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Parish Council Minutes March 2012

                                                           WIDECOMBE PARISH COUNCIL
                                                   Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
                                                           held on Thursday 1 March 2012
                                                          in the Church House, Widecombe
Present:  Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Lewis, Morley, Nosworthy, Routley, Tame, Tempest & Wallace
In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, District Cllr Jeffrey
Clerk:  Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 1
There were no comments from members of the public.
• PC Dudley
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting. There were no interests declared.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 2 February 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
PC Dudley had informed the Chairman earlier in the week that there was no crimes to report.
At a recent meeting of DCC, it was confirmed that there would be no increase in DCC’s part of the Council Tax. There would be a minimal increase by the Fire Authority due to increases in members’ allowances.  A small increase was being made by the Police Authority.  The Chairman informed Cllr Gribble that ‘road closed’ signs needed to be collected from his farm which Highways had used to close Chittleford Hill during the icy weather.  Cllr Nosworthy reminded members that at a previous meeting he had commented that the road in Lower Town had not been swept for 6-7 years because DCC are using the sweepers for priority roads.  Cllr Jeffrey looked into this on his behalf and now the road has been swept.  However, because the road has not been swept for 6-7 years, surface water has been unable to drain away resulting in potholes forming.  DCC should be made aware that by not sweeping the road, other problems are being created.  Cllr Tame commented that DCC have been ploughing the verges and have been filling in the potholes at Natsworthy.  Cllr Morley added that DCC had also been filling in potholes on the road to Bonehill. 
Reported that TDC had a budget meeting last Friday at which it was agreed that there would be no increase in council tax.  There would be no increases in Members’ Allowances. The Chairman reported that he had attended a buffet reception at DCC to celebrate the contribution made by Parish Councils to the life of Devon. 
Parish Field 
Tenders for 2012 
One tender had been received which members agreed to accept.  The clerk would arrange for Lucinda Curnock to sign the Grazing Licence.
(i) Repairs to boundaries, reseeding and refertilising
Cllr Tame reported that Paul Edworthy was awaiting TDC’s approval to start.  The clerk advised that she had received that confirmation today.  Cllr Tame agreed to inform Mr Edworthy. He has also agreed to repair the boundary.  It was agreed that due to type of ponies to be grazed in the Parish Field, there is no need to reseed and refertilise it,
(ii) Correspondence
A letter had been received expressing interest in purchasing the Parish Field.  After discussion members unanimously agreed that they did not wish to consider selling the field.
(a) Rural Home Energy Survey
The clerk reported that the Community Council of Devon have been commissioned to undertake a Rural Home Energy Survey in the parish by TDC.  The parish has been selected because the majority of homes are not on mains gas. Surveys are shortly to be delivered to every household in the parish and the CCD will be calling on all households during March to either collect or help fill in the form if needed.
Heritage and Educational Centre
Mr Beard reported that three firms have looked at the proposed site in the car park and because of cabling under the site, it has been advised that the proposed building be moved back by 3m.  Prices and costsings are also being sought.
(b) Correspondence from Mr Beard
Members received correspondence asking members to consider two matters:
(i) During the February half-term school break, the public conveniences have been out of order and it is totally unfair that local businesses should be expected to provide these facilities to non-patrons. It was established that the toilets were closed because the pipes were frozen. However, members agreed that TDC could do more to prevent this by, for example, applying lagging to the pipes.  It was also felt that repairs could have been undertaken quicker.  District Cllr Jeffrey agreed to speak to TDC about the matter.
(ii) On Wednesday15th February, TDC sent out two men with ‘strimmers’ to cut the grass in the old churchyard which was totally unnecessary as the grass was only a couple of inches high.  They did at least leave the snowdrops, but all the primrose plants on the graves are gone. In this day of environmental awareness and financial restrictions, Mr Beard felt this was a pointless exercise.
Members agreed with the observations of Mr Beard and it was agreed that District Cllr Jeffrey would establish why TDC were strimming unnecessarily in the churchyard.
(e)  Brook Lane Cottages
The clerk advised that she was still awaiting a response from Hastoe about whether the Parish Council could be involved in deciding the allocation of homes which become vacant.  Members confirmed that the property had now been allocated and the tenants had moved in.
(f) Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
The clerk advised that for this event to be covered by the Parish Councils insurance, the event will need to be organised by and be the responsibility of the Parish Council. As the event is being organised by a separate committee which is being led by the PCC then separate insurance will be required.  The Chairman advised that the events could be insured on the PCC’s insurance and it was therefore agreed that the clerk would notify Geoffrey Fenton accordingly.
Cllr Nosworthy suggested that the reverse side of the Jubilee stone on Leusdon Green could be engraved.  Cllr Tempest agreed to take the suggestion to the Leusdon Memorial Hall Committee.  Cllr Tame suggested that if the Committee supported the suggestion they should approach the Parish Council for a contribution to the cost.
Cllr Tempest confirmed that Leusdon would be having an 11am service on Sunday 3rd June followed by lunch in the hall.
(g) Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 14 March
The clerk confirmed that Anthony Beard had agreed to speak at the meeting.  Invitees were agreed.  The meeting would take the usual format and would be advertised in the usual way.
(a) The following payments were approved and cheques signed:
 Cheque no 000759 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements  – £219.42
(b) Members received and noted the bank reconciliation.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0111/12 – Insertion of dormer window and rooflights, plus general refurbishment (retrospective application), Rowbrook Farm, Poundsgate
Members had no objections.
(ii) 0107/12 – Erection of single-storey lean-to extension, South Lake Cottage, Poundsgate
Members had no objections.
(b) Decisions
(i) 0062/12 – New hardstanding (540sqm) for dry storage of silage bales
Members noted that DNPA had no objections to Prior Notification
(c) To note correspondence from Stephen Belli re applications 0546/11 and 0574/11
Members received and noted correspondence relating to 0546/11and 0574/11.
It was agreed to ask DNPA to retrospectively correct the minutes. 
The Chairman advised that the start date to carry out works from Bowden Barn mast to the transformer would start on 16th April.  They will follow the same line as the Hastoe Housing cabling and the works will take five days.
(c) Old Inn car park
It had been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that landscaping and gardening works had been carried out in the car park of the Old Inn.  It was agreed that the clerk would ask DNPA to have a look to ensure that it was permitted development.
(a) DNPA – The Development Management and Delivery Plan Document
Members were invited to comment.  It was agreed that the document would be circulated and a response formulated at the next meeting.
(b) School lunches
Cllr Lewis advised that she had received a letter about the future of school lunches and that a decision would shortly be made about the provision of hot meals at the school.
All other correspondence was circulated for information.
3388 HIGHWAYS   
(a) Maintenance/Pothole map
No issues raised.
(b) Other highways issues:
(i) The sign post at Church Lane Head is pointing in the wrong direction.
(ii) A coping stone has been knocked off Ponsworthy Bridge.
A question was asked in respect of school meals coming to an end.  The Chairman agreed to speak to the school.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm.

Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.

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