in the centre of the village have disappeared. Believed to belong to the National Trust. The clerk advised that she has reported the missing signs to DNPA and informed the Authority that repairs were also needed to the wall which they erected.   
Curb stones on the stream are beginning to fall in An order has been sent by DCC to South West Highways for the kerb stones to be fixed back in place which will require programming into their already busy schedule.
Christmas tree lights in the tree outside The Old Inn Cllr Newbolt-Young still to speak to the current owners.
Old tree guards at the bottom of Widecombe Hill are falling down and need removing/replacing. The clerk has reported these to Rupert Lane, DNPA.
                        (b)        Car park boundary wall and hedge The clerk reported that she had spoken to Andy Lumgair, Design Engineer at TDC, who advised that he hasn’t produced a job specification as such but has provided the sketches/plans. He has asked for a cost for completely rebuilding the defective sections (worst case) and asked that a separate price be given for repairing just the field side, if possible (approx 10 metres). The Parish Council agreed that it would source its own quotes on the same basis as those being sought by Teignbridge District Council.(c)        Strimming around the village It was agreed that the clerk would ask Geoff Partridge to tidy the village twice before the Widecombe Fair on the same terms as last year.3171     PLANNING (a)        New applications/appeals            0285/10 – Erection of a porch canopy                         Springdown, Poundsgate                        Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed use.                         After consideration, all members present agreed to support the application.            (b)        Decisions None to report.3172     CORRESPONDENCE (a)           Letter of thanks from St Pancras for Parish Council grant.(b)           Joint letter of thanks from Leusdon Church, Leusdon Memorial Hall Committee and Widecombe & District Sports Group for Parish Council grant. (c)           DNPA – ‘What’s on Guide’ Winter 2010/11 – possible inclusions were suggested.(d)           TDC poster – ‘What can you expect from your councillors’ – to be placed in noticeboard (e)           DALC – Empowering Communities in Devon – a series of local events(f)            DNPA – Agendas and minutes (g)           TDC – Minutes of Annual Council meeting(h)           Dartmoor Hill Farm Project – Newsletters – May and June 3173     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Maintenance/potholes were marked on the map to be sent to DCC. Main area of concern is the lane to Dunstone which is continuously flooding. Clerk to contact Highways. (b)        The clerk advised members that she had been sent the requested copies of the ‘Roadside hedge and tree management leaflet’ produced by DCC which could be distributed towards the autumn.  The clerk has also been advised that DCC sends out a press release in the autumn months each year as a general reminder to landowners of their responsibilities in relation to roadside hedges. Also, where there is road visibility/safety problems resulting from roadside hedges not being cut, Highways will arrange for letters and, if necessary, formal notices to be issued to landowners requiring action to be taken.3174     DELEGATES REPORTS (a)        Cllr Nosworthy reminded members that for some years he has been responsible for the sale of the old Parish Guide. Sales have now dried up and Cllr Nosworthy wanted to know what he should so with the remaining copies.    Cllr Wallace said that he would offer them for the sale in the Café/shop.(b)                Cllr Tempest reported that following the AGM of Church House a request has been made to the National Trust to look at the damp wall in Church House. It was also noted that the repairs to the church wall had now been completed. (c)        There was a proposal to use the shell outside Church House to collect money for a military charity. After discussion, it was agreed that the clerk would ask the History Group for some information about the shell, eg. who owns it, when was it donated etc, before any further discussion took place.3175     MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN             No further matters.3176     FINANCE             (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed:§ Cheque no 000710 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for June and July – £475.40 § Cheque no 000711 – Reissuing of cheque 000704 to Widecombe Tug-of War Club (cheque 000704 misplaced) – £346.20. The clerk confirmed that she had stopped the lost cheque.§ Cheque no 000712 – Reissuing of cheque 000699 to Matt Storrs (cheque 000699 misplaced) – £124.07. The clerk confirmed that she had stopped the lost cheque.             (b)        The receipt of VAT repayment – £205.87 – was noted. (c)        The clerk confirmed that she had contact Lloyds TSB about opening an account into which the funds from the Bank of Ireland will be transferred. A letter was signed by Cllrs Newbolt-Young, Booty and Tempest requesting closure of the Bank of Irealnd Account and the transfer of funds. (d)        The monthly bank reconciliation was noted and is attached.                                                         There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm. Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.


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