Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 2 July 2015 in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Booty (Chairman), Fenton, Routley, Tempest & Whale
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble & District Cllr Jeffery
Members of the Public: Three
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Representatives of the Church House Committee attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council that at the recent AGM of the Church House Committee, a suggestion was made and discussed about building a new parish hall. It had been agreed at that meeting that the idea should be presented to the Parish Council and that if the Parish Council thought it was worth pursuing it could lead in taking the idea forward. After a discussion, members supported the idea and agreed that the first step would be to write to all the current hall users and seek their views on the proposal. The Church House Committee is keen to emphasise that use of Church House is not under threat.
Anthony Beard informed members that the PCC is in favour of producing and displaying a Roll of Honour to remember those parishioners who served in the First World War. The preference is to have a framed parchment with the names inscribed (same as Leusdon Church). Costs will be sought. Members confirmed their support for the project and agreed to confirm this in writing to Widecombe History Group.
• Cllr R Newbolt-Young
• Cllr Nosworthy
• Cllr Morley
• PC A Dudley
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
• Cllr Tempest declared an interest in item 3877 (c).
• Cllr Routley declared an interest in item 3863 (c).
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 4 June 2015 were approved and signed by the
Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley was unable to attend the meeting but sent a written report informing members that there one crime was reported in the area during the past month – a sheep worrying incident at Bel Tor on 19 June.
Cllr Fenton reported that some ‘cream tea’ signs have been stolen and it was possible that some wheelie bins had been stolen.
Cllr Gribble expressed his concern that during recent utilities works at Spitchwick, some of the recently
painted double yellow lines had been erased. However, these were due to be repainted the following day. He also advised that repairs to Newbridge had not yet been carried out as DCC were awaiting the arrival of some bollards permanently restricting wider vehicles from using the bridge. Finally, Cllr Gribble offered financial support to the project at Leusdon Memorial Hall to improve access and to the Parish Council’s purchase of a defibrillator. Cllr Fenton reported that the sign to ‘WIDECOMBE-IN-THE-MOOR’ at the bottom of Southcombe is in need of repair as the ‘R’ looks like a ‘P’. It was agreed that the clerk would report this to DCC Highways.
Cllr Jeffery informed members that he was back on the DNPA as the District Councillor representative.
Cllr Tempest advised that she had attended the meeting of the AGM of the Church House Committee the main topic being the proposed building of a new parish hall. She advised that the hall was ‘ticking along nicely’ and despite losing quite a lot of children, the pre-school has managed to raise all the funds for the refurbishment of the toilets.
(a) Housing Needs Survey
The clerk informed members that Hastoe Housing Association has agreed to contribute £150 towards the cost of carrying out a housing needs survey should the Parish Council agree to proceed. Cllr Fenton advised that one of the Church Cottages is currently available to rent. He suggested that before agreeing to proceed with a housing needs survey, the Parish Council should wait to see what level of interest there is for this property. Members agreed to defer this item until September.
(b) Annual Walkabout
Following the annual walkabout last month, the clerk updated members as follows:
• DNPA has not been able to help with the problems being caused by the poorly maintained boundary hedges and property known as Coombe. District Cllr Jeffery offered to speak with Head Ranger, Rob Steemson and Teignbridge District Council for advice.
• The damaged fencing in the car park behind the recycling banks has been reported to TDC.
• The state of the ladies toilets has been reported to TDC.
• Matt Storrs has agreed to replace the gate post in the parish field but due to other commitments, wouldn’t be able to do it immediately.
(c) Leusdon Memorial Hall
A request was received from Leusdon Memorial Hall for a grant towards the extension of the disabled access to the hall. After a discussion, it was agreed to grant £500 towards the project (cheque no 000892).
(d) Defibrillator
Further to Cllr Whale’s report and recommendation received last month as to how this Council should proceed with the purchase of a defibrillator for the parish, it was agreed to invite Justin Sharples from South Western Ambulance Service to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to advise on the type of unit and cabinet that the Council should purchase.
(e) Roll of Honour
Cllr Fenton made some comments about the proposal outlined by Anthony Beard in the open forum. The framed parchment will be hung below the existing roll of honour but he expressed caution about using calligraphy in case additional names need to be added at a later date (it would be difficult to match the writing exactly). He also advised members that a sum of money was raised after the First World War which benefitted the church and he would also like this to be acknowledged. Members confirmed their support of the project and would be guided by the History Group and the PCC about the format of the Roll of Honour.
(f) Welcome to Widecombe
Cllr Fenton reported that an update is awaited from Andrew Bailey, Community Engagement Officer, DNPA. He further advised that each of the premises in the village who want to be mentioned on the village map will each producing a page. The History Group is also making contributions.
(g) DNPA parish representatives
Members noted that the newly elected DNPA parish representatives were Cllr Maurice Retallick (Ilsington Parish Council) and Cllr Catherine Pannell (South Brent Parish Council).
(h) Teignbridge District Council’s new recycling service
Members received information regarding the introduction of the new recycling service. It was noted that the new service will be introduced to the majority of households in the parish during phase three in the week commencing 16 and 23 November 2015. It was agreed that this information should be publicised within the parish.
(i) Devon Air Ambulance Trust Motorbike Ride-out
Members noted that this will be passing through the parish on Sunday 12 July.
(j) Strimming around the village
Members agreed that Geoff Partridge should be asked to carry out the strimming around the village as in previous years.
(a) The following payments were approved:
ï§ï Cheque no 000887 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £483.27 (July & August)
ï§ï Cheque no 000888 – HMRC (PAYE) – £147.80
ï§ï Cheque no 000889 – Grant Thornton (external audit) – £120
ï§ï Cheque no 000890 – R Newbolt-Young (Chairman’s allowance) – £31.97
ï§ï Cheque no 000891 – Event Hire Solutions (portable toilets for W. Fair) – £171.90
(a) New applications/appeals
0295/15 – Single storey garden room extension and two-storey extension for kitchen and bedroom
at Drywell Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0209/15 – Alteration to existing outbuilding to form home office, Mollys Cottage, Jordan,
Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission
(ii) 0174/15 – Certificate of Lawfulness for existing static caravan in use as a dwelling with
garden at Lower Aish Rear, Poundsgate Members noted that DNPA has issued a Certificate of Lawfulness for the use described in this application
(a) Cllr Booty reported that the sinkhole at Ponsworthy which appeared on 19 June was promptly repaired. The hole was caused by a broken water main which has been repaired and the hole now filled.
(b) Councillors observed that the resurfacing work at Deeper Marsh had been done to a high standard for which they were grateful.
To report a pothole:
Telephone: 0345 155 1004
Email: customer@devon.gov.uk
Online: www.devon.gov.uk/road_maintenance.htm
(a) Members received and noted a letter from St Pancras Church thanking the Parish Council for its grant of £200 towards the upkeep o the churchyard.
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder or emailed direct to members.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.