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Parish Council Minutes May 2010

Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Thursday 6th May 2010
in the Church House, Widecombe Present: Councillors Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Morley, Nosworthy, Seale, Smerdon, Tame, Tempest and Wallace.In attendance: County Cllr Gribble, DNPA Ranger Bill Allen. Clerk: Suzanna HughesPresent: 7 members of the public. OPEN FORUMThree members of the public wished to explain their requests for funding which would be discussed at item 3144 (c).
  • Abby Evans, Chair of Widecombe Pre-School
Explained that the pre-school is currently experiencing a dip in numbers creating a shortfall in income. They have applied to DCC for sustainability funding but the response has not been encouraging. Funding is needed for running costs (approx £2,500 until the end of the school year).
  • Tim Hassell, Tug-of-War Club
Hoping to hold an event in July for which funding is required. Currently having to ask younger members to pay.
  • Claire Partridge, Widecombe & District Sports Club. 
Need replacement and new items including new cargo net for the play area. Current account is running at a deficit.  3137     APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCENone received. 3138     ELECTION OF OFFICERS            (a)        Chairman Cllr Nosworthy proposed that Cllr Newbolt-Young be re-elected as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Wallace with all in agreement.            (b)        Vice-Chairman Cllr Booty proposed that Cllr Tame be re-elected as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Tempest with all in agreement.            (c)        Communications Office                         Cllr Wallace agreed to continue as Communications Officer.(d)           Other delegates None.3139     DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded of their responsibility to update their Notice of Registerable Interests and were invited to state whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be discussed during this meeting.Cllr Tempest declared her interest in all items relating to Leusdon Memorial Hall, Widecombe & District Sports Group and Leusdon Church. Cllr Smerdon declared his interest in items relating to the Tug-of-War club.3140     RATIFICATION OF MINUTES It was noted that Cllr Tempest was present at the meeting and Cllr Tame was absent. After these amendments were made the minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 1st April 2010 were approved by all present and duly signed as a true and correct record.3141     POLICE REPORT No crime report.3142     COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Agreed to speak with DNPA about the planning concerns relating to Foxley as identified on the walk-about.Cllr Gribble also reported that he is considering a grant application made to him from Widecombe Pre-School. 3143     DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORTNo report. 3144     MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES(a)        Walk-about-inspection             The following items were either noted or required action:

