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Parish Council Minutes June 2010


WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL                             Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 3rd June 2010
in the Church House, Widecombe Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Tame and Wallace. In attendance: County Cllr Gribble Clerk: Suzanna Hughes Present: None OPEN FORUM None.3151     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Cllr Tempest. 3152    DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. § Cllr Morely declared an interest in item 3157 (c) § Cllr Nosworthy declared an interest in item 3157 (e)§ Cllr Newbolt-Young declared an interest in item 3158 (a)(ii) 3153     RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThe minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council dated 6th May 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record. 3154     POLICE REPORTNo crime report. 3155     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTAs promised, Cllr Gribble had made enquiries about the development taking place at Foxley and had asked the DNPA to contact the clerk. The clerk reported that having spoken to the Enforcement Planner, Brian Corcoran, it was confirmed that this was permitted development. Members expressed concern about the visual impact of the development within a Conservation Area and asked that a response be obtained in writing from the DNPA. Cllr Gribble advised that he would not be able to attend the next Parish Council meeting on 1st July. 3156     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORTNo report. 3157     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a)        Walk-about-inspection             The following outstanding items were discussed:

Points raised Action
Metal seats around trees on the Village Green It was agreed that three quotes be obtained to sand, clean and paint with smooth black Hammerite. Clerk to arrange.
Request for Plastic Recycling skip in car park The clerk reported that the collection of plastic will become part of the household collection from October 2010.
Ladies WC in need of cleaning Clerk had reported this to TDC.
Fencing and gate to tug of war area is in need of repair/replacement Believed to have been installed by Widecombe & District Sports Group. Members felt that sufficient money had been granted to the Tug of War Club and the Sports Group and that no further funding was available from the Parish Council.
Conservation Area – has this been extended to include Kings Head? The clerk showed on the conservation area map that the proposed extension did not go as far as Kings Head. The DNPA advised that extensions would be only be considered in the context of architectural or historical interest. Cllr Nosworthy expressed that it was historical by virtue that it is an old mill leat. It was agreed that the clerk should feedback to the DNPA for their consideration. 
Ditch running to the stream opposite the entrance to the Old Inn car park is in need of clearing The clerk had contacted the lengthsman.
Building work at Foxley – check whether permission is required/granted Reported above (County Cllrs report)
Old gas lamp outside the Shop on the Green – still not working and in need of cleaning The clerk reported that DCC Highways have been notified.
Parking signs on the low wall in the centre of the village have disappeared. Believed to belong to the National Trust. The clerk reported that these did not belong to The National Trust. After discussion, it was agreed that the DNPA should be informed as repairs are also needed to the wall which they erected.   
Curb stones on the stream are beginning to fall in The clerk reported that DCC Highways has been notified.
Christmas tree lights in the tree outside The Old Inn It was expressed that despite the lights having not been used for some years, they had not been removed from the tree. These were put up by previous owners of the Old Inn. Cllr Newbolt-Young agreed to speak to the current owners.
Old tree guards at the bottom of Widecombe Hill are falling down and need removing/replacing. Clerk to report to DNPA.
