Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 4 June 2015 in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Routley & Tempest
In attendance: Janice Alexander (Rural Housing Enabler, Devon Communities Together) & Amy Huxton (Housing Enabler, Teignbridge District Council)
Members of the Public: None
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
There were no members of the public present.
• Cllr Fenton
• Cllr Nosworthy
• Cllr Morley
• Cllr Whale
• District Cllr Jeffery
• County Cllr Gribble
• Bill Allen, DNPA
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
• Cllr Tempest declared an interest in item 3863 (d).
• Cllr Routley declared an interest in item 3863 (d).
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 21 May 2015 were approved and signed by the
Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
No report.
No report.
(a) Cllr Tempest advised that she had attended the meeting of the AGM of the Widecombe Educational Foundation on 28 April. The newly appointed headteacher, Des Stokes, attended the meeting which gave him an understanding of the purpose of the Foundation. Funding from the Widecombe Church House and Lands Charity, which is the sole income for the Foundation was reduced to £100 for 2015 which means that careful management of funds will be needed over the next year. So far this year, £632 has been given. It was agreed that applicants to the fund can continue to ask for £100 and this will be allocated automatically. Anything specific applied for must be discussed by the Trustees. No expenses were claimed by the trustees. Mrs Edwards thanked the trustees for their continued support and informed the meeting that she was leaving the school this year. There will the Annual School Education Outing which will be paid for entirely by the Foundation. There was concern that more young people were not taking advantage of the Foundation. Mrs Edwards will mention it in the school newsletter.
(b) The Chairman informed members that he had attended the blow-up mast demonstration at Drywell relating to the pre-application consultation request for the proposed installation of a22.5m High Lattice Tower Mobile Phone Base at Land 290 metres north-west of Drywell Farm, Ponsworthy. He advised that due to the level of local objection, the application was withdrawn this afternoon.
(a) Housing Needs Survey
The meeting was attended by Janice Alexander (Rural Housing Enabler, Devon Communities Together) & Amy Huxton (Housing Enabler, Teignbridge District Council) who discussed with the members the need to carry out a new housing needs survey as the one carried out in 2011 (which identified a need for 14 affordable homes for local people), will soon have exceeded its 5 year shelf life. They advised that Teign Housing is intending to develop the land it has purchased opposite Brook Lane Cottages in 2016/17 and Teignbridge District Council has therefore suggested that a new survey is carried out to bring the ‘need’ figures up to date and identify those in housing need in the village to ensure that the correct number of homes are constructed. The cost to the Parish Council would be £300 and members questioned whether this should be paid for by the Parish Council or by Teign Housing. After a discussion, those members present agreed that a decision regarding this should be deferred until the next meeting when there would be more members of the council present.
(b) Annual Walkabout
The following items were noted:
• The boundary hedges belonging to Coombe are not being maintained and stock off the common is wondering through fields through/over the poorly maintained hedges and into other farmers’ property. The farmhouse itself has fallen into disrepair and it is believed that stock is being endangered by an empty swimming pool at the property into which they have fallen and have been unable to get out. It was agreed that the clerk would contact DNPA in the first instance to report the fact that the condition of the property and hedges is causing a nuisance and seek its advice on what action the Parish Council can take, if any;
• The fencing in the car park behind the recycling banks which is the responsibility of Teignbridge District Council is still in need of repair. It was agreed to report this to TDC.
• The floor in the ladies toilets was wet and there was an unpleasant smell. It was agreed to report this to TDC.
• A new gate post is needed in the parish field. It was agreed to contact Matt Storrs.
(c) Widecombe Fair 2015
Members agreed that the Parish Council would make the following contributions towards Widecombe Fair 2015:
• Traffic and pedestrian management costs – 25% contribution
• Town Criers – 50% contribution
• Village PA link – 50% contribution
• Medical/first aid cover – 25% contribution
• Manning of public toilets in car park – 100% contribution
• Hiring of three portable toilets – 100% contribution
(d) Leusdon Memorial Hall
A request was received from Leusdon Memorial Hall for a grant towards the extension of the disabled access to the hall. It was agreed to defer the item until next month as Cllrs Tempest and Routley had declared an interest in this item and therefore the Council would be inquorate.
(e) Defibrillator
Cllr Whale was absent from the meeting but sent a report and recommendation as to how this Council should proceed with the purchase of a defibrillator for the parish. He advised that in his view the machine needs to be housed in a locked container in a covered place with an electrical supply and suggests the bus shelter in the public car park, which is also only ten yards away from the public telephone kiosk. The suggested lock is a numbered key pad. The question is who holds this number and can it be easily accessed in a case of emergency? There is an option that the South Western Ambulance Service could keep the number of the lock of the cabinet so in the case of an emergency one would ring 999, call for an ambulance and ask for the number to access the defibrillator. The Ambulance Service can also advise on the type of machine and the cabinet in which it is to be kept. Cllr Whale also suggests that once the Council has agreed on the course of action to take, he can visit all the neighbouring properties around the village, business and domestic, and ask them if they would be prepared to help to advertise the details of the whereabouts of the defibrillator and how to access it etc. This information could also be put in the noticeboards around the village. Cllr Whale proposes that the Council’s first course of action should be to contact the Ambulance Service and hopefully have an on-site meeting to discuss the best way forward. Members accepted this recommendation as a way forward and it was agreed that the clerk would contact Cllr Whale to agree the next steps.
(f) Roll of Honour
In the absence of Cllr Fenton, there was no update.
(g) Welcome to Widecombe
The Chairman informed members that he had spoken to Penny Whale regarding the alleged criticism made of the Parish Council in how it has approached this project. He advised that she was unaware of any criticism of the Parish Council.
(a) The following payments were approved:
ï§ï Cheque no 000886 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (May) – £221.90
(a) New applications/appeals
There were no new applications/appeals.
(b) Decisions
There were no decisions to report.
(a) Cllr Routley reported that the stones on Newbridge have fallen off and others are looking rather unstable. She advised that she had taken photographs of the damage which she would forward to the clerk in order to send to DCC Highways.
To report a pothole:
Telephone: 0345 155 1004
Email: customer@devon.gov.uk
Online: www.devon.gov.uk/road_maintenance.htm
There were no items of correspondence.
Other items for information only were placed in the circulation folder or emailed direct to members.
The Chairman advised that he had visited Cllr Nosworthy at home and taken him a card and some fruit on behalf of members following his recent stay in hospital. He also thanked Cllr Tempest for her support to Cllr Nosworthy and his wife whilst he has been unwell.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.28pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
THURSDAY 2 JULY 2015 AT 7.30pm
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting
and make comment before the start of the meeting.