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Parish Council Minutes May 2007

These minutes are unadopted until approved at the succeeding meeting of the Parish Council

PRESENT: Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr.Booty, Mr.Eveleigh, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Searle, Mr.Smerdon & Mr.Tame (Vice Chair)

APOLOGIES: Mrs.Tempest & Mrs Morgan County Cllr

IN ATTENDANCE: One member of the public, PC Andy Dudley, WPC Fran Bennett, District Cllr Jeffrey and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper.


  1. PCs Dudley and Bennett introduced themselves and gave a brief description of the changes to the personnel and management of the service from Chudleigh: Andy is the Neighbourhood Beat Manager for the Moors District Fran the Team Leader. The number of officers has been reduced from 8 to 5 with an increase in three PCSO’s. The Crime report from 1st April:7 reported incidents mostly lost property with only one crime – a break in to a car. Telephone Numbers are:Switch Board:08452 777444.Crime Stoppers0800 555111. E mailFor less urgent matters the E mail can be used.
  2. Members expressed their thanks to Mrs.Phipps for serving as Chairman for six year. Mr.Newbolt-Young made a presentation as those present expressed their appreciation.


  • ChairmanMr.Newbolt-YoungProposed by Mr.Nosworthy Sec. by Mr.Eveleigh
  • Vice ChairMr.Tame ,, Mr.Newbolt-Young ,, Mr.Smerdon
  • Church House CommitteeMrs.Tempest
  • DNPA rep &WDSGMr.Morley
  • Divisional Surveyor Liaison (Highways)Mr.Smerdon
  • DAPCMr.Newbolt-Young

2867MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th April 2007 were approved and signed by the chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.


  1. Hastoe Housing Association:report by Clerk of the meeting with Hastoe HA reps on 10th April. Hastoe hope shortly to make a planning application to complete the building of two further houses at Brook Lane: one three-bed house for rent and one two-bed for part-ownership. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of support for Hastoe use when applying to DNPA.
  2. First Step Homes:a member reported that meetings were still being called even though planning permission has already been refused. There will be a fuller report at the next meeting.


  1. Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
  2. Grant of Planning for: Rugglestone Inn kitchen and store.
  3. Environment Agency:re-application to discharge at Church Lane Head. Members of the Council and public who knew the site and surrounding land well informed the meeting of the difficulties that might arise as a result of sewage discharge at the site. The Clerk was asked to write to the Environment Agency with the details of these difficulties.
  4. Amendments to Pitt Park: windows and chimney.No objection.
  5. 0784/06Refurbishment and alterations to Shortcross Cottage ,,
  6. S106 Agreement between DNPA and Great Cator Farm:information noted/recorded.
  7. O2 Tetra Mast Pre-application consultation from LCC:a proposal to place a mast at Coombe, Glebe Farm was considered. It was noted that the distance of the proposed site was approximately 500 metres from the Primary School and Pre-school group. The Clerk was asked to reply to the effect that, although there was no objection to the mast design and proposed siting there were concerns that there might be health risks for young children being so close to the schools.


  1. TDC:Agendas and Minutes, TALC + News Letter
  2. DNPA:Minutes and Agendas,
  3. DCC:Devontalk, Minerals & Waste DF + Exeter unitary aspirations.
  4. DAPC:envelope of various items including County Cttee Elections.
  5. Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.


  1. Highway Maintenance: map highlighted to show pot holes for DCC.
  2. Mr.Nosworthy expressed a wish to hand on the liaison responsibilities to a new Member of the Council. The Clerk explained the process currently in use. Mr.Smerdon generously offered to be the Council’s liaison representative with DCC Highways engineers.

2872DELEGATES REPORTS: the following reports were made



  1. Widecombe Fair 2007:it was decided that the Council will again ask the Town Criers to perform on the day and the number of competitors should be limited to 12.
  2. It was also decided to pay half of the costs of the P.A. system as successfully used for the first time in 2006.
  3. Litter Bins in the Village:after discussion it was suggested that in the past the presence of litter bins in the village only served to increase litter as the regular emptying of them could not be relied on.
  4. Walk-about:due to inclement weather the walk about before the meeting was postponed until 7.00pm before the next meeting in June.


  1. Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,392.84
  2. Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for April £335.38
  3. Current AccountBalance at the beginning of the meeting£1,964.96
  4. Income:TDC half year precept less DAPC subs=1,785.00
  5. Insurance Renewal schedule approved by Council£212.50
  6. Refreshments and Gifts£53.90
  7. New signatories for the bank accounts =Simon Tame & Trevor Eveleigh.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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