Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 3 May 2018 in Church House, Widecombe
Present: Councillor Newbolt-Young (Chairman), Booty, Fenton, Hassell, Lomax, Morley, Southcombe
Also present: County Cllr Gribble
Members of the Public: There were four members of the public (and a dog) present.
Clerk: Suzanna Hughes
It was proposed by Cllr Morley, seconded by Cllr Hassell and unanimously agreed by all members present and voting that Cllr Newbolt-Young is re-elected as Chairman.
It was proposed by Cllr Hassell, seconded by Cllr Fenton and unanimously agreed by all members present and voting that Cllr Booty is re-elected as Vice Chairman.
• Cllr Routely
• Cllr Welby
• District Cllr Jeffery
A parishioner advised that he had submitted a planning application which the Parish Council would discussing at item 4285 and would be happy to clarify any details about the application, if required.
Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and to declare any disclosable interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a Councillor would have been aware of such before the meeting. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
(a) Members received the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 April 2018 which were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
(b) Members received the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 15 March 2018 which were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
No report.
Cllr Gribble advised that he had looked into the issue raised at the Annual Parish Meeting regarding the two cattle grids on the Natsworthy road and sheep becoming trapped and there was nothing which can be done about it. He advised that he will establish ownership of the leat opposite the tennis court with the highways department.
No report.
Cllr Fenton informed members that he had attended a meeting of the Church House Committee. The lightbulbs have been replaced downstairs and further new lighting is planned. The Committee has agreed that it has every intention to continue using Church House as a community facility even if a new village hall is built. The Committee has a healthy bank balance and its finances are secure at the moment.
(a) Community Housing Project
Members were advised that the TDC’s Housing Enabling Officer had attended a site meeting with Homes England. She advised that she would like to arrange a meeting with a Housing Working Group
along with representatives of Teign Housing and Teignbridge District Council. The focus of the meeting would be housing mix (size), tenure (e.g. rent/self-build) and key principles behind a local
lettings agreement. It was agreed that Cllr Hassell would take the lead on this along with Ed Lamb and would liaise directly with Mary to arrange a meeting on 4 June. Other interested parties would also be invited.
(b) Maintenance of hedge and bank adjacent to leat opposite the tennis court After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that ownership of the leat had to be established before any further action could be agreed. Whilst it was considered that it is likely to be no man’s land, it was agreed to carry out a Land Registry Search to establish ownership. It was also agreed that Historic England should be contacted as it might be a feature which they would list should it have sufficient historic interest. Cllr Fenton suggested that the Parish Council might wish to think about registering unregistered parcels of land in the parish to protect them for the future. It was noted that the process of first registration is lengthy and that certain facts have to be established. Cllr Fenton agreed that he would look into this and report at a future meeting.
(c) Leusdon Summer Funday Members received and approved a request from Leusdon Church to use the village green on Tuesday 14 August for their summer fun day.
(d) Village walkabout
It was agreed to hold the village walkabout on Thursday 7 June commencing at 6.30pm from outside Church House. This would be followed by the Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm.
(a) New applications/appeals
(i) 0200/18 – Erection of shed at Grendon Lodge, Widecombe-in-the-Moor Members agreed to support this application.
(ii) 0177/18 – Replacement plaster to walls and ceilings, replacement outside light and removal of render together with re-pointing at Honeysuckle Cottage, Ponsworthy Members agreed they had no objections to this application.
(iii) 0175/18 – Replacement agricultural building for livestock at Glebe Farm, Widecombe-in-the- Moor Members agreed to support this application.
(b) Decisions
No decisions were reported.
(c) Withdrawn
(i) 0125/18 – Construction of agricultural livestock building at Great Dunstone, Widecombe
Members noted that this application has been withdrawn.
(a) It was agreed that Cllr Fenton would monitor the trees in the parish.
(b) It was agreed that Cllr Welby would represent the Parish Council on the Widecombe Fair Committee
(c) It was agreed that Cllr Morley would represent the Parish Council on the Widecombe & District Sports Group.
(d) It was agreed that Cllr Southcombe represent the Parish Council on the Educational Trust.
(e) It was agreed that Cllr Fenton would represent the Parish Council on the Church House Committee.
(f) It was agreed that Cllr Booty would represent the parish’s highways issues.
(g) It was agreed to write to Miles Fursdon thanking him for his efforts as Snow Warden and to confirm whether he wishes to continue with this role.
(h) It was agreed that Cllr Fenton would monitor the number of sandbags in the store and order
additional sandbags when required.
