Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 4th May. 2006
Please note that these minutes have not yet been approved
PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.Newbolt-Young, Mr.Booty, Mrs Came, Mr.Morley Mr.M.Nosworthy, Mr.Pascoe, Mr.Tame and Mrs. Tempest
IN ATTENDANCE:Cllrs. Morgan and Jeffrey, 4 members of the public and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.
(a)Madam Chairman welcomed three representatives from Holne PC and one from Buckfast West who attended the meeting to discuss the issue of the provision of Affordable Housing in small rural communities.
The concern about the lack of such housing had given rise to the setting up of a sub committee to look into ways of overcoming the many problems that stand in the way. Members and the Clerk explained how Widecombe had taken 18 years over the process and how TDC, Hastoe Housing Association and the Parish Council had worked together.
ELECTION OF OFFICERSAll officers re-elected unopposed.
2788MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th April 2006 were first corrected and then approved and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting
(a)O2 Airwave Coverage of Widecombe: the Clerk informed the meeting with regard to correspondence between WPC and LCC (Alan Neale) following the last Parish Council meeting. Two letters have been received; one from the Director of Planning & Sustainable Development at DNPA, Chris France and the other from Chief Superintendent Andy Clarke the Commander  South and West Devon BCU. These two lengthy letters had been E-mailed to the Chairman and Vice Chairman on receipt. The Clerk, at the request of Madam Chairman, distributed copies of these two letters to all Council Members.
After discussion it was decided that 50 copies of the letter from the Chief Superintendent should be duplicated and placed in Widecombe Post Office for members of the community. The Clerk was asked to produce an item for The Parish Link and posters inviting electors to read the three page letter and express their views on the erection of Tetra Mast in Widecombe.
The matter will be dealt with at the next meeting on 1st June.
(b)Storage of Archives:the suggestion that the Parish CouncilÂs Archives should be kept in a filing cabinet to be stored in Church House will be carried forward to the Church House Committee. The Clerk was asked to bring the remaining files to the next meeting.
(c)Widecombe Fair Insurance:the Clerk informed the meeting that he has received a copy of the current insurance document from Mrs.Ann Raymond.
(d) Northall Car Park:Mr.Constant has sent a copy of his letter to DNPA requesting permission to use the car park for traderÂs vehicles on Fair Day.
(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation
(b)Grant of Planning for: Change of use at Foxley for provision of tea room and garden subject to the condition that the number of covers be limited to twenty, opening hours to be 10 am to 6 pm and that there shall be no hot food consumed on or taken away from premises.
Also for a dining room extension at Hannaford Cottage
(c)Refusal of Planning Permission None
(d)0281/06New replacement bungalow at Lower Aish:Council decision to have No Objection
(e)0292/06New slurry store at Great Cator:No Objection
(f)0257/06Erection of timber-frame field shelter at Dockwell Farm:No Objection
(g)Naming of New Property at The Old Rectory, Widecombe to be known as Grey Mares Stable, The Rectory, Widecombe. The Council asked the Clerk to write to DNPA to question whether the stables constituted a separate dwelling.
(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes,
(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Releases, Forum 12.05 agenda & DNPA election results.
(c)DCC:News Round-up
(d)DAPC:envelope of various items.
(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
(a)The monthly map for attention of the Highway Dept. was highlighted for return
Walk-about:as a result of the village inspection the following items were identified;
(i)Trees in the parish field are being stripped by the horses  Mr.Pascoe to consult.
(ii)Horse Chestnut Tree in need of attention:Mr.Tame to investigate.
(iii)White Fence between coach park and Green:Clerk to correspond.
(iv)Toilet and Car Park:Clerk to contact TDC
(v)Barbed Wire Fence between field and path:Clerk to contact owner.
(vi)Broken Drain Cover in Brook Lane:clerk to contact DCC Highways.
(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,168.96
(b)ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for April£292.53
(c)Current AccountBalance at the end of the meeting£1,559.57
(d)WADSG Rospa Inspection Fee£74.03
(e)DAPC Subs£14.00
(f)Income:Precept from TDC£1,688.00
(g)Request from DNPA for 36 copies of Widecombe Guide @ 25p
(h)Zurich Insurance Renewal:checked and accepted
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.