Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on Thursday 4th March 2010
in the Church House, WidecombePresent: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Tame and Wallace.
Clerk: Suzanna HughesPresent: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffery and 2 members of the public.
OPEN FORUMNo comments.
3111 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCEReceived from Cllrs Smerdon and Tempest.
3112 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTMembers were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. Cllr Morley declared an interest in item 3117 (d) as a member of the Widecombe Fair Committee.
3113 RATIFICATION OF MINUTESThe minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 4th February 2010 were approved all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.
3114 POLICE REPORTNo crime report.
The Chairman advised members that he had received a report which has been submitted by the police ahead of the Tetra Inquiry. A police pack has also been delivered to his house by PCSO Gareth Jones containing information and items to help with crime prevention.3115 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT
Cllr Gribble observed that there were still a lot of potholes in need of filling. He had also noticed that the planning application at Blackdown Piper was listed to be discussed at the Development Management Committee the following day which he would be attending. He therefore was interested to hear the views of the Parish Council. Local Government Review – he reminded members that Exeter had been granted unitary status against the advice of the Boundary Committee. As a result, Devon has now requested a judicial review.
3116 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCllr Jeffery reported that the AGM of the Rural Aid Committee was on 17th March. He advised members that the total programme allocation available for 2010/11 is £55,000 and is all revenue. This means that projects no longer have to meet the previous capital criteria of having a total minimum project cost of £10,000. Cllr Jeffery was unsure whether Parish Planning would be eligible for funding under this scheme.
3117 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a) Widecombe Fair – future arrangements
It had been suggested at the last meeting that the Parish Council should tender the contract out. After discussion, it was agreed that arrangements should continue with Raymond Amusements who are very experienced in and have the contacts to arrange such events.(b) Parish Field Grass Let 2010
One application had been received from Lucinda Curnock, the current tenant. She expressed her thanks to the Parish Council for the improvements to the fencing and gate and had no other issues. The rate was agreed at £200, a £20 reduction in last year’s fee due to the field not being used during the winter. It was agreed that prior to the Grazing Licence being signed, the Chairman and Cllr Tame would check the field to ensure there were no problems. (c) Parish Council Field as a potential site for affordable housing – to continue discussions
The clerk had located the deed of gift relating to the transfer of the parish field I 1983. The deed states that the field was conveyed to Widecombe Parish Council for ‘public trust purposes’. It also states in minute 799 (3) from a meeting on 28 January 1982 that the Mr Straubenzee ‘would regard it as transgressing the spirit of the gift if subsequently the Parish Council was to dispose of the land for profit’. (d) Annual Parish Meeting 2010 – to finalise arrangements
The date of the meeting is 17th March at 7.30pm in Church House. The clerk would send invitations to local groups and the Chairman advised members to spread the word to encourage attendance.(e) TETRA Inquiry – Chairman to update members
The Chairman reminded members that the Inquiry is re-opening on 24th March and should last 1-2 days. He asked members whether they wished him to say anything. It was agreed that the Chairman should
attend to confirm the views of the parish which had been discussed and agreed previously.3118 PLANNING
(a) New applications/appeals (i) 0059/10 – East Shallowford Farm, Widecombe
Alterations to farmhouse (revised application of some works granted to 0091/09)No objections.
(ii) 0039/10- Blackdown Piper Farm, Widecombe Construction of an agricultural building (18.3m x 12.2m) and hardstanding
Following the advice of the DNPA, it was noted that changes had been made by the applicant in respect of the siting and position of the building and to the landscaping which softened its positioning. Taking this into account, members agreed that they had no objections.(iii) 0079/10 – The Drydens, Poundsgate
Extension of existing decking at rear to run the full length of house and replacement of window with patio doors No objections.(iv) 0083/10 – Bagpark, Widecombe
Replacement single storey outbuilding to provide garaging, machinery store, hay and log stores No objections. b) Decisions
(i) 0575/09 – St Pancras Church, WidecombeRebuilding section of western boundary retaining wall located to south of lychgate
Granted conditionally. 3119 CORRESPONDENCE
(a) Royal Garden Party – invitation for nominations For circulation:
(b) TDC Council (Budget) Meeting – 22 Feb 2010 (c) Energy Saving Trust – Green Communities
(d) DNPA – Dartmoor Biodiversity Newsletter 2009/10 (e) DCC – Investing in our Devon – Strategic Plan 2009-13
3120 HIGHWAYS (a) Maintenance/Pothole map:
Members were conscious that DCC had a huge backlog of potholes and repairs and therefore agreed not to mark the map this month. (b) Other highways issues:
Cllr Tame reported a pipe at Blackerton which was washing out gravel etc into the road. It is thought that the pipe belongs to Blackdown Piper Farm. The Chairman agreed to have a look at it.Cllr Wallace reported that the street lamp outside the shop was still not working. The clerk agreed to follow this up. Members also agreed to record their thanks to parishioners and farmers who had helped with the gritting of the roads during the extreme weather.
3121 DELEGATES REPORTSCllr Tame reported that the inspection of the trees on the Green had been carried out by Rupert Baker. He has reported no problems and the Bleeding Canker in the horsechestnut has not spread any further. The next inspection will be in the summer 2011.
The Chairman asked whether there were any other Health & Safety issues. A concern was raised about the sycamore on the bank of the churchyard which contains a lot of dead wood. The Chairman said that he would speak to the PCC.3122 MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN
Following the request last month from the Treasurer of St Pancras, Peter Dracup, for financial support towards the upkeep of the churchyard, the Chairman advised members that he had received a copy of the latest accounts together with quotations for the cost of the maintenance. After brief discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman would scrutinise the accounts in more detail.The clerk advised members that there was some money available from the current account which was unspent at the financial year end and that the Parish Council should also give consideration to other groups in the village. After discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council would advertise the opportunity to other groups in the Parish Link and on the noticeboards. All applications would then be discussed in the May meeting.
3123 FINANCE (a) The following payments were approved::
§ Cheque no 000693 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for February – £252.56§ Cheque no 000694 – Rupert Baker – Tree survey & report – £155.20
(b) Account balances were noted:§ Current account – £1731.09
§ Deposit account – £4834.38 There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.