(i) It was agreed that Cllr Southcombe would continue to check the defibrillator.
(a) Standing Orders
Members received new model Standing Orders which incorporate or reference requirements of new legislation that has been introduced over the last five years. It was agreed to adopt the updated
version as presented.
(b) Financial Regulations
Members received new model Financial Regulations which incorporate or reference requirements of new legislation that has been introduced over the last three years.
(c) General and Financial Risk Assessment
Members received the General and Financial Risk Assessment incorporating the following minor amendments: – Under ‘assets’, the defibrillator and sandbag store have been referenced. – Under ‘admin’, GDPR has been referenced.These updates were approved.
(d) Statement of Internal Control
Members received the Statement of Internal Control incorporated the following minor amendments:
– Correction to bank name
– Correction to internal auditor’s details
– Reference to The Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) Regulations 2015
(e) Fixed Assets Register
Members reviewed its fixed asset register and agreed that the register accurately reflected the Parish Council’s assets.
(f) Investment Strategy
Members reviewed its Investment Strategy and agreed no amendments.
(g) Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy
Members reviewed its Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy and agreed no amendments
(h) Complaints Procedure
Members reviewed its Complaints Procedure and agreed no amendments.
4288 GDPR
(a) Members received and approved the following Privacy Notices to be posted on the parish website:
(i) The General Privacy Notice
(ii) The Privacy Notice for Staff, Councillors and Role Holders
(b) Members were advised that the government has tabled an amendment to its own Data Protection Bill
to exempt all parish and town councils from the requirement to appoint a Data Protection Officer under the GDPR the need to appoint a Data Protection Officer.
(a) Payments
Members received and approve payments for approval:
⪠Cheque no 000981 – Clerk’s salary and disbursements – £229.45
⪠Cheque no 000982 – G Partridge (works to beech tree on the green) – £150
⪠Cheque no 000983 – Lee Accounting (South West) Ltd (internal audit) – £108
(b) Audit 2017/18
(i) Members received and noted the year end bank reconciliation.
(ii) Members received and noted the internal audit report and confirmed that this Council is confident that the internal audit arrangements provide excellent reassurance for the public that the financial systems are robust and fit for purpose and to continue with the appointment of Lee Accounting (South West) Ltd as the internal auditor to the Parish Council.
(iii) Members agreed that this Council is exempt from a limited assurance review under s9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and authorised the Chairman and Clerk to sign the Certificate of Exemption.
(iv) Members completed and approved Section 1 of the Annual Return (Annual Governance Statement 2017/18).
(v) Members received, approved and authorised the Chairman and Clerk to sign Section 2 of the Annual Return (Accounting Statements 2017/18).
(c) Insurance
Members received the insurance renewal quotation from Community First at a total cost of £192.56. It was agreed to accept the quotation.
(d) National Salary Award 2018-20
Members received and noted the new pay scales for 2018-20 to be implemented from 1 April 2018 and 1 April 2019 respectively.
It was observed that there was still no signage at Newbridge warning drivers about the CCTV cameras.
(a) Members noted changes to the DNPA Ranger service. Rob Steemson will replace Bill Allen covering this parish.
(b) Members received an email from the Church House Committee regarding the organisation and impact on the community of a running event held in the village in February. They were further advised that the Church House Committee had written to the organisers asking them to inform the Parish Council of any further events which would impact the community. Particular concerns were parking, congestion in the centre of the village and impact on local businesses. After discussion, it was agreed to thank the Church House Committee for informing the Parish Council of the issues and to ask that they advise the Parish Council of any future events.
(c) Members received a letter of thanks from Leusdon Memorial Hall for the grant awarded by the Parish Council.
(a) Members were advised that details of the owner of the vehicle involved in an accident on the green which had dislodged one of the boundary stones had been obtained from the police and a letter had been sent to the owner of the vehicle regarding reinstatement of the stone. No response had yet been received from either the owner or their insurers. (b) Cllr Booty commented on the parking on Lent Hill, before Holne Bridge, where canoeists are parking. This is sending vehicles on to the other side of the road which is dangerous. It was agreed that the clerk would write to PC Dudley.
(c) Members were advised that the Dartmoor Discovery running event is being held on the first Saturday in June. Marshalls will be employed to clean up litter etc but the organisers are keen to hear of any problems or concerns following the event.
(d) Cllr Fenton informed members that the church is looking into organising a party/meal to ommemorate 100 years since the armistice.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.21pm.
Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………………….
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 7 June 2018 at 7.30pm.
Please note that on the same evening there will also be a walkabout of the village commencing at
6.30pm from Church House.