Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 4th June 2009 in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Tame (Vice Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Smerdon, Tempest and Wallace.
In attendance: Margaret Phipps, Neil Smerdon, Chris Mayhead
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
3035 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received. 3036 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 7th MAY 2009 Two minor amendments were made: § 3028 (b) (ii) – ‘Bowden Hill’ was substituted with ‘Kingshead Gate’ to read ‘Clerk to write to DNPA about extending the village conservation area as far as Kingshead Gate.’ § 3028 (d). It was noted that David Crocker is the Treasurer to the Widecombe Fair Committee and not the Secretary. The minutes were then approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record. 3037 PUBLIC COMMENT/POLICING MATTERS (a)Chris Mayhead from the Sports Group reported that he had been asked to attend the Parish Council meeting by Pat Watson, the chairman of the sports group, to try and resolve the confusion over responsibility for maintenance of the car park and sports field. He reminded members that Devon County Council had made two, 28 year leases, both in 1987 (one for the tennis court and playing field, the other for the car park). At the same time and lease was drawn up between Widecombe Parish Council (WPC) and Widecombe & District Sports Association (WADSA). To summarise, it seems that in the lease between WPC and WADSA there is no obligation on WADSA for maintenance or continuing repair. The Chairman suggested that the Parish Council should be responsible for the land maintenance and the sports group responsible for the equipment on it. For immediate attention was the entrance to the car park. It was PROPOSED by Cllr Booty and SECONDED by Cllr Smerdon that the Parish Council obtain some scalpings/planings to help improve the ground at the entrance. Cllr Morley suggested that the Parish Council contacts Devon County Council who has provided planings for Widecombe in the past. He agreed to forward details to the clerk. Cllr Morely also informed members that the Widecombe Fair Committee always write to DNPA each year on behalf of the Parish Council to ask for permission to use the land for the Fair but could not explain why (particularly as the land is leased from DCC). The clerk agreed to make investigations. (b) It was AGREED that the photographs of councillors taken prior to the meeting would be sent by the Chairman with a brief story to the Mid-Devon Advertiser. (c) Cllr Tempest reported that about 3 weeks ago there had been cars driving around the lanes in Leusdon and Poundsgate at speed late at night (11.00pm onwards). This not only created a lot of inappropriate noise but also was extremely unsafe for other road users and for ponies and their foals. The vehicles were believed to be associated with Exmouth Motor Club. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact the police. (d) Cllr Tempest reported that she had received a number of telephone calls about inappropriate parking, particularly on Newbridge Hill. Concerns were expressed about poor access for emergency vehicles. Cllr Tame also reported that Natsworthy Gate was becoming congested with tightly parked cars assumedly visiting the ‘chair’. It was AGREED that the clerk would contact TDC and the police and report the issues. (e)Concerns were expressed about the level of litter at Deeper Marsh and who was responsible for clearing it. It was AGREED that the clerk would make enquiries to the DNPA and TDC.3038 COUNCILLORS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS At the request of TDC, members’ register of interests were circulated for amendments. It was also AGREED that all future agendas would remind members of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invite them to state whether they had a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during the meeting. 3039 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a)Widecombe Fair 2009 As members of the Widecombe Fair Committee, Cllrs Morley and Smerdon both declared a personal interest in this item. The clerk read a letter from the Widecombe Fair Committee in response to the Parish Council’s proposal in respect of how the coach park fees should be shared. The WFC stressed how 2008 had been financially difficult and the fees generated from the coaches ‘represented a not insignificant contribution towards the overall costs and any diminution of that amount would have to be compensated for from another yet unidentifiable source’. In light of this, members AGREED that it would not pursue a share of the coach fees this year but this would be reviewed in subsequent years. It was suggested that a delegate from the Parish Council be nominated to attend the WFC meetings to gain a more detailed understanding of the process of organising the Fair and make an impartial report to other members of the Parish Council. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to the Committee asking for the suggestion to be raised at the next committee meeting. The clerk reported that portable toilets (3 units) have been hired on behalf of the Parish Council from Event Hire Solutions at a cost of £120 + VAT. All members agreed this was a good price. (b)The clerk reported that she had spoken to Bill Allen (DNPA Ranger) to follow-up issues which had arisen from the annual walk-about. Firstly, the DNPA would not be able to help with the cost of improving the entrance to the car park as it was not considered a priority. Secondly, in respect of the bridge over the brook to the play area, they did not build it but would be happy to have a look at it and repair anything minor. Thirdly, the clerk will be contacted by Debbie Griffiths about the proposed extension of the conservation area. 3040 PLANNING(a)The clerk reported that a telephone call from the DNPA indicated that it was likely that planning permission for a new single glazed window at Tunhill Farm would be refused on the grounds that English Heritage would not approve. (b)The application for replacement stables at a field adjacent to Grattons, Widecombe had been granted conditionally. 3041 CORRESPONDENCE The following items were placed in the briefcase for circulation: (a)TDC: Tidy Teignbridge – litter campaign; notification of registration of two new properties. The clerk was asked to find out the legal significance of such registration.(b)DNPA: Minutes and Agendas for meetings on 5th June (c)Teignbridge CVS – Meeting the Funding Challenge – 17th June 3042 HIGHWAYS (a)The clerk AGREED to circulate a surface dressing programme for 2009/10 as planned by DCC which covered areas within the adjacent to the parish. Concerns were expressed about how money is being spent with no consultation with the parish which may be able to advise DCC on the priorities. As an example, Cllr Smerdon commented on Ponsworthy Splash which needs attention. It was AGREED that a photo be sent to DCC highlighting the difficulties that some vehicles were having passing through it. The clerk suggested a meeting with the Highways Engineer, Gerry King, and AGREED to write to him. (b)Cllr Nosworthy expressed concern about a new strike to Newbridge, Holne. It was AGREED that the clerk would write to English Heritage, copying in DCC, asking if they would be responsible for the cost of repairs as it was them who had refused to widen the bridge. (c)The clerk read correspondence from Gerry King in response to the Parish Council’s monthly maintenance report explaining that DCC contractors are endeavouring to deal with the backlog of potholes and they have increased their resources to try and catch up. 3043 DELEGATES REPORTS None received. 3044 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN (a)The Chairman informed members that he would be attending a Chairmanship Masterclass on 13th July. (b)Cllr Morley reported that the apportionment documents is now complete and he will now speak to the Devon Records Office for their recommendations. The next step will be to discuss how the Parish Council can generate revenue from it. It was AGREED that this would be placed on the agenda for July at which Cllr Morley agreed to show the documents to other members. The Chairman thanked Roger Claxton on behalf of the Parish Council for his work on this project which had been undertaken voluntarily in his own time. 3045 FINANCE (a)The following payments were AGREED and cheques were signed: § Cheque no 000671 – Mr P Roper’s salary and disbursements for May – £330.09 (b)Correspondence from Bank of Ireland had been received notifying the council that its head office was relocating to London. This was noted. (c)The clerk confirmed that Cllrs Tame and Tempest were current signatories for the current account and it would be preferable to have a third. It was AGREED that this would be the chairman. A discussion ensued about the deposit account and it was AGREED that as interest rates were so low, the safety of the money was the most important factor when considering where it should be deposited. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm. Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 2nd JULY 2009
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of
the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.