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Parish Council Minutes July 2012

                                                DECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council  held on Thursday 5 July 2012 in the Church House, Widecombe
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Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest & Wallace.
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 1
There were no comments.
District Cllr Jeffery
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have a personal or
There were no interests declared.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 14 June 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No police report.
Members raised concerns about recent burglaries in the area and asked the clerk to ask PC Dudley for more information.
Cllr Gribble advised that he was still looking into outstanding and ongoing potholes and highways matters.
Cllr Nosworthy reported that the cattle grid at Church Lane Head was partly closed due to damage and asked that Cllr Grbble made enquiries.   Cllr Tame informed members that Thorn Hill cattle grid was still blocked.   On the matter of speed, Cllr Gribble confirmed that he was still going ahead with speed cameras when he could. Cllr Lewis advised that there had been a head-on collision near the school. The incident had not been reported to the police.
No report.
No reports.
(i) Members received and were informed of the need to adopt a new Code of Conduct to comply with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011. After discussion it was agreed to adopt the same Code adopted by Teignbridge District Council on 29 June.
(ii) Members received and were informed of the requirement to complete the Register of Interest. New regulations set out a new provision ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interests’ which sets out interests which must be registered, including those of member’ spouses/partners. Members were also advised that all Register of Interests will be published on the district and parish websites.
(a) Stone steps on Village Green
Following a recent accident on the steps as reported at the last meeting, Bill Allen and Andrew Watson, DNPA have now looked at the steps. Bill has cleared the soil and debris from them which has only recently occurred (he advised that he had looked at the steps prior to the parish walkabout and all was fine) due to a combination of cattle/livestock movement and the exceptionally wet weather which has led to poaching on many paths, fields etc. Bill advises that the owner of a Public Right of Way (Widecombe Footpath 3) is ultimately responsible for its condition, however, The National Parks do carry out works and maintenances and will be prepared to pay to have an appropriate hand rail fitted down the steps at this point.  Steve Chew at Ashburton Steel Works has been contacted and will provide a quotation and it will be financed from DNPA’s Public Rights of Way budget as these steps are on one of the Parishes definitive footpaths.  Regarding putting a warning sign at the top of these steps, DNPA feels that at this stage this is not necessary as there are many other places where people step off the Green into the road and due care should be taken without the need for signage and the new handrail at this point will, hopefully aid users considerably.  Members wished to formally thank Bill for his work resolving the issue with the steps.
(b) Widecombe Fair
Members were advised and noted that the proposed works to be carried out by South West Water, as raised at the last meeting, would be completed in advance of the Fair.
(c) Walk-about inspection
The clerk advised that Land Registry searches to establish ownership of two pieces of land are yet to be carried out.
(d) Strimming around the village
It was agreed to ask Geoff Partridge to carry out his usual strimming and tidying prior to and after Widecombe Fair.
(e) Funding Opportunity – Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund (up to £400).
It was agreed to defer consideration of appropriate projects until September.
(f) North Hall field
It was agreed last month that the clerk should establish if DNPA had progressed anything in relation to North Hall field following its resolution in August 2011 to explore future options, including disposal, but ensuring that it is retained for community use. As a result of enquiries, the Parish Council is advised that North Hall Field doesn’t appear to be in any specific officer’s work programme at the moment. The Authority restructuring process is bedding in now, but inevitably there are a few issues such as this one resulting  from the departure of some staff. Members were advised that it is unlikely to be pursued this financial year. Members were advised that the artifacts once stored at Bullaton Farm are now being stored by Mr Retallick. It is hoped, however, that these will be housed in a small building at Glebe Farm. The idea is to have an exhibition centre of agricultural tools to house the machinery. It was agreed to nominate Cllr Nosworthy as the Parish Council’s representative to attend any future meetings relating to their storage and display.
(g) Connecting Dartmoor! – Getting Superfast Broadband for Dartmoor
Members received information about DNPA’s bid to the Rural Community Broadband Fund and agreed to send a letter of support showing evidence of community need and demand for a better broadband service.
(h) Consultations
(i) DCC – Review of Waste Management Strategy for Devon
No comments
(ii) TDC – Community Assets
No comments
(a) Payments for approval:
The following cheques were approved for payment:
Cheque no 000772 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (July) – £240.90
Cheque no 000773 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (August) – £207.20
(b) Small Grants Scheme
Members considered applications from the following organisations:
(i) Leusdon PCC:
It was resolved to grant £500 towards improvements to the drive.
(ii) Widecombe & District Sports Group:
It was resolved to grant £1,000 towards hedge and fencing works and general improvements as detailed in their application.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0359/12 – Erection of agricultural livestock building (12.2m x 18.3m) at field 8933, Cator Ground, adj to Riddon Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor     Members had no objections to this application.
(ii) 0353/12 – Retention of temporary classroom including exterior cladding at County Primary School, Widecombe-in-the-Moor   Members agreed to support this application.
(iii) 0321/12 – Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of open fronted verandah, dormer windows and extension to create link corridor, and w.c. at Stable Cottage, Higher Natsworthy, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members had no objections to this application.
(iii) The clerk advised that an appeal has been lodged by Mr Godfrey with the Secretary of State against the refusal of full planning permission for construction of permanent agricultural dwelling and related outbuildings at Blackdown Piper Farm (0491/11). Members were advised that a copy of any representations which have already been made have been sent to the Planning Inspectorate but were invited to make additional comments should it wish. It was agreed that there were no additional 
comments to make and that the Parish Council’s original objections to the application stood.
(b) Decisions
There were no decisions reported.
(a) Members noted an email from TDC in response to complaint about the cleanliness of the public toilets on 6 June which stated that the toilets at Widecombe are cleaned twice a day in the summer and were on this day. The problem on this occasion, as with most of the same weekend, was that the weather was so terrible and the floors etc were getting very wet and muddy from the visitors using the toilets. Unfortunately, when toilets are not manned as a majority of our toilets are not, it is difficult to ensure that they are completely spotless at all times of the day anyway, but this coupled with the bad weather meaning extra water on the floor and mud around the task becomes twice as bad. TDC assures the Council that there are two cleans carried out at these toilets each day and they do their best to ensure that the toilets are clean for use by the public. Unfortunately, this task is made more difficult during adverse weather conditions or any other situation that is away from the ‘norm’.
(b) DNPA Information Centre Surveys   Members noted that DNPA is currently undertaking survey work of users and non users of its three Information Centres. A list of dates and locations was supplied.
Other items of information were placed in the circulation folder
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map – items reported included:
Road breaking up at Spitchwick and Deeper Marsh
The Sherril signpost on the T junction where the Sherril road leaves the main Ashburton/Dartmeet Road has gone.
The road surface is poor at Lynchaford Hill
Thornhill cattle grid is still blocked.
Cattlegrid at Church Lane Head is blocked
Pothole outside Merrypark
(b) DCC – Winter Service Review 2012 – questionnaire
It was agreed that this should be sent to Miles Fursdon for completion.
(c) Other highways issues raised:
Members noted a letter supporting a formal complaint to DCC about the withdrawal of roads from the Primary gritting network in October 2011
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.

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