Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 7th July 2011 in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Booty (Vice Chairman), Lewis, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest and Wallace (arrived at 8.30pm).
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffrey
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: Five, including representatives of the History Group
Cllr Booty chaired the meeting.
Cllr Booty welcomed members of the History Group to the meeting and invited them to speak about the proposed Heritage and Educational Centre. Anthony Beard referred to a document which the clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. He emphasised that the History Group is still pursuing the idea of a Heritage and Educational Centre in the village but needs the support of the Parish Council.
None received.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.
Cllr Tempest declared a personal interest in item 3306 (a) (ii)
Cllr Nosworthy declared a personal interest in item 3306 (a) (ii)
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June were approved and signed as a true and correct record.
No crime report.
Cllr Booty advised that there have been some break-ins and equipment such as strimmers and chain saws have been stolen.
Cllr Gribble reported that he had met with Scott Riddell along with Cllr Nosworthy and other members of the public and discussed Ponsworthy Splash, the school road signage and Spitchwick. DCC have now repainted the yellow lines at Spitchwick and they had a constructive discussion about how parking restrictions can be enforced. Cllr Gribble expressed his intention to give financial support to the Widecombe Fair Committee. Anthony Beard thanked Cllr Gribble on behalf of the History Group for his support.
Cllr Jeffrey has suggested that TDC’s portfolio holder, Kevin Lake, contact the clerk to discuss the future of Newbridge toilets. Whilst honesty boxes have been installed, it is thought that the revenue generated will be insufficient.
(a) Housing Needs Survey
A draft report has been produced by the Community Council of Devon which has been circulated to members for their consideration. To give all members the opportunity to read the report and comment, it was agreed to defer further discussion until September.
(b) Heritage and Educational Centre
It was agreed that all members are, in principle, in favour of the Centre. Discussion then focused on a possible site including the proposal of the History Group as outlined in their report (attached). Consideration would also need to be given to issues of security, planning permission, ground rent, the impact on leasing the field for grazing and the potential for using the site for affordable housing. After further discussion, it was agreed that a Working Group should be formed to meet on site with History Group to look at possible locations. Cllrs Lewis, Booty, Nosworthy and Tame agreed that they would like to attend. The clerk would also extend the invitation to those members not present at the meeting. It was agreed to meet on Tuesday 12th July at 7.00pm in the car park. Dependent on the discussion at that meeting, a further meeting would be arranged to which TDC and DNPA would also be invited.
(c) Artefacts at Bullaton Farm
The History Group has been approached by DNPA about a large number of artefacts at Bullaton Farm which would be an asset for Widecombe but would need housing somewhere and showing. The proposed Heritage Centre would not be anywhere near large enough to accommodate the machinery. Members suggested that Michael Lamb of Higher Venton Farm may be interested. The History Group agreed to contact DNPA.
(d) Car park boundary wall and hedge
The clerk advised that she was still waiting for a response from Andy Lumgair at TDC to move this forward. District Cllr Jeffrey offered to speak with Andy Lumgair to establish the current position.
(e) Strimming around the village
It was agreed that the clerk would ask Geoff Partridge to tidy the village twice before the Widecombe Fair on the same terms as last year. Cllr Nosworthy indicated that brambles are overgrown at the Saxon well and needed trimming.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0310/11 – Installation of solar PV system on barn roof at Great Dunstone Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members supported the application.
(ii) 0330/11 – Extension of rear of existing garage to create garden storage at The Grooms Cottage, Leusdon, Poundsgate Members had no objections.
(iii) 0324/11 – Agricultural workshop and store at Lizwell Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members had no objections.
(iv) 0285/11 – Replacement of metal sheet clad barn at Lower Blackaton, Widecombe-in-the- Moor Members had no objections.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0218/11 – Renewal of extant permission ref 0357/08 for replacement of profiled metal sheets with natural slate on roof and clad gable ends with sawn plank timber, plus installation of additional supporting timbers, barn at Cordonford Farm, Poundsgate Granted conditionally
(ii) 0212/11 – Erection of an agricultural building (210sqm) including the installation of 84 solar panels on the south facing roofslope, Lower Aish, Poundsgate Granted conditionally
(iii) 0140/11 – Raise roof of bungalow to create first floor, replace flat roof with pitch roof and associated alterations, Hatchwell Bungalow, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Granted conditionally The clerk also reported that Hatchwell Bungalow is now to be known as Hatchwell Farm.
(a) TDC – Audit of Litter and Dog Bin Locations – it was agreed that no changes were necessary.
(b) DNPA – Local Planning Consultations (Local Development Framework) – events have been planned, details of which have been circulated and advertised, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would consider its response in September.
(c) TDC – New, Draft Council 2011-2015 – consultation – there were no comments.
(d) Reminder about Parish Planning Workshop on 14 July at 6.45pm at Parke – to be attended by Cllrs Tempest, Booty and Lewis.
(e) DNPA Parish Council representatives – results of ballot – Maurice Retallick and John Nutley were elected.
(f) A response from Royal Mail re service in Poundsgate had been received (circulated to members) the contents of which were noted.
(g) Village Green
(h) The Flyer
(i) Teignbridge Connect
(j) Clerk & Councils Direct
(k) DNPA – Development Management Committee – 1 July 2011
(l) DNPA – Annual Meeting
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map: Members marked the map with issues requiring attention. Cllr Nosworthy commented that there
has been no sweeping in Lower Town for years. District Cllr Jeffrey agreed to look into this.
(b) A notification of road closure – Challacombe Lane and Grendon Cottage to Lower Blackton from 26th July to 12th August to enable drainage works – was noted.
(c) Cllr Booty reported that Miles Fursdon had expressed interest in becoming the parish’s Snow Warden. It was agreed that the clerk would contact him to discuss further. The clerk advised that once the parish was registered with Devon County Council’s Snow Warden Scheme, it would be entitled to up to five tonnes of salt free of charge to be supplied in one delivery to one parish location prior to winter and a small supply of salt bags. A suitable location would have to be arranged.
Cllr Tempest reported that an afternoon tea has been arranged at Leusdon Memorial Hall on 23 July 2.30 – 5.00pm to raise funds for Ashburton & Buckfastleigh Hospital. As a point of interest, she is also advised that the League of Friends has raised over £200,000 for the Hospital over the last 20 years. Cllr Routley advised that since Sweeton Farm changed its name, hikers appeared to be getting lost. The footpath sign has also been taken down. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Bill Allen in the first instance about replacing the sign.
(a) The following payments were approved and cheques signed:
_ Cheque no 000738 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for June & July – £378.29
_ Cheque no 000739 – HMRC – Clerk’s PAYE (1st quarter) – £53.40
_ Cheque no 000741 – Ken Abraham – Internal audit fees – £60.00 It was agreed that the following payment be made after Widecombe Fair
_ Cheque no 000740 – Paul Way – Rental of car park for Widecombe Fair – £522.00
(b) Receipt of a donation of £150 from Lion TV for use of the Green for filming was noted and it was agreed to share this equally between Widecombe Fair Committee and St Pancras Church
(Cheques 742 & 743)
(c) Receipt of a donation of £50 from NBC TV for use of the Green for filming was noted and it was confirmed that this would also be shared equally between Widecombe Fair Committee and St
Pancras Church (Cheques 742 & 743)
(d) The bank reconciliation would be circulated after the meeting.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of
the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.