            (b)        Car park boundary wall and hedgeThe clerk reported that she had spoken to Andy Lumgair, Design Engineer at TDC, who had obtained one quote so far for the repairs to the wall which was well in excess of what members were expecting. In light of this, the clerk was asked to obtain a detailed job description (ie. the basis of the quotes being obtained) so that the Parish Council can obtain its own quotations. (c)        Widecombe Fair            It was agreed that the financial arrangements for 2010 would remain the same as 2009. It was questioned whether there were sufficient toilets. After brief discussion, it was agreed to maintain the same number this year and review again next year. (d)           GrantsThe clerk reported that in addition to the five applications considered in May’s meeting, two further applications had been made. The first was from the History Group for funding towards a projector which it would make available for the whole parish to use. The second application was made by Leusdon Church for funding towards the cost of repairs to their clock. Cllr Nosworthy proposed that the same amount be awarded to these applicants as had been awarded to the others, ie. £346.20. This was seconded by Cllr Morley and agreed by all.  The clerk reported that the History Group’s application for Rural Aid had been unsuccessful (e)        National Trust            The clerk had received a request from the National Trust asking for the Parish Council’s permission to use the Village Green for two events later in the year. The dates requested are Sunday 17th October for an archery demonstration and Martin Whitley (Dartmoor Hawking) and 18th December for a further archery demonstration. This was agreed by all.   (f)         Rural Skip ServiceTDC still trying to rearrange date of the rural skip service for Widecombe. The date suggested by the Parish Council (18th September) is not available. Cllr Nosworthy reported that he had read that TDC were giving away free compost and asked why Widecombe was not entitled. The clerk agreed to speak with TDC. 3158     PLANNING(a)        New applications/appeals                         (i)         0231/10 – Heron Cottage, Jordan                                    Construction of garden room (retrospective)                                                       No objections.                         (ii)         0241/10 – Widecombe School, Widecombe                                     Covered extension to outside classroom area                                    No objections.             (b)        Decisions(i)         TETRA appeal The Chairman reported that the Planning Inspectorate had allowed the appeal. He also reported that Mr R Casey had been granted leave to claim partial costs against the appellant. 3159     CORRESPONDENCE             (a)        DNPA Forum – 28th May at 2.15pm in the Meeting Room at Parke(b)        DNPA Briefing Note for Dartmoor Forum – May 2010             (c)        DALC Newsletter            (d)        DNPA – Development Management Committee – 4th June             (e)        DNPA – Meeting – 4th June            (f)         DNPA – Business Plan 2010-2013          3160     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Maintenance/potholes were marked on the map to be sent to DCC. (b)        The clerk reported that she had received a telephone call from a parishioner in Jordan about large lorries driving down narrow roads in Jordan and getting stuck. She suggested that a width/height restriction be erected to prevent this from happening. After discussion, it seemed that this was happening all over the parish (due to satellite navigation systems) and it would not really be possible to erect signs on every lane. However, the point was noted and the Parish Council would monitor the situation. (c)        No other highways issues were raised.                                       3161     DELEGATES REPORTSCllr Morley reported that he had attended the Widecombe & District Sports Group’s AGM. Membership levels were not great but boosted recently by the Tug-of-War club. A new chairman (Trevor Eveleigh) was and new Booking Secretary were elected. 3162     MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN            No further matters.        3163     FINANCE            (a)        The following payments were approved and cheques signed: § Cheque no 000701 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for May – £230.40§ Cheque no 000702 – Internal auditor’s fee – £75.00 § Cheque no 000703 – Grant to WDSG – £346.20§ Cheque no 000704 – Grant to Widecombe Tug of War Club – £346.20 § Cheque no 000705 – Grant to St Pancras – £346.20§ Cheque no 000706 – Grant to Leusdon Memorial Hall – £346.20 § Cheque no 000707 – Grant to Widecombe Pre-School – £346.20§ Cheque no 000708 – Grant to Leusdon PCC – £346.20 § Cheque no 000709 – Grant to Widecombe History Group – £346.20  (b)        Following the completion of the internal audit, the internal auditor’s comments were as follows: Payments – Although all payments tested were minuted correctly, stubs were not initialled on cheque 689. Cheque stubs should be initialled by at least 2 signatories.Bank Reconciliation – The bank reconciliation was out by £1.79 due to errors in entry of 4 cheques between April and June 2009. A bank reconciliation should be regularly prepared and reviewed. (c)        It was agreed that the Parish Council would close its accounts with the Bank of Ireland and open a ‘savings’ account with Lloyds TSB.(d)        The monthly bank reconciliation was noted and is attached to these minutes. Finally, Clllr Tame asked whether there would be a meeting in August. Meetings were not usually scheduled for August but it was agreed that should planning applications be received during August, a planning committee would meet to consider them. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm. Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ………………………………………. 
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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