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Parish Council Minutes March 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 5 March 2020
in Leusdon Memorial Hall, Leusdon
Members present: Councillor Hassell (Chairman), Booty, Edwards, Elliott, Partridge and Routley
Also present: County Councillor Gribble, District Councillor Cox and Brian Beasley (DNPA).
Members of the Public: There were five members of the public present.
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
(a) Members received and noted the resignation of Cllr Morley. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks
for everything Cllr Morley had done whilst on the Parish Council which was supported by all present.
(b) The following apologies were noted:
• Cllr Fenton
• Cllr Whiteside
• District Cllr Parker-Khan
• District Cllr Nutley
Brian Beasley, DNPA’s Trees and Landscape Officer, was in attendance to express his view about the Parish
Council’s application to fell the sycamore tree on the Green which he considers to be one of the best veteran
sycamores on Dartmoor and which contributes greatly to the environment. He acknowledged that the tree has
experienced a significant failure of one of its limbs and therefore it would be necessary to carry out work to
reduce the loadings on its weaker points. However, he asked the Parish Council to give very careful
consideration to felling the tree without giving it a chance to see if it would respond to a reduction. He
emphasised that it was about assessment of risk and a reduction would be a way of minimising risk of future
failure whilst retaining this important feature. He disagreed with the view of Aspect Tree Consultancy Ltd and
believes that the chance of the tree surviving is greater than the report indicates. He asked the Parish Council
to consider withdrawing its section 211 notice to give more time for discussion about the tree’s future.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and
invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance
with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor
would have been aware of such before the meeting.
Cllr Partridge declared an interest in item 4531 (a)(i).
Members received the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 February 2020 which were approved
and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
(a) County Councillor
Cllr Gribble advised members that he was still pursuing the request for a 20mph speed restriction
around the school though he was not particularly optimistic that this would be received well. He is also
following up a request from the Dartmoor Commoners for three new cattle grids and is looking at the
proposed sites with them. These will be funded by Spitchwick Commoners (not DCC). Cllr Gribble
was informed that the issue on the Natsworthy valley road is still not resolved and no authority is taking
responsibility for it. Cllr Gribble agreed that he would pursue issue with DNPA. Cllr Booty was
surprised that DCC is passing on the responsibility to clear buddle holes to Parish Councils. Cllr
Gribble advised that it is all about funding and DCC prioritising its statutory duties.
(b) District Councillors
Cllr Cox made reference to TDC’s Local Plan Review and the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan. He also
advised members that the parish could sign up to the Road Warden Scheme where DCC will train and
insure volunteers and provide relevant equipment to enable parishes to undertaken minor works on the
public highway such as repairing potholes.
(c) DNPA Representative
No report.
(d) Police
No report.
(e) Delegate Reports
No reports.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Edwards)
(a) Climate Emergency
Members received and noted the recommendations of Roger and Ann Claxton following their
attendance, on behalf of the Parish Council, of the Act on Climate in Teignbridge (ACT) Forum. They
believe that that there would be a huge benefit in declaring a climate emergency and generally taking
the climate emergency on board as a Parish Council as a matter of urgency.
ACT are developing a parish pack to provide some guidelines and help kick-start local action.
They emphasised that each parish was different and so such a pack would need to be
tailored to local needs.
It was agreed that Climate Emergency could be the focus of the Annual Parish Meeting and it would be
useful to invite someone from ACT to give some practical tips to members of the community.
Cllr Elliott and Whiteside would also share information following their attendance at the Dartmoor
Assembly on the Climate and Ecological crisis being held in Chagford on 7 March.
(b) VE Day Celebrations
Members were advised that Leusdon are planning a meeting to discuss events to celebrate VE day.
The Chairman suggested that rather than arrange its own event, the Parish Council could support
community events by making a financial contribution. All members supported this approach. Cllr
Routley was asked to report this at the meeting being arranged by Leusdon Memorial Hall. She also
agreed to feedback to members if support is be required.
(c) Affordable Housing
There was nothing further to report.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Fenton & Whiteside)
(a) Parish Trees
The Chairman advised that tree quotes have been received to survey the tree in the parish for which
the Parish Council is responsible. However, the Estates team had not had sufficient time to review
these and a recommendation would therefore be made at the next meeting.
(b) Parish Field
(i) The Clerk advised that there had been no applications to rent the field.
(ii) The tenancy agreement being drafted by Tim Yonge of Stags has not yet been received.
(iii) Members agreed to defer discussion about alternative uses for the field until Cllr Fenton, who
had drafted the report, was present. Following discussion about how the parish can make
positive contributions to the climate emergency, Cllr Booty suggested that trees could be
planted on it.
(c) North Hall Field
The clerk advised that DCC has confirmed that provisionally DNPA has no issues with the proposed
sub-lease however this would subject to consideration of compliance with the terms of clause 13 and
any other matter that DNPA feels it reasonably relevant at the time. It was agreed that the Parish
Council should take legal advice on the lease. It was agreed that the clerk would seek quotations for
advice and for the drafting of the sub-lease and would circulate them for agreement by email.
(d) Poundsgate Noticeboard
Cllr Partridge informed members that she was hoping that the noticeboard will be in situ by the end of
next week. The company producing it are waiting for the interpretation panel to be sent from DNPA.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Booty & Elliott)
(a) New planning applications/appeals:
Members considered the following applications:
(i) 0041/20 – Construction of manure store/covered feed area at Hatchwell Farm, Widecombe-inthe-
Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 20/0015 – Proposed tree works, Widecombe Green, Widecombe-in-the-Moor
It was noted that this was the Parish Council’s application to fell the sycamore on the Green
which Brian Beasley was referring to in the open forum. After discussion, members agreed
that they are uncomfortable with the risk that the tree poses and agreed that the notice should
not be withdrawn.
(b) Planning Decisions/Withdrawals
The following planning decisions/withdrawals were received:
(i) 0575/19 & 0576/19 – Change of use from existing home office to holiday let, Hatchwell Hall,
Members noted that DNPA has granted conditional planning permission and listed building
(ii) 20/0008 – Proposed Tree Works, The Old Rectory, Widecombe
Members noted that DNPA has not protected the trees with a Tree Preservation Order.
(c) Consultation of the Dartmoor National Park Management Plan
It was agreed that the Dartmoor National Park should be commended for its thoroughness. However,
there was a suggestion that the Plan might prioritise visitors over the needs of residents. It is important
to seek the response of younger people who will be particularly affected by this and their views should
be encouraged.
(Lead Councillors: Cllrs Partridge & Routley)
(a) Payments
Members received and approved the following payments for approval:
• Cheque no 001042 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements (Feb) – £245.09
• Cheque no 001043 – Church House Committee (hire of Church House 2019-20) – £100
(b) Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed to hold this on Thursday 21 May at 7.30pm. The focus of the meeting will be the
Affordable Housing development and Climate Emergency. It was agreed to Mary Ridgeway (TDC) and
Colin Pike (Teign Housing) to talk about the affordable housing and a representative from ACT to
address the meeting on how the parish can positively contribute to the Climate Emergency. The
meeting will be preceded by the Annual Walkabout of the village at 6.30pm which will include the
affordable homes site.
There were no new issues. Members of the parish should be encouraged to report any problems direct to
DCC using the following methods:
Potholes and other highways maintenance issues can be reported direct to DCC:
Telephone: 0345 155 1004
Members are reminded that they have not received the statutory notice of this business to be transacted and
should therefore recognise that any decision made may be taken to be unlawful if challenged in the future
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 2 April 2020 at 7.30pm in
Leusdon Memorial Hall.





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