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Parish Council Minutes May 2009


Minutes of the AGM held at Church House, Widecombe on Thurs. 7th May 2009
        ………………………………………………………………………………………  PRESENT                              Mr.Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Mr. Booty, Mr.Morley, Mr.Nosworthy, Mr.Seale, Mr.Smerdon, Mr.Tame, Mrs. Tempest & Mr. Wallace.   APOLOGIES:                        None  IN ATTENDANCE:             County Cllr. Sally Morgan, District Cllr. Mike Jeffrey, five members of the public and the Clerk                                         Peter Roper Tel. 01548 854478                                                New Parish Clerk:              Mrs. Suzanna Hughes     (   PUBLIC COMMENT/POLICING MATTERS    (i)            Thanks were expressed for the help received in keeping supplies going during the bad   weather in February(ii)           DCC gritting: a request made that the lorry goes beyond the village green as far as the  school. The Clerk is to request DCC again.(ii)           It was noted again how bad the road has become between Chittleford and Dunstone.             DCC are fully aware of this problem.  3027       MINUTES:             The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd April 2009 were approved and signed by the                                     chairman as being an accurate account of the meeting.                 ELECTION OF OFFICERS                                                   Chairman:              Mr. Newbolt-Young – Prop by Cllr. Tame, sec. by Cllr. Nosworthy.                                                Vice Chairman:      Mr. Tame – Proposed by Cllr. Morley, seconded by Cllr. Tempest.                                                 All other posts retained as previous year.                                                Communications Officer: Cllr. Wallace agreed to take care of the notice board and receive                                      verbal communications from the public.                                  3028        MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES   (a)           Appointment of Clerk:       Mrs Suzanna Hughes was welcomed by the chairman.                There had been four applicants for the post and Suzanna was congratulated on her success. She will                 start on 1st June and will receive a NALC contract of employment with 20 hrs. per month on SCP 22                 NALC pay rate currently (2008/9) £10.097 with 0.5% pay rise pending for (2009/10).                 Transfer of documents will take place on 14th May at 47, Embankment Road, Kinsbridge.(b)           Walk-about Inspection:      items requiring attention: (i)            Chairman is to speak with owners of 2, Manor Cottages about the chain next to the Well.(ii)          Clerk to write to DNPA about extending the village conservation area as far as Kingshead Gate. (iii)          North Hall: Clerk to write to NP about both the gate entrance & the footbridge rail & gate(iv)          Parish Field: Chairman to finalize the work & payment for the work on the fence & gate. (c)           Post Office Meeting on 08.04.09:    the Chairman reported on the visit to Widecombe of the National Organisations. This was organised by DCC to illustrate ‘the entrepreneurial spirit within the community and             the way in which they have come together to ensure that local people can continue to access Post Office services. Cllr. Wallace pointed out that the Post Mistress has a 3 year contract but this contract includes             a clause for closure of the Post Office outreach service with only 12 weeks notice. This outreach service             is  from Bovey Tracey Post Office. The police have been involved in sorting out scurity matters.   (d)           Fair Day 2009:     after receiving a request from David Crocker, Secretary to Widecombe Fair Committee           , it was decided to agree that the arrangements for the Council’s contributions to costs shall be the same             as last year. However, a request should be made to the Committee, that WPC receive 50% of the income             from the fees charged to the coaches that visit on Fair Day. This will be raised by Cllrs. Smerdon & Morley             with the committee members at the next meeting.(e)         History Group Request:  the WDHG our currently up dating the constitution. This up date has been              submitted to the WPC because of the inclusion of the Council on the constitution. This amendment was              read out and fully supported by those present. The Clerk will inform Roger Claxton of this decision.      3029        PLANNING  (a)           Weekly lists now available on line – this has not been the case for several months due to a computer            problem at the NP.(b)           Grant of Planning for:          Garden Shed at Shortcross Cottage. (c)           Refusal of Planning:            for the chair sculpture at Higher Natsworthy.(d)           East Shallowford Farm and Stone Facing at Great Cator Farm – minor amendments. (e)           0158/09 LB:            Alterations and extensions at Blackslade Manor: The Council objected to this                application on grounds of overdevelopment and change of character of a Listed Building. (f)            Appeal by Airwave: date now postponed from 12th August 2009 to a date 15th Sept – 30th Oct ’09.(g)           0148/09: New single glazed window at Tunhill Farm:    Decision of the Council was to Support. (h)           0178/09:                  Replacement Stables at Field adjacent to Grattons –            ditto.  3030        CORRESPONDENCE           placed for circulation:   (a)           TDC:       Agendas and Minutes, E.U. and County Elections 4th June ’09.(b)           DNPA:   Minutes and Agendas 1st May 09, Forum 22/05 & Haytor Hoppa.             (c)           DCC:       Devon in Touch x2 Devontalk, Money Matters + Boundary Committee up date.            (d)           DAPC:    Newsletter,             (e)           Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.  3031        HIGHWAYS                 (a)           Highways Maintenance:     the Clerk to write to DCC about the weakness of quality control.                 3032        DELEGATES REPORTS                      None   3033        MATTERS AT DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN                               (a)           It was reported that the work on the Apportionment Map is nearly complete. The Council should now concentrate on how to market the CD’s for the Tithe Map and the Register.   3034        FINANCE                  (a)           Balance Carried forward deposit account       £4,833.92                  (b)           Clerk’s Salary and Disbursements for April      £295.83                (c)           Current Account Balance at the beginning of the meeting £3,215.60                 (d)           Annual Accounts signed off ready for external audit by Audit Commission                (e)           Hire of Hall:           13 months to end of March ’09 24hrs @ £4/hr £96.00                 (f)            Annual Parish Meeting refreshments   £36.71                (g)           Interview costs  £36.00                 (h)           Repair of Gate and fence at Parish Field  £750.00                             There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.  Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….                                     THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 4th June 2009  
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of
the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.

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