Minutes of a meeting f the Parish Council held on Thursday 7 March 2013
in the Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillors Booty (Chairman), Lewis, Morley, Tempest & Wallace
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
Members of the Public: 2
No members of the public wished to address the Council.
• Cllr R Newbolt-Young
• Cllr M Nosworthy
• Cllr A Routley
• District Cllr M Jeffrey
• County Cllr G Gribble
Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
were invited to state whether they have any interests in the items to be discussed during this meeting
in accordance with the council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
No requests were received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 7 February 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No reports.
(a) First Step Homes/Teign Housing
The clerk informed members that Jo Stirling of Teign Housing had been expected at the meeting following an approach to them by First Step Homes regarding the land off Brook Lane. Teign Housing wished to speak to members of the Parish Council to gauge an initial reaction towards a further development of affordable homes in the village. Even though Ms Stirling was not present at the meeting, members briefly discussed the matter and concluded that following the Housing Needs Survey conducted in March 2011 there does appear to be a need for further such housing in the parish. It was agreed that this opinion would be conveyed to Teign Housing by the clerk.
(b) Widecombe-in-the-Moor Post Office
Members received and noted correspondence from Sue Edwards, Environment Standards Manager, TDC who advised that she is prepared to extend the pop and shop stay from 10 minutes to 15 minutes in the light of the extra distance to walk to the Post Office in its new location in the Shop on the Green and in order to assist with this new venture. Whilst a letter had also been sent to Hilary Way, owner of the other village car park, a response to a request for a similar arrangement had not yet been received.
(c) ‘Moor than Meets the Eye’ project
Members were notified of an invitation to apply to sit on the Local Stakeholders Group. It was agreed that the clerk would ask Cllr Newbolt-Young whether he might wish to apply.
(d) Letter from Lustleigh Parish Council re workmanship relating to potholes
Members received a letter from Lustleigh Parish Council asking whether any councillors would be willing to join them in attending the next meeting of TALC (Teignbridge Association of Local Councils) on 28th March. County Cllr Gribble is trying to obtain a copy of the “specifications” used by DCC. If funding is the issue, it is hoped that better workmanship will save money in the long term. The original letter from Lustleigh Parish Council, which was supported by this Council, has been sent to DCC Highways but as yet there has been no response.
(e) Shaping Community Services for the Future
Members received details of a public board meeting to be held on 21 March at which a decision regarding the future of community services will be decided and were informed that they, along with the public, could attend.
(f) Widecombe Archive Digitising Project
Members received a letter from Widecombe History Group updating them with regard to the process of digitising and cataloguing the contents of the Parish Chest which the History Group has been doing for the past two years. It is expected that they will finish this stage of the overall digitising project this year. As part of the further development of this archive the History Group has developed an internet search and display facility which it would like to demonstrate to the Parish Council at some convenient point. In addition the Group wishes to reach agreement with the Parish Council on the following:
1. Which items from the chest can be made available on the Internet
2. Whether the Parish Council can offer any financial support (we can explain our cost/income projections as part of the above demonstration)
3. Whether certain items from the chest can now be handed over to the Devon Heritage Centre (previously the Devon Record Office)
The Chairman suspended standing orders to allow Roger Claxton from Widecombe History Group to talk to members and explain these points further.
After a discussion, it was agreed that initially all items pre-1900 shall be available on the internet. Items after this date would have to be scrutinised to ensure that there was no breach of the Data Protection Act. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would award a grant of £150 towards the cost of uploading the data (cost approximately £150-£200 per annum for necessary additional web space) (cheque no 000797) and that the Parish Council would entrust the History Group with the task of handing over items in the chest to the Devon Heritage Centre.
(g) Community Right to Bid
The clerk advised that the ‘Community Right to Bid’ introduced by the Localism Act 2011 gives local communities the chance to bid to buy and take over the running of assets that are of value to them, such as a pub, a village shop, a library building or community centre. These assets could be owned by the council or other public body, a private company or an individual. The Parish Council is able to nominate local assets to feature on a register that will be held and published by Teignbridge District Council. The Council then considers whether or not the asset is and/or will be of ‘community value’ and decides whether it should be listed. If an asset is listed and at some point in the future the owner decides to dispose of it, then the community is notified and has a 6 week period in which to decide whether to submit a bid to purchase and run the asset. If the community decides not to submit a bid, then the asset owner is free to dispose of it on the open market. If the community confirms that it does wish to submit a bid, it then has a 6 month period in which to develop its bid to buy. The asset can only be sold to the community group during this period. If a bid is not received or accepted in this 6 month period, then the asset owner is free to dispose of it on the open market for a further period of 12 months, at the end of which time (if no sale has been achieved) the whole process begins again. It was agreed that further discussion and/or nomination of assets would be deferred until the next meeting.
(h) Rural Aid
The clerk informed members present that the ‘Community Dig’, which had been suggested at the last meeting, was not eligible for Rural Aid funding. The deadline for applications has changed however (now 7 June 2013), allowing more time to consider appropriate projects. It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting.
(i) General and Financial Risk Assessment
Item deferred until next meeting.
(j) Asset Register
Item deferred until next meeting.
(a) Payments for approval
The following cheque was approved for payment:
• Cheque no 000796 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (March) – £221.90
(b) Bank reconciliation
Members received and noted the bank reconciliation to 27 February showing a total balance of £9,991.55.
(c) Grants to parish organisations
A request had been received from St Pancras PCC for a grant to help with the upkeep of the
churchyard. Members agreed to defer a decision until the clerk had established with the
Secretary of the PCC what the total cost of maintenance is.
(d) Parish Field – repairs to fencing
Cllr Lewis informed members that minor repairs were necessary to the fencing in the Parish Field. Members agreed that these repairs should be carried out by Cllr Lewis and that the Parish Council would reimburse her accordingly.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0088/13 – Two-storey extension to replace existing garage at Newbridge Hill Cottage, Poundsgate
Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 0079/13 – Install Velux rooflight on converted barn linked to farmhouse at Southway Farm, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members had no objections to this application.
(iii) 0051/13 – Alterations to roof to provide dormers at Merrypak, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Members agreed to support this application.
(iv) 0046/13 – Erection of single storey flank extension and creation of parking area at Bonehill House, Widecombe in the Moor
After clarification that there would be no changes to access to the property, members had no objections to this application.
(b) Decisions
None reported.
Members received and noted correspondence from Rev’d Fenton regarding the ‘Moor than meets the eye project’ and suggested considerations for project funds in the parish. Concerns were expressed by some members about increasing visitors to the parish and how suggestions for new facilities in the church might have a negative impact on the building.
No new issues were raised.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30pm.