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Parish Council Minutes June 2012

                                                                   WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council   held on Thursday 14 June 2012 in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy & Routley
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 4
Mrs Faulkner informed members that she was present in order to answer any questions member might have relating to her planning application to be considered at item 3428 (a) (i).
Anthony Beard informed members that an elderly couple had fallen down the stone steps on the village green (opposite the Wayside Cafe). Members expressed concern about the proximity of the steps to the road. It was agreed that the clerk should contact DNPA to inform them of the incident and to seek advice as to how the steps can be made safe to prevent future accidents.   Mr Beard reminded members of DNPA’s decision some months ago to dispose of North Hall field. With this in mind, the Sports Group has approached the History Group expressing that it would support the Parish Council should it decide to purchase the field from DNPA. Should the land be purchased by the Parish Council, the Sports Group would also be happy to explore the option of siting the History group’s proposed Heritage & Educational Centre on the land. He informed members that between 16-21 July there will be an archaeological dig on North Hall ending in an exhibition.
• Cllr Tame  • Cllr Tempest  • District Cllr Jeffrey • County Cllr Gribble
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed
during this meeting.
There were no interests declared.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 3 May 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No police report.

No report.

No report.

No reports.

(a) Payments for approval:
The following cheques were approved for payment:
Cheque no 000769 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £238.21
Cheque no 000770 – HMRC – £29.40
Cheque no 000768 – Grant to Jubilee fund – £800
Cheque no 000771 – Ken Abraham (Internal Audit fee) – £90.00
(b) Audit
(i) The internal auditor commented that the internal audit had been satisfactorily completed though he had found that 1 payment had not been minuted (cheque 746). It was agreed that this payment (£300 to Geoff Partridge) be approved.
(ii) Members received and noted a letter from the Audit Commission by way of consultation on the appointment of Grant Thornton UK LLP as the external auditor the next five years from September 2012. Members had no objections.
(c) Members received and noted the bank reconciliation
(a) Widecombe Fair
(i) Car park arrangements:
Tony Hodgkiss, Widecombe Fair Committee, outlined the arrangements for this year’s traffic management including parking. He informed members that this year’s plan is a refinement of last year’s. The cost per car will remain at £15 with a possible reduction for single occupancy. The car parking will be simplified with Holwell being the main car park. There will be one double decker and a number of small mini buses which will run from 9.30am. Full details can be found in the Traffic Management Plan. 1700 cars were parked last year (approx 5,500 people). General feeling was that the Fair was successful but wasn’t crowded. This year there will be a focus on positive publicity to encourage attendance. Coaches will park in the main TDC car park. (£15 per coach) Roger Foord Evans, Widecombe Fair Committee, expressed concern about South West Water’s imminent proposal to repair pipes in the parish. The concern is the timing of the proposed works. Upon discussions with the contractors, it is thought that the road won’t be closed and that works, which are due to commence at the end of June, will not take any longer than 15 days. He further advised that he was about to enter negotiations about First Aid cover for the event with Red Cross and St John’s Ambulance. In view of the fact that someone fell on the edge of the small green last year, the Parish Council agreed to make a contribution of 25% towards the cost of First Aid provided there was a first aider always present on the green during the day.
(ii) Financial arrangements for 2012:
It was agreed that the Parish Council would make the same contributions as last year. i.e. 50% of the costs of the Town Criers (2011 Fair, council share £97), 25% of the cost of the pedestrian and traffic management expenses (2011 Fair, council share £787) and 50% of the village PA relay link (2011 Fair, council share £174). A 25% contribution would also be made towards the cost of first aid.
(b) Walk-about inspection – to report on items raised on the walk-about inspection which required action  (i) Trees near the tennis courts – the clerk informed members that Brian Beasley, DNPA, had been contacted. He advised that the tennis courts lie outside Widecombe-in-the Moor’s Conservation Area and the trees are not protected by a Tree Preservation Order, which means there is no requirement to submit an application to the Authority. He suggests a meeting on site to have a look at the trees and then sort out what permissions are required from the Authority, if any. The Chairman advised that Cllr Tame had spoken to Mr Beasley and had arranged for the trees to be surveyed.
(ii) The clerk advised that TDC allow a grace period of 10 minutes for cars to park in the car park to use the Post Office
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0293/12 & 0294/12(LBC) – Conversion of cartshed to stables and demolition of existing adjoining summerhouse at Old Glebe House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor  Members agreed to support the application.
(ii) 0259/12 – Alterations to roof to provide dormers and erection of new garage at Merrypark, Widecombe-in-the-Moor  Members agreed to object to the application as it created a dangerous access on to the highway.
(iii) 0261/12 – Extension to existing track (150m x 4m) at Land at Great Cator, Widecomne-in-the-Moor
The clerk advised members that this application had already been refused by DNPA.
(iv) 0291/12 – Change of use of agricultural land to garden, removal of section of curtilage listed wall and erection of garage/workshop/livestock shed at Lower Cator House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members had no objections to this application.
(v) 0296/12 – Removal of section of curtilage listed wall at Lower Cator House, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application.
(b) Decisions
None, other than 0261/12 above.
(a) Letter from DCC in response to a parishioner’s letter re speed of traffic in Widecombe (cc’d to the Parish Council for information) – this was placed in the circulation folder.
(b) Members noted the submission by DNPA of the Development Management and Delivery Development Plan to the Secretary of State.
(c) Members noted correspondence from a visitor to the parish commenting on the poor state of the public toilets on 6 June. It was agreed that this should be forwarded to TDC for their comments.
Other items of information were placed in the circulation folder
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map The map was marked with matters requiring attention.
(b) Other highways issues raised were:
• Missing signposts – Sherill and Chittleford
• Thorn Hill cattle grid still hasn’t been cleaned out.
• Cllr Routley had observed that during the recent closure of Newbridge, the bridge was not open at night despite there being ‘access only’ signs. Concern was expressed that emergency vehicles would not be able to pass over it.
• There are no yellow lines on other side of Newbridge and parked vehicles are making it difficult for other larger vehicles to pass.
• Concern about the condition of the road adjacent to Wayside Cafe with numerous potholes forming.
• Large pothole near Merry Park.
• Cllr Routley advised that Cllr Tempest had received a complaint about runners through the village during the recent Dartmoor Discovery race. The complaint related to traffic being held up and to rubbish being left.
The Chairman reported on the successful Jubilee celebrations and congratulated the vicar, Geoffrey Fenton, for his work organising the events and all the volunteers who helped.
Cllr Tempest has received a complaint about runners through the village. Teignbridge trotters
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.18pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.

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