Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 9th June 2011
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty (Vice Chairman), Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley,
Tame, Tempest and Wallace (arrived at 7.40pm).
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, Stephen Belli (Director of Planning, DNPA)
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: None
The Chairman welcomed Stephen Belli, Director of Planning at DNPA to the meeting.
None received.
The clerk advised that there the one vacancy on the Parish Council had been advertised and one application received. This was from Simon Tame. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Nosworthy that Simon Tame be co-opted. This was seconded by Cllr Morley with all in agreement.
Mr Tame duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed by the clerk.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.
No interests were declared.
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May were approved and signed as a true and correct record.
Cllr Wallace joined the meeting.
No crime report.
The Chairman alerted members to concerns about someone knocking on doors offering a painting service. Residents are to be aware.
Cllr Nosworthy reported the safe at the Tavistock Inn had been reportedly entered unlawfully.
Cllr Gribble reported on a productive meeting with Highways and Cllr Nosworthy. The issues discussed included:
- The leak in the road at Ponsworthy just below Sweeton Manor is in this year’s works programme.
- School road signage – the indication on the road will be addressed, ie. the ‘slow’ sign will be remarked. Vegetation around the road sign will also be cut back to improve visibility.
- Spitchwick – provided the road is dry, the yellow lines restricting parking are to be repainted w/c 13th June. Cllr Gribble will also speak to Sue Edwards (TDC) to ensure that enforcement officers will be present once the work is completed. A meeting has been arranged between Alison Kohler, Rob Stevenson, Cllr Newbolt-Young and Cllr Gribble at DNPA to address the issues at Spitchwick including the rubbish.
- Proposed road closure at Ponsworthy from 4th July – still awaiting a response as to whether the length of road to be closed can be reduced or whether the road can be closed in sections as and when required.
- Ponsworthy Splash – Cllr Nosworthy reported that Scott Riddell, our new Highways Officer, quoted £30,000 to repair the ford. In his view, this is not acceptable and should be pursued.
Stephen Belli advised that DCC would need to consult with DNPA re changes to signage etc.
No report.
(a) Walk-about-inspection – outstanding issues
(i) Parish Field fencing and hedge laying
To be deferred until the next meeting.
- Heritage and Educational Centre
A letter from the History Group was read by the clerk asking for formal consideration of their proposal to site a purpose built, environmentally friendly timber building of a maximum size of 45ft x 20ft positioned in the Parish Field alongside and parallel to the wall on the east side of the car park. The building would comprise an office area for archive storage and project work including digitising and an exhibition area of local Widecombe history thus benefiting the whole community. The building would become the Parish’s asset as the property would be built on their land.
Members agreed that this needed careful thought with consideration been given to many issues such as annual rent, the impact on the grazing licence, whether it would have a negative impact on the possible use of the land for affordable housing etc. Stephen Belli added that he would speak to his planning team about it. It was agreed that the clerk would invite a representative of the History Group to attend its next meeting to answer questions raised by the Parish Council. In the meantime, members would give thought to the proposal.
(iii) Dead trees in the Parish Field screening the car park
The clerk advised, having consulted with Brian Beasley, DNPA, that the Parish Field lies outside Widecombe Conservation Area and there are no Tree Preservation Orders in this area, which means the Parish Council does not require formal consent from the Authority to carry out works to trees standing on this land.
Cllr Tame offered to cut the dead trees down. Cllr Lewis, as tenant of the field, had no objections and all other members were in agreement.
(iv) Annual tree inspection
Cllr Tame reported that he had commissioned Rupert Baker to survey the trees on the green and whilst there was low-level concern about two of the trees (large sycamore and mature horse-chestnut), they can be left as they are without carting out works to them. (More details in his report). The trees will be inspected again in 12 months.
(v) Ownership of land opposite Brook Lane Cottages
The clerk advised that a Land Registry search showed that the land is owned by First Step Homes.
(b) Car park boundary wall and hedge
The clerk had spoken to Andy Lumgair, TDC, who was awaiting confirmation from the procurements officer about how to proceed. The clerk would report again in July.
- Widecombe Fair 2011
Widecombe Fair Committee has asked for confirmation of the arrangements for 2011, namely that:
- The Town Criers are attending with financial implications being broadly similar to that operating in 2010 (payment to Criers, and 50:50 sharing).
- The 50:50 cost sharing arrangement that has operated in previous years for the village PA link will be applying for 2011.
- The Council will be making a circa 25% contribution towards pedestrian and traffic management costs in 2011.
- The Parish Council has been in contact with Barbara Low about the portable toilet hiring arrangements, i.e. 3 toilets.
- Members agreed with the arrangements. The clerk advised that the Town Criers had proposed the purchase of a trophy which could be used each year rather than cash prizes. Cllr Morley agreed to take it back to the committee for their consideration.
- Speed outside the primary school
Cllr Lewis expressed concern about the speed of vehicles passing the school. In the afternoons, children are protected by parents’ parked cars. However, in the mornings, because of the differing drop-off times, there is not the same level of protection. The main threat is coming from the village side and around the bend. Cllr Lewis would like to see a 20mph speed limit. Cllr Gribble advised that this is unlikely as the DNPA and DCC would not want to see a proliferation of signs. Representations have been made in the past with little success. Speed has also been monitored and average speeds were recorded between 18-21mph. As Cllr Gribble had already reported on work that was due to take place earlier in the meeting (ie. repainting of the ‘slow’ sign and cutting of vegetation), it was agreed that no other action would be taken at the moment but the Parish Council would monitor the situation.
