Minutes of the Meeting held at Church House, Widecombe on Thursday 3rd Nov. 2005
PRESENT: Mrs.M.Phipps (Madam Chairman), Mr.Newbolt-Young, Mr.S.Booty, Mrs.Came Mr.S.Morley, Mr.M.Nosworthy and Mr.Pascoe.
APOLOGIES: Mrs.Tempest.
IN ATTENDANCE:Cllr.Mrs.Sally Morgan and the Clerk Mr.P.Roper (Tel. 01548 854478)
2748MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th October 2005 were signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record of the meeting.
(a)The Clerk was asked to contact WBW Solicitors at County Chambers, Exeter and ask that they check their records. The reply requested a copy of all documentation held by the Clerk as the Solicitors have destroyed the original file. A search will be necessary to find out what exactly is registered at the Land Registry.
(b)Widecombe Fair Review: the Clerk confirmed that Mr.&Mrs.Raymond will attend the February WPC meeting. Mr.Morley agreed to invite the Chairman plus one other from the Fair Committee. There appeared to be no certainty as to the likely cost of the police attendance. The Clerk is to write to make clear that WPC needs to know before setting the Precept in January.
(c)North Hall Playing Field/Widecombe and District Sports Group: a reply from Mrs.Claxton indicated that, with the CouncilÂs support the Group would be applying for a grant from Rural Aid to help with the refurbishment of the tennis court lighting.
(d)Airwave O2 Ltd Proposed Telecom Development at Widecombe: the Clerk read the reply from the County Solicitor regarding the ownership of the strip of land on which the proposed mast is to be sited. It would appear that there is no registered ownership but that DCC Highways maintain said parcel of land and have no objection to the mast and equipment being fixed at this spot. Mr.Newbolt-Young informed the meeting that he has been active and produced a lot of information including, with the help of Mr.Morley, a picture of the site with an imposed simulation of the mast and equipment. This together with other relevant data has been circulated in the community and copies sent to DNPA. The Senior Planning Officer has postponed responding to the Planning Application from O2 Ltd in order that time be given to gather all relevant information. There was a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of the issues involved. There seemed to more than one alternative solution to providing telephone coverage in the village and also across the Moors as a whole. It was agreed that the Council would not support the Planning Application to site the mast on the proposed site at the heart of the village.
(a)Weekly Lists sent weekly to the Chairman and placed for circulation.
(b)Grant of Planning for:The creation of a gateway from a Field at the top of Southcombe Hill.
(c)0797/05 Certificate of Lawfulness for breach of condition on 05/06/0477/78 restricting use as holiday accommodation only at Widecombe Manor Cottage, Bagpark Estate. Decision of Council is to have ÂNo ObjectionÂ
(d)0362/04: Two linked houses, detached garage and new entrance at church Lane Head Amendments to approved plans:Decision  ÂNo CommentÂ
(e)0821/05Construction of raised flower beds and seating area at Lake Farm: ÂNo ObjectionÂ
(f)Notice of objection sent to both WPC and DNPA regarding residential use of a caravan in the car park of the Old Inn. The Clerk was asked to write to DNPA to confirm this objection.
(a)TDC:Agendas and Minutes, street plans, war memorial grants, guide to NHS Services, CVS Annual Review and TDC Recycling Plan 2005-2010.
(b)DNPA:Minutes and Agendas, News Releases, Local Development Framework Issues  taken by Mr.Newbolt-Young for response.
(c)DCC:Monthly News Round-up.
(d)DAPC:Election for the one vacancy on the Devon Committee. Two candidates standing viz. Mr.K.R.Jones and Mr.W.Protheroe. Votes in favour of Mr.Jones: For 5 Against 0 Abstentions 2.
(e)Various other Magazines/Documents plus above all placed for circulation to Councillors.
(a)The monthly map for attention of the Highway Dept. was highlighted for return.
(b)The reply from last monthÂs letter indicated that the replacement of the boulders at the bottom of Bone Hill will be attended to shortly.
(c)There was a general discussion about the poor state of road maintenance. The Clerk was asked to send a copy of this monthÂs correspondence with DCC Highways to Sally Morgan so that she could take the matter up with Mr.Chorlton at County Hall. A copy is also to be sent to the Chairman of DNPA asking for comments as to what might be done to improve the situation.
(a)History Group:the matter of the Fire Proof box was raised. It was felt essential that the purchase of such a store should be researched post haste. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr.Beard to get more detail about the requirements and possible funding.
(b)Post Boxes:the Chairman raised the matter of the rumoured removal of a number of post boxes in the area. No one had any definite information.
(a)Balance Carried forward deposit account£5,071.80
(b)ClerkÂs Salary and Disbursements for October £278.01
(c)Current AccountBalance at 31.10.05£1,862.37
(d)VAT reclaimed 20.04.04 Â 30.09.05£189.44
(e)Audit Commission annual fee£141.00
(f)Search Fee for Commons Registration£5.88
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20 pm.