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Parish Council Minutes March 2011


                              Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 3rd March 2011

in Church House, Widecombe

Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chair), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Smerdon, Seale, Tempest & Wallace.

Clerk: Suzanna Hughes

In attendance: County Councillor George Gribble, PC Dudley

Members of the Public:


No comments from the public.


§ Cllr Tame


Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.

None declared.


The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2011 were approved and signed as a true and correct


PC Dudley reported one crime which was an assault at Lady Meadow Terrace. A man has been arrested and cautioned. Three other incidents were recorded including a report of a suspicious vehicle (white Mercedes van). PC Dudley reminded members about the Community Watch Scheme.

PC Dudley can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the central number 08452 777444 or alternatively by e-mail at


Cllr Gribble has received a letter from Anthony Beard on behalf of the History Group thanking them for his grant of £500 from his Community Locality Budget.  He also reported that he had received confirmation from DCC of the 672 bus timetable. Despite campaigning against the closure of the Bully Cleave Tip, it now looks as though it will be closed.


            No report.


(a)             Devon Active Villages

The meeting was attended by Katherine Nietrzebka from the Active Leisure department of TDC to talk about Devon Active Villages. The aim of the project is to create physical opportunities for local people in their local areas. The scheme could support either new or existing clubs. At this stage, she advised that she was gathering information about what the parish wants and was intending to consult with the community via consultation forms. Members agreed to circulate these to appropriate groups. Sport England has a focus on running, cycling and dancing and exercise to music but this scheme is open to support a range of activities.

(b)             Housing Needs Survey

Around 300 surveys were distributed amongst members to hand deliver to each household in the parish. The deadline for their return to the Community Council of Devon is 31st March.

(c)             Parish Field

The Chairman explained that every year the Parish Council seeks tenders for the parish field. He went on to outline the terms of the grazing licence and stressed that there should be no supplementary feeding on the field. This year two bids have been received. Cllr Nosworthy proposed that a sub-committee should decide on the successful applicant prior to the next meeting once both applicants had familiarised themselves and agreed to the terms of the licence. It was agreed therefore that Cllrs Morley and Nosworthy together with the Chairman would form the sub-committee.  The Chairman also reported that he and Cllr Tame had walked the field. The far boundary fence needs some attention – Cllr Smerdon agreed have a look – and last year it was noted that there was a problem with the water level dropping. 

(d)             Heritage Centre

The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting in the car park which was attended by Anthony Beard, Roger Claxton, Terry French, Keith McKay (DNPA) and Louise Smith (DNPA). The DNPA were very enthusiastic about the proposed Heritage Centre. The proposed site sits within the Parish Field and this is preferred to the car park as it is owned by the parish whereas the car park is owned by TDC.   The site, measuring 20 x 40 ft, will be pegged out so that it can be looked at on the walkabout in April.

(e)             Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Circulated prior to the meeting and with minor amendments being made, these were approved by all members.

(f)               Annual Parish Meeting

This will be held on Wednesday 16th March. All community groups would be invited to report on their activities for the year and the meeting would also be attended by the Principal of South Dartmoor Community College, Hugh Bellamy.

(g)             Local Elections

Nomination papers were distributed to all members and the clerk reminded them of the deadline for submission – 4th April at noon.

(h)        Newbridge toilets

The clerk had received a response from Steve Kew, TDC, which confirmed that Teignbridge has no plans to close Newbridge Toilets. It stated that TDC is maintaining its share of the operating costs and expect that DNP will continue to contribute their share of the costs.

3249     PLANNING (a)        New applications/appeals

(i)         0069/11 – Erection of a single storey extension, formation of rooms in roof and new patio at Bonehill Bungalow, Widecombe-in-the-Moor

            This follows refusal of previous application and resubmission.

No objections. (b)        Decisions

(i)         0541/10 – Convert redundant store barn to holiday let at Drywell Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor

            Granted conditionally.

(c)             Other planning matters



(a)        DALC Newsletter – March/April 2011

(b)        DALC – ‘Making it work locally’ event – 15 March 2011

(c)        Delivering for Dartmoor 2011

(d)        Clerk and Councils Direct

(e)        DCC leaflet – Social Care for Adults

(f)         TDC Council Meeting (Budget)

(g)        DNPA Design Guide     3251     HIGHWAYS                 

(a)        Maintenance/pothole map:

Members marked potholes etc on the map to be sent to DCC Highways. 

(b)         Other highways issues:


            3252     DELEGATES REPORTS

(a)        Cllr Smerdon reported that he has met with Phil and Ann Raymond to discuss how the Raymond Amusements and Widecombe Fair Committee can work together more. This was a constructive meeting which should have positive outcome.

(b)        Cllr Booty advised that he had attended the recent Access Forum at which Kevin Bishop explained that DNPA would be losing around one third of its budget and losing 30 of its 100 staff.


The Chairman reported that he will be attending a Civic Reception in Ashburton Town Hall as Widecombe’s representative.

3254     FINANCE

(a)        The following payment was approved and cheque signed:

§ Cheque no 000727 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for December – £237.80

(b)        HMRC – status of parish clerk and PAYE implementation

From 6th April 2011, Parish Councils must register as an employer with HMRC and operate PAYE on the income the clerk earns. The clerk reported that having looked into this she would be happy to operate the PAYE herself rather than outsource it to an ‘agent’. All members were happy with this arrangement.

(c)        The bank reconciliation was noted.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.

Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 16th March 2011 at 7.30pm in Church House.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 7th April 2011 and will be preceded by the

Annual Walkabout of the village at 7.00pm.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment

at the start of the meeting.

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