Points raised Action
Chestnut on Village Green – branches growing out To be watched over next couple of years.
Metal seats around trees on the Village Green Parish Council to discuss
Request for Plastic Recycling skip in car park Clerk to contact TDC.
Ladies WC in need of cleaning Clerk to contact TDC
Brook Lane Cottages – repairs to rendering and repainting have been brought forward Noted
Rumour that the field opposite Brook Lane Cottages has been sold to First Step Homes Noted
Bridge to play area – DNPA has fixed the railings Noted
New gate to play area made by Caroline Bowden Noted
New sign for ‘Path to Grimspound via Hameldown’ Noted
ROSPA inspection found no major failings Claire Partridge to send clerk a copy of the report
Planings which were delivered by DCC last year have improved the car park entrance Noted
Tug of war team – have installed a new rack Noted
Fencing and gate to tug of war area is in need of repair/replacement Parish Council to discuss
Conservation Area – has this been extended to include the area opposite the car park? Clerk to check
Ditch running to the stream opposite the entrance to the Old Inn car park is in need of clearing Clerk to contact lengthsman
Building work at Foxley – check whether permission is required/granted County Cllr Gribble to speak with DNPA
Gas lamp outside the Shop on the Green – still not working and in need of cleaning Clerk to contact Highways.
Parking signs on the low wall in the centre of the village have disappeared. Believed to belong to the National Trust. Clerk to contact The National Trust
Post has come down on the land near the well Landowner’s responsibility
Curb stones on the stream are beginning to fall in Clerk to contract Highways
(b)        Car park boundary wall and hedge The clerk reported that she had contacted Andy Lumgair, Design Engineer at TDC, to find out whether the quotes for the repairs to the boundary wall had been received yet and had been informed that they were in the process of being obtained. The item was therefore deferred until the quotes had been received.(c)        Grants – to consider applications made to the Parish Council             The clerk summarised that five applications had been made to the Parish Council:§ Widecombe Pre-School § Leusdon Memorial Hall§ Tug-of-War Club § Widecombe & District Sports Group§ St Pancras Whilst representation had been made by each group which required different levels of funding, Cllr Smerdon proposed that the £1,731 available be split equally between the applicants so that each received £346.20 each. This was seconded by Cllr Nosworthy with all in agreement.Cllr Wallace suggested that St Pancras were notified that this would not be an annual grant but applications would be considered on an annual basis.On a separate issue, the Chairman advised members that Roger Claxton has asked for the Parish Council’s approval to copy the digitalised maps for local people. The History Group would take a small sum and the Parish Council would take a royalty. Members had no objections although Cllr Morley suggested that there could be issues with licensing associated with the software used to view the map. (d)        Car-parking – grace period for users of the Post Office            The clerk reported that having contacted Sue Edwards she wished to reassure members that the CEOs are all aware of the 10 minute grace period for all users of the Post Office.  This is an informal arrangement and is not documented.  It was set up to support the new arrangement when the previous Post Office was closed in order to add support to Widecombe’s sustainable and economic vitality TDC is aware of the fact that on occasions some customers park up in the coach bays, as in the winter these are closer to the Post Office and not used.  This might have been why the CEO asked for the vehicle to be moved.  As the summer season approaches the CEO’s have been asked to ensure that users do park appropriately in the inner car bays.  They are also able to give some small allowance on the 10 minute time frame in times when the demand on the Post Office facility is high. (e)        Part-night lighting – DCC consultationDevon County Council has invited comments about the proposal to convert nearly all lighting to part-night operation switching off between 00.30am and 05.30am. There are two lamps is Widecombe. Members had no objections to the proposal.               3145     PLANNING(a)        New applications/appeals                         (i)         Bowden Barn                                    Appeal against refusal of permission.                                     It was agreed that the Parish Council would not make any additional comments.            (b)        Decisions (i)         0083/10 – Bagpark, WidecombeReplacement single storey outbuilding to provide garaging, machinery store, hay and log stores Granted conditionally.(ii)            0120/10 – Land at Dunstone (Field No 6418), Widecombe Erection of agricultural building (9m x 6m)Application withdrawn. 3146     CORRESPONDENCE(a)        DNPA Forum – 28th May at 2.15pm in the Meeting Room at Parke (b)        Dartmoor Access Forum – Annual Report 2009(c)        The Flyer – Teignbridge CVS (d)        TDC – Standards Committee- agenda/minutes(e)        DNPA – Agenda – Development Management Committee 7th May (f)         DNPA – Agenda – Meeting 7th May3147     HIGHWAYS                  (a)        Maintenance/Pothole map:            Potholes were marked on the map to be sent to DCC. Clerk also to alert Highways about broken ford at Ponsworthy Splash which is in need of repair.(b)        No other issues were raised. 3148     DELEGATES REPORTSNone. 3149     MATTERS OF INFORMATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN            No further matters. 3150     FINANCE            (a)        Payments for approval: § Cheque no 000698 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements for April – £245.65 § Cheque no 000699 – Matt Storrs – £124.07 § Cheque no 000700 – Community First – Renewal of Insurance – £258.44(The clerk explained that a premium of £21.00 had been included in the policy for the first time to cover Commercial Legal Expenses. It was agreed that this be kept in). (b)        Income received:           § First instalment of precept (less DALC subscription £110.38) – £2639.62 (c)        Account balances as at 30 April 2010 were noted:§ Current account – £4067.54 § Deposit account – £4834.38                                                                   (d)           To agree and sign off the accounts for year ending 31 March 2010: The clerk summarised the end of year financial position of the Parish Council and invited members to approve the accounts for year ending March 2010 and to agree and sign sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Return. This was agreed. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.58pm.  Signed     …………………………………………..         Dated     ……………………………………….
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend any Parish Council Meeting and make comment at the start of the meeting which begins at 7.30 pm.


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