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Parish Council Minutes March 2008

These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 6th March. 2008

PRESENT:Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon & Mrs. Tempest

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Jeffrey, Morley & Tame, Andrew Bradford and PC Dudley

IN ATTENDANCE:Mr. Kevin Dentith (DCC Highways), eight members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper. Tel. 01548 854478.


  1. PC Andy Dudley has sent a report for the period 08.02.08 – 06.03.08 plus a letter from Stephen Otter, Chief Constable giving a brief summary of the past 12 months crime rates etc.
  2. The Chairman welcomed Mr.Dentith who gave an outline of the problem DCC face in finding a solution to the continuous vehicle hits on Newbridge, 29 since 1999. He said that he had responsibility for 3,500 in Devon with 8 full time staff to keep them in good working order. There followed an open discussion with Councillors and members of the public making various points and asking questions of Mr. Dentith. In conclusion it was unanimously agreed that the bridge should be widened and straightened, the approach roads on either side straightened and that the warning signs should be greatly improved and placed some distance from Newbridge giving large vehicle a chance to turn back. It was also agreed that placing restricting concrete bollards near the bridge would be incongruous and not limit large vehicle. Mr.Dentith agreed with all that was said and promised to do his best to convince DNPA and English Heritage. Time scale: if work is to be done it would probably be in the autumn of 2008. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Chorlton and the Clerk was asked to reply with the agreed response of all those present.

2931MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th February 2008 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.


  1. Parish Tithe Map: the Clerk reported that he has written to the Record Office and received a reply from Mr. Draisey confirming the agreement reached at the last WPC meeting in February. The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr.Charles Godfrey has made a donation of £100 to the WD History Group to help towards the cost of restoring the Widecombe Tithe Map. The Clerk is to write a letter of thanks.
  2. Parish Field:the Chairman confirmed that the agreement has been drawn up and signed by the tenant, Lucinda Palmes and a payment of £200 made for the calendar year 2008.
  3. DNPA Chief Executive:a reply has been received confirming his attendance at the July WPC meeting.


  1. Weekly Lists placed for circulation.
  2. Grant of Planning for:New barn for gym and swimming pool at Higher Hannaford.
  3. Refusal of Planning for:amendments to extension at Rugglestone Inn
  4. 0137/08:Cables installation by BT at Leigh Tott Farm – Decision of Council to ‘Support’
  5. 0139/08:Re-alignment of track at West Shallowford Farm – ‘No Objection’ by majority vote.
  6. 0096/08:Single storey dining room extension at Hannaford Cottage – ‘No Objection’
  7. Appeal against Refusal of Planning for O2 Airwaves mast at land opposite Bowden Barn.Council continue to oppose the placing of such a mast near the village.

2934CORRESPONDENCEplaced for circulation:

  1. TDC:Agendas and Minutes, Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, TALC
  2. DNPA:Minutes and Agendas and ditto for Dartmoor.
  3. DCC:Devon in Touch, Listening Events and Social Services details on disc.
  4. University of Plymouth: Creating a Quality Parish Questionnaire: to be returned on 19.03.08
  5. Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


  1. Maintenance: a letter to be written regarding the depth of the stream at The Splash that is causing damage to vehicles.
  2. Mr. Eveleigh reported that sand backs are available for collection from the Church Car Park in Widecombe for those who have a risk of flooding.


  1. Mrs. Tempest reported on the Church House Committee Meeting.


  1. Robert Steemson has confirmed that the overhanging trees on the approach to the village between Widecombe Hill and the Church are no on Common land. The Chairman agreed to speak with the land owner to ask if the trees, which are being hit by vehicle, can be cut back.


  1. Balance Carried forward deposit account£4,678
  2. Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for Feb. £285.32
  3. Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£837.45
  4. Mr.Smerdon: labour for work done on Parish Field£350
  5. Income: Field Let = £200 + sale of guides = £3.50£203.50
  6. VAT reclaimed.£186.59
  7. The end of year balance is estimated to be in the region of £5,500

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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