Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 6 June 2013
in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Fenton (after item 2), Nosworthy, Routley, & Tempest
In attendance: District Cllr Jeffrey, Vaughan Lake (Teign Housing), Roger Foord-Evans (Widecombe Fair Committee)
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: Four
There were no comments from members of the public.
• Cllr Tame
• Cllr Morley
• County Cllr Gribble
• PC Dudley
Members received and considered an application from Rev’d Geoffrey Fenton to join the Parish Council as a co-opted member until the date of the next ordinary election.
It was agreed unanimously to co-opt Rev’d Geoffrey Fenton who proceeded to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 2 May 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following report:
‘4 incident reports were received. These include a report of congestion at Newbridge on the first
bank holiday Monday (6th May) and a vehicle collision with a pony at Poundsgate on the 3rd June.
2 crimes were recorded. These were both thefts from parked and unattended vehicles – from a
car on Newbridge hill on the 5th of May and a car at Grimspound on the 2nd of June.
We carry out regular Moorwatch patrols and advise members of the public to take belongings with them if they leave their vehicles. If you see any suspicious people or vehicles please give us a call at the time if you are able to on 101 or 999 if an emergency situation, i.e. a crime is being committed. My next Police surgery is on Tuesday 9th July from 10-11am at the Information Centre in Ashburton. I can be contacted at Conway House, Ashburton via the central no. of 101. Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no. 0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police. The Neighbourhood Team can also be contacted by e-mail – teignbridge@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk’
No report.
Cllr Jeffrey informed members that the new Chairman of Teignbridge District Council is Rosalind Prowse and the Vice Chairman is Joan Lambert.
No reports.
(a) Teign Housing/First Step Homes
The Chairman introduced and welcomed Vaughan Lake from Teign Housing to the meeting. He advised members that Teign Housing has agreed to purchase the land off Brook Lane, currently owned by First Step Homes, and land bank it with a view to working with the Parish Council about the development of more affordable homes for the parish. He further advised that this is not something which would happen overnight as there is currently no public funding available at the moment. Teign Housing would wish to work with the Parish Council gauge the level of need and would also wish to establish what kinds of housing are desired. DNPA is also currently reviewing its policies about tenure for affordable homes. Vaughan Lake ended by stating that he would keep the Parish Council informed of progress and would happily attend future meetings should the Parish Council desire this.
(b) Widecombe Fair 2013
The Chairman welcomed Roger Foord-Evans to the meeting who wished to seek agreement from the Parish Council for the financial arrangements for this year’s Fair. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would contribute as follows:
• Traffic and pedestrian management costs – 25% contribution
• Town Criers – 50% contribution
• Village PA link – 50% contribution
• Medical/first aid cover – 25% contribution
• Manning of public toilets in car park – 100% contribution
• Hiring of three portable toilets – 100% contribution
(c) Walkabout Inspection
The clerk gave an update on matters discussed on the walkabout, in particular:
• Cllr Tame has agreed to contact Brian Beasley, DNPA, about the felling of the cluster of trees next to the road, near the play area.
• A plan of North Hall field had been obtained from DNPA showing the boundaries. However, it was still unclear who is responsible for maintaining each of the boundaries and it was agreed that the Clerk would seek further clarification from DNPA.
• The Chairman is still to speak with Trevor Eveleigh who had expressed his intention to obtain some gravel/planings for the car park.
• Scott Riddell, DCC Highways Officer, has advised that the railings and concrete posts of the bridge opposite the entrance to North Hall field which are in need of repair are the responsibility of the parish as they do not show on either the District or the County’s records. This was strongly disputed by members and it was agreed that the clerk would convey this to Scott Riddell.
• Following a request by the tenant of the Parish Field, it was agreed that the Parish Council would replace the entrance gate with a new wooden gate. The Chairman agreed that he would measure it and seek quotations.
• Following a discussion about opening up the leat in the Parish Field, the Chairman agreed to speak to the owners of the Old Mill as the leat would run through their property. The owners of North Hall Manor expressed that they would not want the leat running through their field.
• The Clerk informed members that she had contacted DCC about cones around a manhole cover on Brook Lane which have been there for some time and that had been a glitch in the system and he would ensure that the necessary repair would be undertaken as soon as possible.
• The Chairman had spoken to the manager of the National Trust shop who agreed that the bench was unsafe and unsightly but did not know who had given permission for it to be sited in its current location. It was agreed that the clerk would write to the National Trust’s regional office.
• The Chairman is to carry out a risk assessment of the Saxon well
• The tree on the little green is dying and needs removing. Cllr Tame will apply for relevant permission.
(d) Community Right to Bid
After a discussion, members suggested that the land opposite the school next to the Fair Field and used by the school for sports could be nominated as an asset of community value. It was thought that the land is owned by the Church. Cllr Fenton suggested that the clerk writes to Peter Dracup, Secretary of St Pancras PCC, who would be able to confirm.
(e) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ Project
Members reconsidered a previous decision that this Council should not be steering/ influencing how money should be spent by this project and must remain impartial. Cllr Fenton and Margaret Rogers advised members that they are both stakeholders and tried to give members a greater understanding of the project. After a lengthy discussion, members agreed that they are happy to continue to support the project but still felt that it was inappropriate for the Parish Council to influence one individual project over another. It was therefore suggested that project ideas should be submitted direct to the stakeholders.
(f) Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund
Members received information relating to the Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund 2013/14 and agreed that the details should be sent to Widecombe Primary School for their interest as one of the key themes for this year is young people.
(a) Payments for approval
The following cheques were approved for payment:
• Cheque no 000811 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (June) – £224.97
• Cheque no 000812 – Ken Abraham – £90.00
• Cheque no 000813 – Event Hire Solutions (25% deposit) – £33.75
(b) Audit 2012/13
Members received and noted that the internal auditor had no issues to draw to the attention of the Council arising from this year’s testing.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 00260/13 – Fire precaution works to include heat and smoke detectors with control panel and extinguishers at Higher Uppacott, Poundsgate
Members had no objections.
(ii) 0259/13 – New porch at Lower Dunstone Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections.
(iii) 0287/13 – Rear extension, front and side porches, replacement garage, river bank protection and new footbridge at Riverside, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections.
(iv) 0286/13 – Erection of timber-framed garage at Buzzards Reach, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections.
(v) 0530/12 – Appeal against the refusal of full planning permission for change of use of land for two yurts and associated
Members did not wish to make any additional comments.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0138/13 – Change of use of existing one-bedroom ancillary accommodation to self-catering holiday let, The Shippon, Chittleford Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission.
Members raised concerns about the condition of Newbridge namely that coping stones were missing,
thus reducing the height of the wall creating a hazard and danger for pedestrians. Members
suggested the erection of a temporary safety barrier.
The clerk informed members that a complaint had been made to Cllr Morley about an item in March’s minutes which related to some members’ concerns about increasing visitors to the village in the context of the ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ project. These comments were noted.
Part II
Members of the public and press are excluded from this meeting as the items under discussion contain information exempt under:
• Local Government Act 1972 Section 100A s(3) and Schedule 12 A and ss (1)
• Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960 Section 2(1)
Members considered a report prepared by the Clerk and it was agreed to increase the clerk’s hourly rate to SCP 27.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.