(e) Election of parish member to DNPA
Members agreed to vote for Maurice Retallick (Ilsington) and Paul Arrowsmith (Holne).
(f) Election of parish members to DALC County Committee 2011-2015.
Members agreed to vote for two of the more local candidates, John Farrand Rogers (Moretonhampstead) and Julie Smith (Ilsington).
- Request from Lion TV to use the Village Green for filming
A request has been made by Lion Television who is currently producing a major new history of science series for National Geographic Channel called ‘The Link’. The series, based on the James Burke BBC series ‘Connections’, aims to make links – sometimes counterintuitive ones – between inventions, incidents or social developments that take us from one point in history up to the present day. An episode currently being worked includes a section on both the wool trade in Britain and clocks. Lion TV have been trying to find a location to film a scene where they can shear some sheep using traditional hand shears in a place where an old church clock tower can be clearly seen in the background – allowing us to talk about both wool and clocks at the same time. It was suggested that Widecombe might be the perfect place, especially considering its history as a place synonymous with the sheep industry. Lion TV therefore request whether it would be possible to do this filming on the green opposite the church on 27th June for up to two hours. The farmer who owns the sheep (of which there would only be about ten) is confident they could be brought on the green and kept safely in a pen. The shearers are experts at hand shearing the whole scene could be conducted quite quickly.
After brief discussion, members agreed to the request subject to two conditions. Firstly, that the green be left in the condition it was found and secondly that a donation be made to both Widecombe Fair Committee and St Pancras in the region of £100 to each.
(a) Presentation from Stephen Belli:
Mr Belli gave a potted history of himself together with details of his experience in National Park planning (33 years so far). His priorities are:
- To continue to review the planning service despite significant cut in DEFRA funding (35%)
- To provide a bridge between Parish Councils and DNPA – how we work together etc
- To make continued improvements to electronic services and web services
- To help parishes understand how and why they make decisions. He advised that last year 91% of applications were approved.
- To review the enforcement service. DNPA has two enforcement officers which cover the whole of the National Park. Last year they had approximately 600 new cases. He would like to see a proactive enforcement service and wants to encourage Parish Councils help with enforcement issues
- Promoting opportunities for affordable housing.
- Publishing the adopted ‘Design Guide’ and turning this into a living document which people can use.
- Effective community engagement – Jo Rumble is putting together a Communications Strategy.
Mr Belli referred to the Parish Council questionnaire which was completed earlier in the year, the results from which have been collated and would be presented at the Parish Council workshop on 14 July to which he encouraged members to attend. The clerk advised that all members had the details.
He gave an update on TETRA. Following the planning inspector’s decision to allow Airwave’s appeal, Airwave was not able to carry out works in accordance with the permission because of a problem with the wayleave. This is why a satellite dish and generator have been sited. However, permission from DNPA has not been sought as Airwave believes that it is not required for a temporary structure. DNPA’s view, however, is they do need to apply to retain these features on the site for a temporary period (6 months).
Finally, Mr Belli answered questions raised by members:
- Q. Enforcement: In particular, why aren’t developments checked upon completion to ensure they have complied with conditions imposed by the planning authority.
A. With only two enforcement officers covering the whole of the National Park, the DNPA relies on residents and parishes to alert the DNPA if conditions are not being adhered to.
- Q. Delays in decisions: If there is an unjustifiable delay in a decision being made, can the applicant apply to have his fee refunded?
- No.
Listed Buildings: There is a feeling that there are different rules for richer applicants than the less rich applicants?
All applications are treated equally and fairly.
(b) New applications/appeals
(i) 0268/11 – Retrospective applications for use of mobile home for temporary living accommodation and domestic storage at The Café on the Green, Widecombe
Cllr Wallace declared a personal and prejudical interest and left the room whilst this item was discussed.
After discussion, members agreed to support the application.
(c) Decisions
None to report.
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map
Nothing to report.
(b) A notification of road closure from Challacombe Farm Cross to Grendon Cottage Cross from 2nd – 6th September for the purpose of DCC highways works was noted.
Cllr Tempest reported that she had attended the Leusdon Memorial Hall AGM and wished to thank Cllr Jeffrey for his support in their successful application for Rural Aid funding. £4,000 has been secured for a new kitchen in the hall.
Cllr Morley attended the Widecombe & District Sports Group’s AGM and reported that membership is on the increase. The Group thanked the Parish Council for their financial help over the years.
The Chairman advised that, with regret, Margaret Stevenson had died. Margaret served on the parish council and was chair from 1995-1998.
Cllr Booty commented about a deterioration in the postal service in Poundsgate. Post is not being delivered until early evening, sometimes to the incorrect houses and sometimes no post at all is being delivered. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Royal Mail.
(a) The following payments were approved and cheques signed:
- Cheque no 000734 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for May – £237.70
- Cheque no 000735 – Hire of Church House until March 2012 (inclusive) – £190.00
- Cheque no 000736 – South Dartmoor Academy (Hire of school hall) – £10.00
- Cheque no 000737 – Rupert Baker – £201.70
(b) Income received was noted:
- VAT repayment – £183.16
(c) The monthly bank reconciliation was noted.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.